It's Back!


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
The tremendous shite that is Big Brother will be invading and taking over every channel on June 5th for about 3 months.

Any gimps watch this show?
oh feck!
so I am going to be stuck with hearing about such drivel and all the talentless numpties in it again. Can't wait :(
Thankfully theres some footy on instead for a bit
It is the worst thing that has ever happened to tv, this bb shit. I despise it. And only idiots spend hours watching it.
Actually what is really mad is all them eejits that go and chant and cheer when someone is getting booted out on a Friday night? Like seriously, have none of them got a life? What the feck?
It's already on back here. And what's worse is they've put two most insufferable media personalities in charge of the show.

My urge to kill has almost hit an unbearable point.
i wish theyd just put normal people in. thats what it originally was, now its just a freak show. and they end up putting like 300 people in and have about 10 houses. they should put them all in cells in a made up prison and see what happens, that would be more fun
Once i nearly watched 25 minutes of it, and then i realised i could just watch my family and it would be the same. How can anyone find it interesting. I mean i can kind of understand some men watching it, fanny does get flashed, but why are woman so obsessed with it.
It's for Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime