Jackass, and the like

Anderson Searl

Reserve Team Player
Dec 9, 2008
Watching TV today and I tuned into "Wildboyz", and I almost forgot how much of a mainstay these types of shows were to my youth.

Jackass 3-D is apparently on the way in October, but a shit version of the film is online?

Anyways I know there were at least one or two of you who watched these shows on a regular basis, I can't be the only feckered one here.
Yup watched it and me and my mates made stupid videos at the weekends, doing hidden camera stunts in the town and bush jumping and shit on the local uni grounds :lol: (we were about 13-14 at the time)

Did you ever watch Dirty Sanchez? It was a British (well, Welsh) version. Less humorous and not such a big production, but they did some ridicously painful stuff. I preferred Jackass because it was actually very well made and very funny. Even my Dad liked it :nervous:

Never really watched Wildboyz, I think it was on some rubbish channel over here.
i always prefered dirty sanchez... perhaps the british humour... mainly pritchard being a twunt though :lol:
Jackass was excellent I thought. I thought the movie was fantastic. Dirty Sanchez just took what they did to a complete new level, though. Those guys are insane.
CKY was good. So was Jackass, to begin with. Then inevitably, they ran out of ideas. A second movie was seriously pushing it.
I hated Dirty Sanchez...it was just people hurting each other..and I didn't get it. There was no humour in it...other than who could be the biggest idiot and hurt themselves. It's like those people at school who used to do loads of needlessly stupid stuff to get attention, like burning their hands with lighters, or stapling shit to themselves....and they'd find farts hilarious..I just thought they were complete dicks..

Jackass at least made an attempt to do something actually interesting or creative once in a while....I remember thinking pretending to kidnap Brad Pitt on a busy street was hilarious
I don't know Mockers. When the tied one end of a rope to a tow bar and the other end to Pancho's legs and proceeded to drive off and pull him - sleeping - from his tent; I thought that was quite funny. The other stuff, like 'showering' in nettles was just silly.
To be fair, I didn't really watch it...and there was equally annoying shit in Jackass like Bam Margera terrorising his parents...which just made me suddenly progress into the mindset of a 60year old man and want to give him a wallop and send him to military school the spoiled little cnut.
I hated Dirty Sanchez...it was just people hurting each other..and I didn't get it. There was no humour in it...other than who could be the biggest idiot and hurt themselves. It's like those people at school who used to do loads of needlessly stupid stuff to get attention, like burning their hands with lighters, or stapling shit to themselves....and they'd find farts hilarious..I just thought they were complete dicks..

Jackass at least made an attempt to do something actually interesting or creative once in a while....I remember thinking pretending to kidnap Brad Pitt on a busy street was hilarious

^ I spotted that Freudian slip before you edited!