Jailbreaking PSP


Full Member
Apr 2, 2007
I'm going on holiday a week monday, and seeing as my girlfriend will be reading books all week i need to know how to jailbreak my PSP. It's been updated to version 6.30. Any ideas?
What model is it? 1000, 2000, 3000, a Go?

Sorry for the time delay Wesate been booking the holiday its got 1003 after the psp bit.
Ok, it's a UK 1000, so now how to get it to run CFW. That's what you want right, to run custom firmware?

Yes mate so i can download games from demonoid etc. Only to tell the relevant authorities of course. ;)
If i was to hack it would i be able to go online anymore? And would i be able to play my existing umd's?
PSN access is a dancing game with Sony and each new CFW. UMDs are not a problem.

Cool, well don't think i've ever actually played online with my psp anyway and all my umd's i might as well sell as seen as i'll be able to download them anyway. I take it all the old saves will still work? And also i'm probably gonna buy a pandora battery and magic memroy stick as i don't wanna brick the thing.
Sorry to keep going on Weaste and you have been a massive help and if this works i will give you a load of eLOVE but will the minis, psp demos and old ps1 games i've bought from psn still work on it? As i'm a psn+ subscriber.
If i was to hack it would i be able to go online anymore? And would i be able to play my existing umd's?

think long and hard before you do it. Many a PSP have turned into paperweights by first time modders.
I bricked my PSP but I bought a new one and got CFW installed onto it. I don't regret it, I can play anything on it now, from Super Mario Advance or Pokemon Firered to Tekken 1 for PS1 or Tekken 6 on PSP. It's well worth doing.
I bricked my PSP but I bought a new one and got CFW installed onto it. I don't regret it, I can play anything on it now, from Super Mario Advance or Pokemon Firered to Tekken 1 for PS1 or Tekken 6 on PSP. It's well worth doing.

All I'm saying is there is a risk, and he should be aware of it. A lot of newbs think the process is simple and straightforward and it's not always the case. Since fella didn't even know what model his psp was, i'm thinking he has never done this sort of thing before.
All I'm saying is there is a risk, and he should be aware of it. A lot of newbs think the process is simple and straightforward and it's not always the case. Since fella didn't even know what model his psp was, i'm thinking he has never done this sort of thing before.

Your right there mate i haven't ever done this before and so i am quite scared of bricking it. But there's no other way round t really, is there?
Right i've watched that video and so long as i buy the magic memory stick and pandora battery it seems quite easy but what custom firmware should i be putting onto the psp? Will it effect what games i can play on it?
Well, you are playing with fire as others have said. Gen, M33, Prometheus. I'd suggest that you go to a forum where people specifically talk about these things.

Not a bad idea, and i thought i'd go for it as i rarely play it anyway so if i do brick it then i'm not gonna be overly pissed off.
Your right there mate i haven't ever done this before and so i am quite scared of bricking it. But there's no other way round t really, is there?

Look into the Pandora battery. You'll need to buy it, but I have heard it's a less risky way to mod the PSP. I have limited experience with modding PSP's so i'm not completely sure if it will work on your model, but you should take Weaste advise and go and talk to some of the experts in the PSP forums. They should be able to guide you properly. I'm willing to bet half of the experts there probably even sell kits which have a higher rate of success then if you do it yourself.


just noticed you already know about the Pandora battery. I would use it. I did mine without the battery and it worked. But I also didn't give a damn if i had bricked it since my PSP was really old and i rarely ever played it. I only wanted to experiment and have fun with the thing. (eventually ended up taking it apart and trying to stuff some LED's into it...at which point it did brick...:lol:)

Oh well.