JTAG Xbox 360


Full Member
Jan 18, 2009
I've a spare Xbox360 sitting in my room the last few months that I can't even give away for some reason. I'm pretty sure it's exploitable, so can anyone give me tips on how to jtag, or direct me to a good tutorial? It all looks so tedious on the random pages I've searched
I'll take it off your hands, PM me, al give you a few quid for it.
I just want to see what this homebrew lark is about. I already have my dmain console flashed, but I want to mess about with this spare

Mess about with a spare?!

I'd pay to take it off your hands old mucca.
Yuuup, I'd love to see their accounts. See what they're doing with all that money.

Anyone got any tips??
As said BB, have you looked on sevensins about JTAG's?

Se7enSins Community Homepage

Don't talk bullshit! Sony gave people Linux and nobody did feck all with it, and A LOT could have been done with it, even XBMC, it was only when Game OS became compromised that people had any interest.

As I said, bullshit!

A flashed xbox allows you to play downloaded games. A Jtagged xbox is a whole different thing.