Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

Does Iran intentionally kill its own citizens? Death sentences exist, as they do in many countries. Random protests with one or two deaths hardly constitute Stalin's purges either. Uprisings? Well given the long history of American backed coups, of which are there are way too many to even begin listing, any sane government would respond to uprisings with a heavy hand. Outside of Europe and America it's almost a formality.

Anyhow there's this great wrangling from the Israeli and western Jewish celebrities for Iran to be attacked, akin to how Iraq was attacked in the 2000s. Like any of those people truly give a shit about Iranians, they just want yet another non friendly country destroyed. It's disgusting tbh. America and Israel have a lot to answer for in the middle east.
Dude, get yourself checked. That first paragraph is insane. Yes, Iran kills its own citizens.
Regardless, the war mongering from Israel and western journalists for an Iraq V2 is disgusting. Pretending to give a crap about Iranians.. please. My close friends have actually been to Iran and they had a great time, and I'm sure 99% of Iranians would much rather how the country is now than it getting bombed to shit by the west in the name of regime change, aka Israel throwing a hissy fit in the middle east again

But what's the point of discussing it with people on a forum. Most people in the west have been so brainwashed by the press here they couldn't tell their heads from their own arses. Iraq WMDs indeed
Two things can be true at the same time. A war with Iran would be a bad thing and the Iranian regime is evil.
Indeed, there have been instances of friendly fire. Again, how is that comparable to murder or to Iran intentionally killing citizens?

I don't think you've read up much on Israel's rules of engagement if you think a) they don't mean to kill their own citizens or b) they aren't murdering thousands of Gazans as we speak for the crime of being born within Israel's (occupied) borders and having the wrong ethnicity. They're a murderous, corrupt theocracy who kill their own citizens and a vast number around the region. Just like Iran.
Indeed. It was a monumental and tragic error. But as you've written yourself - the shooters feared that the hostages were Hamas. It was hardly murder, and not something anyone in the country wanted - or wants to repeat. And it's nowhere near what Iran is doing to its citizens.

Let's be real here - they thought that the hostages were Palestinians. They were dressed in civilian clothing and waving a white flag. Imagine how many civilians have killed that way.
I don't think you've read up much on Israel's rules of engagement if you think a) they don't mean to kill their own citizens or b) they aren't murdering thousands of Gazans as we speak for the crime of being born within Israel's (occupied) borders and having the wrong ethnicity. They're a murderous, corrupt theocracy who kill their own citizens and a vast number around the region. Just like Iran.

I'm not talking about the death of Gazans. I'm talking about Israel "Murdering its own citizens". That isn't happening. Of course, Israeli deaths by the hands of Israelis have occured - on October 7 as well, when the IDF desperately tried to regain control from the thousands of Hamas terrorists. But murder? Intentionally killing citizens? No. That's an ugly lie.
Let's be real here - they thought that the hostages were Palestinians. They were dressed in civilian clothing and waving a white flag. Imagine how many civilians have killed that way.

Of course. It was probably due to Hamas using all sorts of tricks in order to surprise the IDF. It caused a major shock in Israel and was investigated by both the IDF and the media. It was a major, major screw up and the story of the three hostages escaping and trying to get help was apparently a matter of days rather than minutes or hours.

In any event, how is that relevant to the claim that Israel murders its citizens just like Iran does?
They knew that Hamas had hostages and fired anyway, that's intentionally killing your citizens.
Are they evil? You see it in the western press all the time.. protests.. blah blah. Does that qualify your statement of evil though? Have you been to Iran? Have you spoken to Iranians living in Iran? Or are you basing your opinion based on the Murdoch, Rothmere led press in the UK? The Israel supporting guardian?

Let me give you an example of press. In Russia, and presumably Iran, everytime there's killings of people like George Floyd, and black lives matter protests, their press says that America kills its own citizens and there are large protests against America. Of course, police brutality in America against its citizens has long been established. Is America now evil? Should we all clamour to bomb America?

No, this isn't about subjective 'evilness', it's all about geopolitics and establishing friendly rulers as they've done in a lot of the middle east, promoted through a narrative pushed by the press in the west. It's not hard to see for anyone that studies history.. but for the average lay person who reads the news and sees 'Iran bad', well that's the extent of their opinion on the matter.
I have spoken to Iranians. Why don't you tell me what happened to Mahsa Amini?
I'm not talking about the death of Gazans. I'm talking about Israel "Murdering its own citizens". That isn't happening. Of course, Israeli deaths by the hands of Israelis have occured - on October 7 as well, when the IDF desperately tried to regain control from the thousands of Hamas terrorists. But murder? Intentionally killing citizens? No. That's an ugly lie.

It's a technicality. The sort of distinction the Nazis pulled to justify murdering people. They're not real Israelis, they've only been occupied for 56 years, some of them might not even been born occupied.

And regarding intentional murder, I'll repost the article so you can actually read it this time. There are lots of others though if you look. They knew there could be Israeli civilians there and shot them unarmed, waving a white flag, shirtless and speaking Hebrew.

It doesn't actually make it better if they weren't Israeli, it's despicable anyway, but they were and the IDF knew there were Israelis there so it was always a risk to intentionally murder civilians.
And regarding intentional murder, I'll repost the article so you can actually read it this time. There are lots of others though if you look. They knew there could be Israeli civilians there and shot them unarmed, waving a white flag, shirtless and speaking Hebrew.

It doesn't actually make it better if they weren't Israeli, it's despicable anyway, but they were and the IDF knew there were Israelis there so it was always a risk to intentionally murder civilians.

It's very easy to sit in the comfort of your home and judge soldiers who have been risking their lives in Gaza, seeing friends injured and die, fighting terrorists who have been coming up from tunnels, and also apparently facing terrorists who try to lure the soldiers in different ways - and all this time, unable to locate a single living Israeli hostage.

And yet, it's clear mistakes were made and that what happened is not wanted by anyone in Israel, whether it's the govenment or the IDF. It was a big error. And it is in no way murder, or comparable to what the rulers of Iran do when people protest.
They knew that Hamas had hostages and fired anyway, that's intentionally killing your citizens.

For weeks they have not seen a single living hostage. They did not think those people were hostages. How is that INTENTIONALLY killing your citizens when you didn't know or think they were citizens?

The shooters were wrong. At least one of them directly violated orders. But it's not a case of a country wanting to kill its citizens.
It's very easy to sit in the comfort of your home and judge soldiers who have been risking their lives in Gaza, seeing friends injured and die, fighting terrorists who have been coming up from tunnels, and also apparently facing terrorists who try to lure the soldiers in different ways - and all this time, unable to locate a single living Israeli hostage.

And yet, it's clear mistakes were made and that what happened is not wanted by anyone in Israel, whether it's the govenment or the IDF. It was a big error. And it is in no way murder, or comparable to what the rulers of Iran do when people protest.

Ok, apologies for judging the army for not following very clear rules of engagement set by international law, and observed pretty well by most nations that aren't utterly depraved, in order to murder their own civilians. I'm the bad guy.
Ok, apologies for judging the army for not following very clear rules of engagement set by international law, and observed pretty well by most nations that aren't utterly depraved, in order to murder their own civilians. I'm the bad guy.

It's very clear that the army did not follow rules. No one is questioning that.

But no matter how much you twist it, it's not comparable in any way to how Iran is murdering its citizens.

And yes, I'd say you are the bad guy if you insist with this lie.
It's very clear that the army did not follow rules. No one is questioning that.

But no matter how much you twist it, it's not comparable in any way to how Iran is murdering its citizens.

And yes, I'd say you are the bad guy if you insist with this lie.

:lol: what lie? It's a consistent pattern of not following the rules. That is simply how they operate despite their protestations to the opposite effect. disturbing,commission of a war crime.
:lol: what lie? It's a consistent pattern of not following the rules. That is simply how they operate despite their protestations to the opposite effect.

The lie that Israel is murdering its citizens and that it's somehow comparable to what Iran is doing to its citizens.

Now, are Israeli soldiers too gun happy? Yes, probably. But that's a seperate issue.
The lie that Israel is murdering its citizens and that it's somehow comparable to what Iran is doing to its citizens.

Never said it was the same, I said there are a lot of similarities between the regimes. And there are. Loads in fact. The only massive difference is that you get to vote between 2 mirderous lunatics every few years in Israel and eventually somebody sensible might creep in, but it hasn't happened for a long time now. The guy who tried to genuinely make peace with the Palestinians got assassinated if I remember rightly.
Way to completely ignore the point of my post.
What's your point? Don't bomb Iran? I never objected to that. My specific objection is with how you seem to downplay the Iranian regime's actions.
Way to completely ignore the point of my post.

I don't think it's okay to ignore the evil of the Iranian regime just because the Americans or the Israelis are worse and they definitely are. I do think you're right that there's an attempt to make Iran the boogeyman in the Middle East like Saddam.
I don't think it's okay to ignore the evil of the Iranian regime just because the Americans or the Israelis are worse and they definitely are. I do think you're right that there's an attempt to make Iran the boogeyman in the Middle East like Saddam.

I wish things are that simple. The current Iran doesnt happened in vacuum. They are demonized and constantly propagandised by the west they have to do what they do.

Would iran develop nuclear and becoming militant without the economic embargo? America proped Iran to be the bad guy, remember they're arming Saddam to the teeth in the Iran Iraq war.
What the feck is going on in this thread?

You can simaltaneously think that the actions of Israel and the USA are awful, both in Gaza and in general. That a war with Iran would be absolutely awful in every way. That a pursuit of a nuke, if that is what they're doing, makes complete logical sense from a realpolitik perspective.

And that the treatment of their citizens is awful, including when protesting. And that Israel, within what it considers to be its own citizens (though they of course control the Palestinians in a macro sense), obviously treats it's citizens better than Iran does it's own.

What exactly is the purpose or benefit of trying to portray Israel as the absolute worse country in every parameter? Other countries and leaders can and do do awful things.
Does Iran intentionally kill its own citizens? Death sentences exist, as they do in many countries. Random protests with one or two deaths hardly constitute Stalin's purges either. Uprisings? Well given the long history of American backed coups, of which are there are way too many to even begin listing, any sane government would respond to uprisings with a heavy hand. Outside of Europe and America it's almost a formality.

Anyhow there's this great wrangling from the Israeli and western Jewish celebrities for Iran to be attacked, akin to how Iraq was attacked in the 2000s. Like any of those people truly give a shit about Iranians, they just want yet another non friendly country destroyed. It's disgusting tbh. America and Israel have a lot to answer for in the middle east.

This is an interesting first paragraph, in terms of what you ve chosen as the bar. Seeing as you've had no issue calling whats happening in Gaza a genocide, even though they don't exactly constitute the holocaust, I dont think we need to hit Stalin purge territory to call them out for killing hundreds of prisoners and imprisoning many more.

You'll undoubtedly then call me out as if I'm supporting a war on Iran, to which I'd say feck those who want to start a war with Iran.

I consistently find your posting style about Jews incredibly distasteful. The biggest cheerleaders for controlling Iran that I've seen have been from the sunni gulf states, US neocons and some diaspora Iranians. I don't find that ordinary western Jews are going around constantly calling for war with Iran, anymore than western Caucasians are for instance.
They knew that Hamas had hostages and fired anyway, that's intentionally killing your citizens.

Again, let's be real here. If that soldier knew for sure they were Israeli citizens, they wouldn't have shot. That isn't the same as actively killing your citizens because they're protesting.

Let's also be real, it completely highlights the total disregard for Palestinian lives and the war crimes and massacres that are happening on a regular basis at the moment. The only reason this one got airtime is because they're Jewish Israelis. The likely thousands of innocent Palestinians, who have been killed not even as 'collateral damage' but in cold blood in this way are waved away as propaganda etc.
Are they evil? You see it in the western press all the time.. protests.. blah blah. Does that qualify your statement of evil though? Have you been to Iran? Have you spoken to Iranians living in Iran? Or are you basing your opinion based on the Murdoch, Rothmere led press in the UK? The Israel supporting guardian?

Let me give you an example of press. In Russia, and presumably Iran, everytime there's killings of people like George Floyd, and black lives matter protests, their press says that America kills its own citizens and there are large protests against America. Of course, police brutality in America against its citizens has long been established. Is America now evil? Should we all clamour to bomb America?

No, this isn't about subjective 'evilness', it's all about geopolitics and establishing friendly rulers as they've done in a lot of the middle east, promoted through a narrative pushed by the press in the west. It's not hard to see for anyone that studies history.. but for the average lay person who reads the news and sees 'Iran bad', well that's the extent of their opinion on the matter.

That’s all rubbish. I worked with someone who has been, alongside her family, ostracised from Iran because of her religion, and has had friends murdered by the state. In the recent protests people she knew (not participating) were sought out, kidnapped and tortured. The regime used the protest as an excuse to subjugate those they see as lesser.

There is always propaganda and geopolitics. Just because those things exist doesn’t mean there aren’t bad actors. It’s not mutually exclusive.

Nothing connecting Israel to this, but I'm sure that's who'll get the blame.
It's funny how Amir can admit to lots of things individually but seems unable to give that final step of putting everything together and admitting the obvious: the current israeli regime is a criminal regime that engages daily in murdering innocent civilians and they do it on purpose, not because of small mistakes, because they want to ethnically cleanse that area. The methods may differ slightly, but in essence and in end result, there really is no difference between israel and iran nowadays. Both criminals, both terrorists, both murderous. When what all you have left is discuss semantics and technicalities, you're in big trouble.
Ignorant people talking confidently about something they know nothing about.

It's quite widespread nowadays.

Its pretty normal these days, particularly in the age of Twitter where people are being educated by selective narratives of their own choosing in their feeds.

Nothing connecting Israel to this, but I'm sure that's who'll get the blame.

The odds that this wasn't a Mossad strike to send a message are very low imo.

Probably a part of a new campaign to proactively go after Israeli adversaries, which would align with the hit in Lebanon yesterday.

Many more to come in places like Qatar, Dubai, Turkey etc.
The odds that this wasn't a Mossad strike to send a message are very low imo.

Probably a part of a new campaign to proactively go after Israeli adversaries, which would align with the hit in Lebanon yesterday.

Many more to come in places like Qatar, Dubai, Turkey etc.

If they get Putin I'll forgive them. If they're bombing no mark footsoldiers then meh.
The odds that this wasn't a Mossad strike to send a message are very low imo.

Probably a part of a new campaign to proactively go after Israeli adversaries, which would align with the hit in Lebanon yesterday.

Many more to come in places like Qatar, Dubai, Turkey etc.

Unlike yesterday's attack in Lebanon, it doesn't really sound like Israeli style. We'll have to wait and see where it goes.
It's funny how Amir can admit to lots of things individually but seems unable to give that final step of putting everything together and admitting the obvious: the current israeli regime is a criminal regime that engages daily in murdering innocent civilians and they do it on purpose, not because of small mistakes, because they want to ethnically cleanse that area. The methods may differ slightly, but in essence and in end result, there really is no difference between israel and iran nowadays. Both criminals, both terrorists, both murderous. When what all you have left is discuss semantics and technicalities, you're in big trouble.

I wouldn't say it's just the current regime, it has been going on for decades. You only need to remember that at least 10% of the population lives on illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Ethnic cleansing is a general continuous policy of the state.
Unlike yesterday's attack in Lebanon, it doesn't really sound like Israeli style. We'll have to wait and see where it goes.

C'mon Amir....we've all seen the advert.

(captions on)

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I wouldn't say it's just the current regime, it has been going on for decades. You only need to remember that at least 10% of the population lives on illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Ethnic cleansing is a general continuous policy of the state.

Probably best discussed in the Israel-Palestine thread.
First thing I tend to do when dozens of civilians die is joke around about the possible culprits and describe them as adversaries.
What would Israel gain from killing more than a hundred people at a cemetary? Would cost them the support they have left. Much more likely to be ISIS.