James Bond - Who Was The Best?

Scoreboard Red

New Member
May 29, 2009
In bed with Berbatov's dad
OK, let's have a chat about Bond, James Bond; 007, Licence to Kill.

Since his inception into the big screen with Dr No, there have been six James Bond actors (not including David Niven).

Let's decide who was the best Bond based on these categories which you, the Bond fans, can tally and vote on;

1. Suaveness
2. Best adventures
3. Women shagged
4. Gadgets/cars
5. Villains faced
6. Length of cock you'd imagine him to have.

Here are the Bonds;

Sean Connery


George Lazenby


Roger Moore


Timothy Dalton


Pierce Brosnan


Daniel Craig

OK, let's have a chat about Bond, James Bond; 007, Licence to Kill.

Since his inception into the big screen with Dr No, there have been six James Bond actors (not including David Niven).

Let's decide who was the best Bond based on these categories which you, the Bond fans, can tally and vote on;

1. Suaveness
2. Best adventures
3. Women shagged
4. Gadgets/cars
5. Villains faced
6. Length of cock you'd imagine him to have.

Here are the Bonds;

Sean Connery


George Lazenby


Roger Moore


Timothy Dalton


Pierce Brosnan


Daniel Craig


1. Suaveness: Timothy Dalton. Very Suave
2. Best adventures: Roger Moore
3. Women shagged: Craig
4. Gadgets/cars: Pierce Brosnan
5. Villains faced: Lazenby
6. Length of cock you'd imagine him to have. Sean Connery 48 inches.
They've been having a James Bond film on every week on Aussie TV for a bit now and they're up to Live and Let Die last night, just got me back thinking about when I was a kid when it seemed a James Bond film was on every night of the summer holidays in the late Eighties, early Nineties.
For me, Roger Moore WAS James Bond, he was witty, camp, horny, funny, suave, slow-as-feck when he ran but was just sheer brilliant.
I imagine his cock was enormous, and it got stuck up some belters too in Jane Seymour, a few afro-haired black girls, Octopussy and he probably shagged that little Nik-Nak too you know.
I liked Roger Moore the best too but this could be something of an age issue really. Moore was Bond when I was younger and I associate the brand with his face.
Brosnan was Bond when I grew up, I've not really seen many with Connery in but I hear he's the best.
Brosnan was the best Bond....but he only got one good film, his greatness carried two to being watchable though, DAD was pretty bad.
They've been having a James Bond film on every week on Aussie TV for a bit now and they're up to Live and Let Die last night, just got me back thinking about when I was a kid when it seemed a James Bond film was on every night of the summer holidays in the late Eighties, early Nineties.
For me, Roger Moore WAS James Bond, he was witty, camp, horny, funny, suave, slow-as-feck when he ran but was just sheer brilliant.
I imagine his cock was enormous, and it got stuck up some belters too in Jane Seymour, a few afro-haired black girls, Octopussy and he probably shagged that little Nik-Nak too you know.

It all really depends on age and what Bond you watched when younger.
Connery is head a sholders above the rest , had the best car by miles , even better than the Lotus that Moore had.
The Moore Bond films had some cracking one lines in them , the best oen had to be at the end of Moonraker.He and Dr Goodhead were both naked under a sheet and M asked what Bond was doing and Q replyed that he was attempting re-entry.
For those that have not seen Connery's Bond you should watch them , for when they was made , they are excellent and with some good toys.
There is no doubting that the latter Bonds have got better toys , but IMHO Connery is the one true Bond.
1. Suaveness - Timothy Dalton
2. Best adventures - Timothy Dalton
3. Women shagged - Timothy Dalton
4. Gadgets/cars - Timothy Dalton
5. Villains faced - Timothy Dalton
6. Length of cock you'd imagine him to have - Timothy Dalton - 14 inches
1. Suaveness - Dalton. Connery & Craig too rugged & impuslive. Moore too camp. Brosnan and Lazenby run him the closest but Dalton wins because he personifies the quintissential English gent.

2. Best adventures - Moore Bloke went in to Space. Can't top that.

3. Women shagged - Brosnan Controversial one this but I'm giving it to Brosnan almost by default. Lazenby never layed down enough pipe. Likewise with Craig & Dalton. Moore & Connery have the quantity but due to the retro stylings of a lot of those birds I just can't get a twitch on in the same way I do with Denise Richards in a tight vest or the thought of Famke Janssen crushing me with her thighs.

4. Gadgets/cars - Moore Can't remember any from the newer Bonds save that feckin awful invisble car that Brosnan had (whoever came up with that should be shot). It's between Connery & Moore again. Connery has the Aston Martin DB5 with ejector seat that really pioneered this sub-category but my god that Lotus of Moores in The Spy Who Loved Me. Aside from looking the dogs bollocks it turns into a sub in one of the coolest Bond moments ever. Gadgets wise all I can remember is Roger Moore and his array of watch weaponry. The one that fires posion darts that he uses to put Drax out of the airlock in Moonraker and the other one that fires compressed air darts that he used to inflate Kanaga into a a human pinata. Yeah watches...

5. Villains faced - - Moore No contest here. This was my era and the era when Bond villains were at their peak. The newer era villains from Dalton onwards have all been shit so only Connery can challenge Moore. He's got Oddjob, Rosa Klebb, Blofeld, Dr No Goldfinger, Quint etc... but Moore also has Blofeld and then comes on strong with Baron Samedi, Tee Hee, Kanaga, Christopher Walken, May Day, Drax which just about evens the score...then POW! Jaws. Greatest Bond villain ever and scared the shit out of me as a kid to boot.

6. Length of cock you'd imagine him to have - Lazenby Dunno why. Just a hunch. He did wear a kilt quite a lot.
3.Canary. He spent more than enough time marooned in boats at the end of each film, with nothing else to do.
My favorites:

1. Sir Sean
2. Dalton
3. Craig
4. Brosnan
I don't have any favorites but Connery was Bond.
The rest are just imitations.
Eric Bana was apparently offered the role after Brosnan, but turned it down because he didn't want his career associated with one role. At that point it was down to Clive Owen and Daniel Craig.
Eric Bana was apparently offered the role after Brosnan, but turned it down because he didn't want his career associated with one role. At that point it was down to Clive Owen and Daniel Craig.

Clive Owen :lol:
Eric Bana was apparently offered the role after Brosnan, but turned it down because he didn't want his career associated with one role. At that point it was down to Clive Owen and Daniel Craig.

I think if they were going for the rugged look over the more suave look of the past, Bana would have made an infinitely better Bond compared to Craig.

But as you say, the actor himself, ruled out the possibility.
Rodger Moore by a country mile.

The new bonds are rubbish, that's not purely because of Daniel Craig though... it's his and the directors fault for making it to dramatic and outrageous.
I like all the Bonds, Lazenby the worst but never had time to grow into the role and Dalton was very underated liked both his movies.

One thing I will say when reading a James Bond book and you get mental pictures in your head it is usually Connery that I can picture.
I like all the Bonds, Lazenby the worst but never had time to grow into the role and Dalton was very underated liked both his movies.

One thing I will say when reading a James Bond book and you get mental pictures in your head it is usually Connery that I can picture.

Yes , very like Connery.

But if I had to choose , I'd have to go for Moore, although he did get a little " quippy " in the end.
Brosnan easily was the best complete package. Shame outside of Goldeneye, he got terrible scripts.