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US forced back into crisis management mode

Tom Bateman
State Department correspondent, in Washington DC

US President Joe Biden welcomed Hassan Nasrallah’s killing, saying his death is a "measure of justice for his many victims".

But the Israeli decision to escalate sharply strikes a potentially fatal blow to his entire strategy of the last 11 months - which had been to try to stop the war in Gaza engulfing the region.

So the US is forced back into crisis management mode. Biden says he’s boosting America’s defensive posture in the Middle East, while the Pentagon has warned Iran-backed militias not to try to use this moment to attack American bases.

Despite the earlier US attempts to rein in the Israeli leader and coax Hezbollah to a truce, Israeli PM Netanyahu is signalling strongly to Biden he will act as he sees fit, whatever the pressure from Washington, safe in the knowledge the flow of American weapons will continue.

Seems the BBC is able to figure out what some on here are still unable to about how Biden continues to enable Israel to act as it sees fit.
You're quoting Netanyahu who certainly represents the worst of Israel. 75 years of war has made for extremism on both sides. There's no arguing with that. But both sides is the key point. There's little point pretending he exists in a vacuum and Hamas and Hezbollah and Tehran are reasonable interlocutors. They are religious extremists with their own agendas. Hezbollah was happy to throw Hamas under the bus, and Tehran will now throw Hezbollah under the bus too.

Let's not forget Israeli arabs have more rights than Gazan Jews. Whataboutery is pointless. It's a violent and barbaric part of the world and judging it by our own standards is to fall into the trap of occidentalism.

Edit: And I've been thread banned again so I guess this will be the last I contribute to this particular forum.

You’ll be missed to be fair.

We’ll have to find someone else who calls posters on here genocidal for the same thing they fall over themselves to avoid saying about Netanyahu.
Let's not forget Israeli arabs have more rights than Gazan Jews. Whataboutery is pointless. It's a violent and barbaric part of the world and judging it by our own standards is to fall into the trap of occidentalism.

Edit: And I've been thread banned again so I guess this will be the last I contribute to this particular forum.

So I missed this part of the answer, or it was edited later

1. There are no Gazan Jews because of a failed withdrawal process, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. There are Jews in the West Bank who have more rights than Arabs because they are backed by the Jewish state, and the Arabs are backed by an authority that is a collaborator to the Jewish state.

2. I don't know what my standards are, I don't think they qualify as Occidental since I'm from further East (further inside the Orient!) than Israel or Palestine. I'm judging Israel and Palestinians by the same standards as I judge what ... occidentals did in my country and what my country's people have done to themselves.

3. F.w.i.w. I didn't report you, I have reported 1 person in the past year and maybe 3 people in all my time at redcafe.
What has the government of Lebanon said about this? I feel like they're barely mentioned.
Precisely, a Cuban missile crisis which should give Iran some time, and could be used as a concession from Russia in exchange of the West lowering their support for Ukraine.

I do not see how Israel-Iran does not further escalate. For the last couple of decades Iran has built a powerful shield out of their proxies that makes an Israel attack in Iran very costly. And one of their proxies is basically annihilated while the most powerful proxy they have is destroyed before the war even began. Iran’s strategy has miserably failed, and Israel is winning big time which is why I fully expect them to attack Teheran and Iran’s nuclear facilities quite shortly.
It can still escalate, but it won’t be from Iran precisely because they don’t have the capabilities. Israel has kneecapped them - not only can they strike anywhere with devastating capabilities, they have actual backing. Israel is to the US what Hezbollah is/was to Iran - it’s a total mismatch.

Iran might do another symbolic missile launch, but the ayatollah knows he cannot win a hot war. Also, for the first time in potentially ever, their population will likely not rally behind the regime in the event of a foreign attack - so a war with Israel could feasibly see the regime topple.

They’ll bluster the feck out of this, threaten Israeli annihilation and then fail to achieve anything and continue to quietly repress their own population.
What has the government of Lebanon said about this? I feel like they're barely mentioned.
The current PM and the government fully condemned the attacks and announced 3 days of mourning this week.

Their last president Michel Aoun and also the former PM Saad Hariri whose father was likely assassinated by Hezbollah also came out against the assassination and the attacks.
The current PM and the government fully condemned the attacks and announced 3 days of mourning this week.

Their last president Michel Aoun and also the former PM Saad Hariri whose father was likely assassinated by Hezbollah also came out against the assassination and the attacks.
Cheers, second bit is really interesting.
Kaouk was a veteran member of Hezbollah going back to the 1980s and had previously served as Hezbollah’s military commander in southern Lebanon. The United States had announced sanctions against him in 2020.

It can still escalate, but it won’t be from Iran precisely because they don’t have the capabilities. Israel has kneecapped them - not only can they strike anywhere with devastating capabilities, they have actual backing. Israel is to the US what Hezbollah is/was to Iran - it’s a total mismatch.

Iran might do another symbolic missile launch, but the ayatollah knows he cannot win a hot war. Also, for the first time in potentially ever, their population will likely not rally behind the regime in the event of a foreign attack - so a war with Israel could feasibly see the regime topple.

They’ll bluster the feck out of this, threaten Israeli annihilation and then fail to achieve anything and continue to quietly repress their own population.

Exactly this.

People have absolutely no idea how despised the Islamic regime is among Iranians. They have absolutely maximum 10-15% support among populace.

Hezbollah and Nasrallah always came to assistance of the regime for killing protestors every time there was a protest against the regime: be it in November 2019 or Amini protests two years ago. Nasrallah is on the record saying on video: “There is no such a thing as Persian civilization.” Not to mention 700 millions dollars were given from Iranian wealth to Hezbollah yearly for decades while Iran and Iranians were impoverished further and further.

The only knows mourning him are regime goons who believe in idea of Ummah (caliphate) above Mellat (nation).

And no. IR regime won’t do shit. There is zero cuahce of “war”. They are so weak annd empty and an absolute paper tiger, they’ll fold faster in any hot war than Hezbollah did (2 weeks). Khamanei probably knows Israel has a GPS tracked on his butt and can blow him up at will, so he won’t have any easy sleeps.

I check lots of Arzeshi accounts (how we can regime supports who believe in Islamic Revolution ideals), and they are completely losing it. They’re realizing all the lies about the true strengths of the “Resistence Axis” and furious that the are taking L after L. Something will give very soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if Khamanei doesn’t even see Nowruz in 6 months. They say everything started going wrong since Suleimani’s assassination. It’s crazy how many influential leaders they’ve lost over last 5 years.

When the regime falls very soon and history books are written, January 3, 2020 will go down as the beginning of the end for Islamic Republic.

Interesting and positive times ahead for us Iranians.
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It can still escalate, but it won’t be from Iran precisely because they don’t have the capabilities. Israel has kneecapped them - not only can they strike anywhere with devastating capabilities, they have actual backing. Israel is to the US what Hezbollah is/was to Iran - it’s a total mismatch.

Iran might do another symbolic missile launch, but the ayatollah knows he cannot win a hot war. Also, for the first time in potentially ever, their population will likely not rally behind the regime in the event of a foreign attack - so a war with Israel could feasibly see the regime topple.

They’ll bluster the feck out of this, threaten Israeli annihilation and then fail to achieve anything and continue to quietly repress their own population.

You underestimate a bomb being dropped. One loved one killed is a host of many enemy. Israel if they dont know when to stop would leave Iranians citizen no choice but to take up arms and fight.

For all the rhetorics of democracy it all goes down the drain when your loved on is killed by drones.

Just like you and me they probably dont care much and prefer a stable economy and jobs, but it's hard to do when your nation is being blown to rubble
You underestimate a bomb being dropped. One loved one killed is a host of many enemy. Israel if they dont know when to stop would leave Iranians citizen no choice but to take up arms and fight.

For all the rhetorics of democracy it all goes down the drain when your loved on is killed by drones.

Just like you and me they probably dont care much and prefer a stable economy and jobs, but it's hard to do when your nation is being blown to rubble

As Hanks says above, the regime in Iran has never been more despised.

I do agree with your statement in general and that was shown in 1980 when Saddam invaded. You had Iranian fighter pilots, incredibly loyal to the Shah, fight for the new Islamic Republic, and queues of people lining up to enlist to fight.

But the people of Iran HAVE been killed, in their hundreds for years now. If Israel bombs Tehran you won’t then have those same people fight for the very regime who have been murdering them.
People have absolutely no idea how despised the Islamic regime is among Iranians. They have absolutely maximum 10-15% support among populace.
The Israelis will be received as liberators with flowers on the end of rifles.
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Big changes happening, I'm still alive if anyone wants to know :lol:
As Hanks says above, the regime in Iran has never been more despised.

I do agree with your statement in general and that was shown in 1980 when Saddam invaded. You had Iranian fighter pilots, incredibly loyal to the Shah, fight for the new Islamic Republic, and queues of people lining up to enlist to fight.

But the people of Iran HAVE been killed, in their hundreds for years now. If Israel bombs Tehran you won’t then have those same people fight for the very regime who have been murdering them.
I sense the "freedom merchants being welcomed as liberators" fairy tale rearing its ugly head, once again.

When the country itself is under threat by a foreign enemy, it goes beyond the regime currently in place no matter how shit it is. Israel and the US don't seek a simple regime change, they're intent on breaking Iran's back. Iran has been a major thorn in the side of their hegemony project in the Middle-East for decades. They'll make it a rump state, just like Iraq, Lybia or Syria.

If you still believe in Iranians taking kindly to Israel bombing thousands of their own and ruining their country, because that's what it's going to do if no one stops stops them, with the help of the US if push comes to shove, you'd be wrong, in my opinion. Indiscriminate killing tend to that people, I know it's a foreign concept for a lot of posters here but it truly is a thing.

I also think that Russia and China aren't going to let Iran fall.
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For those who still think that Kamala Harris is any different from Biden, here's her official statement after Nasrallah's assassination.

She's a hawk and all the way in. She doesn't give the slightest shit about Palestine or Lebanon. Make no mistake about that.

Hassan Nasrallah was a terrorist with American blood on his hands.

Today, Hezbollah’s victims have a measure of justice (way to legitimate extra-judicial assassination and shit on the dozens of collateral victims).

I have an unwavering commitment to the security of Israel (whatever Israel does is okay). I will always support Israel’s right to defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis (i.e. anything goes).

We have been working on a diplomatic solution (as if) along the Israel-Lebanon border so that people can safely return home on both sides of that border (of course, pigs can fly too).
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I sense the "freedom merchants being welcomed as liberators with flowers" fairy tale rearing its ugly head, once again.

When the country itself is under threat by a foreign enemy, it goes beyond the regime currently in place no matter how shit it is. Israel and the US don't seek a simple regime change, they're intent on breaking Iran's back. Iran has been a major thorn in the side of their hegemony project in the Middle-East for decades. They'll make it a rump state, just like Iraq, Lybia or Syria.

If you still believe in Iranians taking kindly to Israel bombing thousands of their own and ruining their country, because that's what it's going to do if no one stops stops them, with the help of the US if push comes to shove, you'd be wrong. Indiscriminate killing tend to that people, I know it's a foreign concept for a lot of posters here but it truly is a thing.

I also think that Russia and China aren't going to let Iran fall.
I’m writing as a half-Iranian, with the majority of my family in Iran. Trust me, no one wants Israel to bomb them - I am fully against the endless war crimes of Israel, but there are literal celebrations going on across swathes of Iranians at the news that the butcher Nasrallah has been killed.

My point about Israeli strikes isn’t that Iranians will welcome them, but that they’ll pose a significant threat to the already deeply unstable Iranian regime. Israel won’t invade Iran - it can’t, way too big and far away. In the event of airstrikes on civilian centres (which I can’t see happening) I guarantee you won’t see the Iranian population rally round and back the regime. The regime has been killing them daily for 40 years and that cannot be underestimated. Everyone who backs the regime has already signed up - e.g. the Basij, IRGC and some others.

I also think that Israel doesn’t want the regime to fall, because it’s the “threat” of Iran that has allowed them to leverage the west/US for billions in aid since 1979. They need them to remain in a superficially credible form, as the opportunity cost is billions upon billions of foreign investment going towards a pro-Western Iran. None of the Gulf States or Israel want that.

So yeah, feck Israel and feck the Islamic Republic. Hopefully they both lose.

(And to be honest, if Iran becomes a rump state backed by the US it’ll mean the end of sanctions, foreign investment flowing in and potentially a reverse to the brain-drain the country has experienced since 1979. Even half of that is better than what exists today.)
Interesting piece from the FT that points out how Hezbollah's involvement in Syria gave Israel an opportunity to collect better intelligence on them. Essentially, they had to reveal themselves a bit more in Syria compared to its discipline within Lebanon, with shifts in membership and weakening internal control mechanisms. And their relationships with Assad and the Russian intel services were monitored by the US.
I’m writing as a half-Iranian, with the majority of my family in Iran. Trust me, no one wants Israel to bomb them - I am fully against the endless war crimes of Israel, but there are literal celebrations going on across swathes of Iranians at the news that the butcher Nasrallah has been killed.

My point about Israeli strikes isn’t that Iranians will welcome them, but that they’ll pose a significant threat to the already deeply unstable Iranian regime. Israel won’t invade Iran - it can’t, way too big and far away. In the event of airstrikes on civilian centres (which I can’t see happening) I guarantee you won’t see the Iranian population rally round and back the regime.
Very true.

Also true, but it has the means of inflicting enormous damage, with the unconditional backing of the US, to which the Iran-Iraq war will pale in comparison. You've already seen what they've done to Gaza and Lebanon.

The regime has been killing them daily for 40 years and that cannot be underestimated. Everyone who backs the regime has already signed up - e.g. the Basij, IRGC and some others.

I am not underestimating it and fully aware of how much resentment the Iranian regime can generate (I was born under a dictatorship and grew up in a civil war). I've stated many times in this thread, that I loathe the current Iranian regime, but that's a problem that should be solved internally.

I also think that Israel doesn’t want the regime to fall, because it’s the “threat” of Iran that has allowed them to leverage the west/US for billions in aid since 1979. They need them to remain in a superficially credible form, as the opportunity cost is billions upon billions of foreign investment going towards a pro-Western Iran. None of the Gulf States or Israel want that.

That ship has sailed a long time ago.

It was valid when Israel was a bit fragile on its feet and the big Arab countries (Egypt and Iraq) still could pose a threat. That is not the case anymore since 1991. Syria's also been dealt with.

There also was a time where the US administration's pull was somewhat worth something, and there still was the semblance of an international community. It is not the case anymore. Now Israel will always get its yearly allowance and any help necessary from the US no matter what.

And no matter who gets elected next in the US, Israel has four years of absolute freedom and is dead set on ruining your day. They will not miss this chance and some of the Sunni Arab countries in the region, especially Saudi Arabia under MBS, will gladly give a helping hand.

By destroying Iran, the last hurdle falls and Israel, and the US by extension, gets free reign to do whatever it wants in the region. For decades. Israel never officially declared its borders for a reason.

So yeah, feck Israel and feck the Islamic Republic. Hopefully they both lose. (And to be honest, if Iran becomes a rump state backed by the US it’ll mean the end of sanctions, foreign investment flowing in and potentially a reverse to the brain-drain the country has experienced since 1979. Even half of that is better than what exists today.)

Absolutely, but Israel is not about to lose, Iran is.

The US and Israel hate your living guts and want to see you gone. You just don't understand how much of a threat your whole country (not only the regime) represents for them.

They will wreck Iran and make sure that your head is constantly in the mud, letting you breathe when you're about to choke only to put it under when you grasped that little breath of air. They will use any means necessary to fuel internal divisions (and you have quite a few) and prevent you from ever becoming a functioning state, let alone a major regional power.

If you think that the current sanctions are bad and they are really bad, just wait once they tear Iran apart.

There's a short fable from the 17th century, written by the great French poet De La Fontaine and called "The Gardener and His Lord", which is still actual and well worth the read.

It ends with the following warning: "Little princes, settle your own quarrels amongst yourselves. It is madness to have recourse to kings. You should never let them engage in your wars, nor even enter your domains".
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Very true.

Also true, but it has the means of enormous inflicting damage, with the unconditional backing of the US, to which the Iran-Iraq war will pale in comparison. You've already seen what they've done to Gaza and Lebanon.

I am not underestimating it and am fully aware of how much resentment the Iranian regime can generate (I was born under a dictatorship and grew up in a civil war). I've stated many times in this thread, that I loathe the current Iranian, regime but that's a problem that should be solved internally.

That ship has sailed.

It was still valid when the US administration's pull was worth something (somewhat) and there still was the semblance of an international commnunity. No matter who gets elected next in the US, Israel has four years of absolute freedom and is dead set on ruining your day. They will not miss this chance.

By destroying Iran, the last hurdle falls and Israel gets free reign to do whatever it wants in the region and the Sunni Arab countries in the region will gladly help. For decades. Israel didn't declare their borders for a reason.

Absolutely, but Israel is not about to lose, Iran is.

The US and Israel hate your living guts. They will wreck your country and will make sure that your head is constantly in the mud, letting you breathe when you're about to choke only to put it under when you gasped that little breath of air. They will use any means necessary to fuel internal divisions and prevent you from ever becoming a functioning state, let alone a major regional power. If you think that the current sanctions are bad and they are really bad, just wait once they'll tear Iran apart.

There's a fable from the XVIIIth century wrtitten by the French poet De La Fontaine called "The Gardener and His Lord" which is still actual and well worth the read.

It ends with the following warning "Little princes, settle your own quarrels amongst yourselves. It is madness to have recourse to kings. You should never let them engage in your wars, nor even enter your domains".

Maybe somewhat off topic but which dictatorship were you born under? Just simple curiosity. And certainly a poignant qoute at the end.
It looks like it. I don’t suspect the Houthi and Hezbollah ones will be constant as what has happened in Gaza.
The Hezbollah one will be with all these preparations for a ground invasion and calls for occupation.