John Butler Trio


"It's like..."
Apr 1, 2004
Anyone else heard of/like these?

Just been reminded of them by my ipod, and feel they should be brought to the caf's attention for praise, or ridicule, if you prefer. It's like Tom Petty, except...funky;

John Butler also seems to be slightly better at guitar than me

I used to live in Perth, WA, where he went to Uni. He used to gig around the area. JBT is pretty popular over there.
Can't stand him/them for some reason. Too pseudo hippy perhaps? I don't know but I turn the radio over when they are on.
Can't stand him/them for some reason. Too pseudo hippy perhaps? I don't know but I turn the radio over when they are on.

He does appear to be a a bit of a hippy, but meh. Most decent musicians either seem to be hippy weirdos, slightly mental, or just cnuts, so what can you do?

Plus the sound's a bit different to anything else I listen to, which is nice.

Free love?
I like Funky Tonight and Zebra.

Not sure about Ocean. It's a fantastic piece of music, but I listened to it after a few hundred people babbled about it's brilliance, and when you listen to something that's been so highly talked about it's bound not to live up to the hype. :(