Jim Jeffries

It wasn't staged but whats of more concern is that he's a big feckin Aussie who can't fight, I thought i'd never see the day myself.

Most Aussies can't fight. I think him getting the machete in the head whilst he was living in Manchester is the bigger story though.
Most Aussies can't fight. I think him getting the machete in the head whilst he was living in Manchester is the bigger story though.

Hadn't heard that one. Just googled it.

This bit is great.

Jefferies explained that the cops caught the intruders and pretty much nailed them for everything, including grievous bodily harm, aggravated robbery and attempted rape.

"They also got 'em for possession of drugs, which was brilliant because they were my drugs," he says of the little bag of weed the robbers took from his house. Later, when the police questioned him about the drugs, explaining that his fingerprints were all over the bag, Jefferies replied, "They made me touch it."
Oh and by the way that video in the openning post is heavily edited to take out most of the offensive comments he made about the Irish guy who took a swing at him. Here is the full version used during his stage show with the midly offensive parts around 11:30 in:

He's fantastic. I will eventually get bored of him, like I do most comedians, but right now he's my fave.
I saw him at the Frog and Bucket in Manchester about 6-7 years ago. He ripped the piss out of my boss's wife. "I'd cum on your face but it'd strip the fake tan" or something like that. Served him and his girlfriend a few days later in the shop where I worked. His onstage misery seemed not to be an act in any way.

Not seen any of his material for a few years but always found him pretty funny.