First it's important to quote the question " So far, Arab states have not permitted the resettlement of Palestinians in their territory. What’s struck you most about their response to Israel’s war in Gaza? "
Now why would anyone that remotely cares for palestinians right to have a state ease the process of palestinians losing Palestine? Because facilitating an exodus is the best way to Israel to take even more land. It's also worth mentioning that the amount of palestinians that have already immigrated to these countries is pretty significant, it's roughly the same amount that remained in Palestine.
The other thing is that the point made isn't one, at least not when you take into account the fact that we are not talking about a new context, we are talking about more than half of century where the nations that actually have power have sided with Israel, there isn't actually much that Arab states can do they hold no power, they can't bribe their way into a better outcome and they can't fight their way into one either unless they want to be absolutely atomized by a US led coalition.