Jersey Shore


Full Member
Jul 21, 2008
2012don, WTF is don?
This show signifies the downfall of America. Like Caligula fecking a horse, it is a harbinger of a doomed empire.

My favorite is JWoww, she's a filthy whore. You'd probably have to double-bag it to prevent the super STDs from burning your cock off, but it would be worth it.

Watched 5 minutes and I couldn't stand it any longer. I hope this show doesn't convince even more douchebags that Jersey is the place for them.

Incidentally, my friend is related to Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing for him.
That sobbing sound you hear is Jesus, Buddha, Shiva and Mohammed in a group hug and consoling each other because they died for this.
Watched 5 minutes and I couldn't stand it any longer. I hope this show doesn't convince even more douchebags that Jersey is the place for them.

Incidentally, my friend is related to Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing for him.

The Situation, what a useless nickname :wenger:
Watched 5 minutes and I couldn't stand it any longer. I hope this show doesn't convince even more douchebags that Jersey is the place for them.

Incidentally, my friend is related to Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing for him.
That's a bad thing for him. I watched a few minutes of an episode, and at the end of every sentence he says, 'and that's the situation'. fecking idiot.
I wished they would have shown Snookie getting punched
tbh, anyone that watches more than 5 minutes of that drivel doesn't deserve to complain about it.
it won't last long if no one watches it.
This show signifies the downfall of America. Like Caligula fecking a horse, it is a harbinger of a doomed empire.

My favorite is JWoww, she's a filthy whore. You'd probably have to double-bag it to prevent the super STDs from burning your cock off, but it would be worth it.

Surely she is a man...
I hope it makes people like those starring in it realize that Jersey is their true home. Once they all move there, we can wall it off from the rest of the United States. Some parts of it are ok, but taking the train from Edison/Metro Park to NY is like going into a Soviet city mixed with the Watchmen.
"You better be hittin' the gym & if you're not hittin' the gym for like an hour or so, you know, you may have a problem. Ok, cause I'm at the gym for like an hour-and-a-half.. ya know?.. workin' on my fitness." - The Situation
"As far as I know, everybody loves The Situation. And if you don't, I'm going to make you love The Situation."

*"I'm hookin' up with my girl, Pauly's hookin' up with his girl, and, uh,
we're gonna have sex. So, you know, that's the Situation."* —*the Situation*
It was in a commercial for an episode. Which then got picked up by news shows. An outcry went out to MTV to not show it. But by that point, it'd already been shown hundreds of time on various shows. So to prevent it being shown, they showed in more times.

I don't know what's more grotesque: MTV displaying "standards" after all the shit they show, or MTV's audience displaying "standards" after all the shit they watched on MTV.
I hope it makes people like those starring in it realize that Jersey is their true home. Once they all move there, we can wall it off from the rest of the United States. Some parts of it are ok, but taking the train from Edison/Metro Park to NY is like going into a Soviet city mixed with the Watchmen.

:nono: I've lived in Jersey all my life, and only a very small percentage of the people I've met are guido/guidette douchebags. Jersey's great.. honestly. :nervous:
:nono: I've lived in Jersey all my life, and only a very small percentage of the people I've met are guido/guidette douchebags. Jersey's great.. honestly. :nervous:

One of the best views of NJ is from Manhattan at around sunset, but you have to A: be on at least the 15th floor of a building (preferably higher), and B: lucky with the timing. What happens is you can sometimes see planes coming in for landing approach at LGA and JFK and they look like stars on the still-bright horizon because of the sun glinting off their bellies. This only works if you're high up enough to get that light from the setting sun reflected right at you instead of over your head as it would be if you were on the ground. It doesn't last for very long (ten, fifteen minutes or so) but it's a very interesting sight.

And yeah, disappointed to see someone who makes such thoughtful posts stoop to populist Jersey-bashing when every state has its areas like the ones he described.
"As far as I know, everybody loves The Situation. And if you don't, I'm going to make you love The Situation."

*"I'm hookin' up with my girl, Pauly's hookin' up with his girl, and, uh,
we're gonna have sex. So, you know, that's the Situation."* —*the Situation*

Talking in such a manner is deserving of death

:nono: I've lived in Jersey all my life, and only a very small percentage of the people I've met are guido/guidette douchebags. Jersey's great.. honestly. :nervous:

New Jersey is great, I enjoy hanging out there when I need to get away from the city. Newark is horrible though.
And yeah, disappointed to see someone who makes such thoughtful posts stoop to populist Jersey-bashing when every state has its areas like the ones he described.

But Jersey-bashing is 1)fun and 2) easy. It's like bashing the South or Midwest, or Commiefornia. People don't do it because they really don't like the place...
But Jersey-bashing is 1)fun and 2) easy. It's like bashing the South or Midwest, or Commiefornia. People don't do it because they really don't like the place...

But Jersey-Bashing is 1). Fun & 2). Easy = You are incredibly fecking lame for reaching for the 'Easy' dig.

Happens to be my hometown (Well, a few beaches up from my hometown). I used to DJ in two of the nightclubs in Seaside. In 30 or more years, it hasn't changed one bit.
last night's episode was mega. holy shite. you fools need to watch it prontissimo.

That kid Ronny got a bunch of good shots on the local boy looking for a fight. He got it! :p:lol:

While I was up there over this past summer, seeing family ~ I brought home a newspaper front page about the Seaside Heights police dept. that brutally beat people to a literal pulp. They have a long standing reputation for beating up trouble makers, going back more than 60 years. I'll try and scan it and post, tomorrow. (With photos of pulp-heads)

Couldn't help but think that the frat-boy that punched little Snickers in the mout had been put through the meat grinder in the station house.
I like that girl Snookie reminds me of how Marcy Runkle from Californication could've been when she was younger. She is utterly stupid though and more white trash than Marcy.

mmmm....Doogie and Snookie sitting in a tree....:drool:
As promised... This is what laid in store for the Frat-Boy that hit little 'Snickers'.


This second scan isn't perfect but you'll get the gist of it... (The article is no longer on the internet. Figured it wouldn't be on the net for long. It's why I saved the paper)

only watched it once
snookie got smacked by some bloke in a bar