Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

Where is the double standard in anything I posted? Seriously what is your point 'cause I have no clue
Who said anything about double standards? I just find your whole schtick offensive coming here feigning concern about some fairness not given to the Israelis after their latest depraved act. Classic distraction tactics and there are a few others like you who only start posting when some new achievement of the death machine gets them excited and find it a chance to push their nonsense.
Who said anything about double standards? I just find your whole schtick offensive coming here feigning concern about some fairness not given to the Israelis after their latest depraved act. Classic distraction tactics and there are a few others like you who only start posting when some new achievement of the death machine gets them excited and find it a chance to push their nonsense.

There is no "schtick" , just completely baffled by the double standards. If anyone has a "schtick" it's you by quoting a bunch of post without context for no other reason then to attempt to shame someone. This thread has become nothing more then endless virtual signaling and group think. Anyone one who disagrees with the consensus here is labeled morally repugnant without any real logical reasoning or discourse.
Morality shouldn't depend on system on government, wrong is wrong. And you can't count Hezbollah as a mere terrorist group. They hold 15 seats in parliament. And there rocket fire has displaced thousands in northern Israel so apparently they can to some degree put their rhetoric into action.

A majority of israel wants what is happening. 15 seats is not a majority (will see after the terrorist bombing attack of israel in lebanon.

Equating a few thousands displaced with 40k deaths and 2 millions displaced is frankly a laughable comparison TBH
Visegrad is a known misinformation source. I'm not saying none of that is happening, but I'd have to see someone credible say it to believe it.
To be honest, if i would be from hezbollah, i would throw my nesspresso out od the window
There is no "schtick" , just completely baffled by the double standards. If anyone has a "schtick" it's you by quoting a bunch of post without context for no other reason then to attempt to shame someone. This thread has become nothing more then endless virtual signaling and group think. Anyone one who disagrees with the consensus here is labeled morally repugnant without any real logical reasoning or discourse.
The context is available, it's not hidden though a mod deleted the post about letting them fight it once and for all.

There's no virtue signalling, I just find people who announce their love for the blood of Arabs not worth the time. Unfortunately, there are too many of them here so they can't always be avoided.

Don't bother to reply because this was the last post I will read of you here.
Today I learned - there is no oppressor or oppressed in conflicts. It's merely a matter of who has the better weapons and tactics.
A majority of israel wants what is happening. 15 seats is not a majority (will see after the terrorist bombing attack of israel in lebanon.

Equating a few thousands displaced with 40k deaths and 2 millions displaced is frankly a laughable comparison TBH
And it's not like there isn't an equivalent of them on the Lebanese side. In July, 83% of all the attacks conducted between Israel and Lebanon since October 7th have been made by Israel. But yes stop your double standards and caring for any arab children killed by Israel.
The pager/walkie-talkie explosions are not only an escalation, they're a humiliation - I suppose they are intended to be provocative, and that can only be because Israel believes that they can prevail in any sort of conflict if Hezobollah/Iran retaliate. I suppose that makes sense given they have blanket diplomatic immunity and full military support from the US where the worst consequence is a strongly worded tweet to accompany their next shipment of arms, ammo, and other war machines.

But that begs the question - does Hezbollah have the ability to truly retaliate? What would be a good resource to understand their idelogical beliefs and their organizational, military, and geopolitical capabilities? Is Israeli confidence founded in their actual ability (can they persist with 3 active conflicts with Gaza, West Bank, Hezbollah at once) or is it erroneously motivated only by Netanyahu's selfish goals? Assuming that (1) Israel continues to escalate the conflict, (2) Hezbollah/Iran eventually are forced to rise to the bait of declaring 'open war' or the equivalent, (3) the US continues to be only passively involved, and (4) the other Middle Eastern states continue to be inert in this conflict - how does this pan out next?
There is no "schtick" , just completely baffled by the double standards. If anyone has a "schtick" it's you by quoting a bunch of post without context for no other reason then to attempt to shame someone. This thread has become nothing more then endless virtual signaling and group think. Anyone one who disagrees with the consensus here is labeled morally repugnant without any real logical reasoning or discourse.
This is 100% correct.
The pager/walkie-talkie explosions are not only an escalation, they're a humiliation - I suppose they are intended to be provocative, and that can only be because Israel believes that they can prevail in any sort of conflict if Hezobollah/Iran retaliate. I suppose that makes sense given they have blanket diplomatic immunity and full miliatry support from the US where the worst consequence is a strongly worded tweet to accompany their next shipment of arms, ammo, and other war machines.

But that begs the question - does Hezbollah have the ability to truly retaliate? What would be a good resource to understand their idelogical beliefs and their organizational, military, and geopolitical capabilities? Is Israeli confidence founded in their ability (can they persist with 3 active conflicts with Gaza, West Bank, Hezbollah at once) or is it erroneously motivated only by Netanyahu's selfish goals? Assuming that (1) Israel continues to escalate the conflict, (2) Hezbollah/Iran eventually are forced to rise to the bait of declaring 'open war' or the equivalent, (3) the US continues to be only passively involved, and (4) the other Middle Eastern states continue to be inert in this conflict - how does this pan out next?

I'm sure they have the ability to respond, but not without eliciting further, stronger responses from Israel. And unlike the Gaza situation where you seem to have some degree of diplomacy to deescalate through a hostage deal, this situation would be much more difficult since Hezbollah answers to Iran, and they in turn don't talk to Israel. Even if they could talk through intermediaries, it wouldn't do any good for either side since they are light years apart in terms of their objectives.
So the illegitimate, barbarian, terrorist state tried to escalate things directly with Iran and it didn't exactly have the effect/response they wanted, now they want to go the indirect route by flattening Lebanon. The bloodthirst never ends.
Nothing public I'm afraid. I'll say I have some very good friends who were on these raids.

You had three main groups at the time. Ex Iraqi uniformed, Fedayeen etc. Then government backed militias using the rat lines to get in via Syria, these were where the Iranians came from but there were also others. Then a rag tag bunch of other fundamentalists.


Please dont make shit up
You're notorious for being a callous, vice-signaling troll, rushing in at every half opportunity to antagonise others for sport. Been that way for years at this point. Spare me the faux concern. No one who is paying attention is buying it.
You are mistaken, I'm not trolling, I'm just disagreeing. In this case I am just staggered that people are almost sympathising with poor old Hezbollah and I find some of the overblown, in-group rhetoric that gets used exhausting. Read about how Hezbollah treated their captives in the past, it's nauseating.

But I don't typically come on here to post about how cruel and upsetting the world is, theres little point to it, plenty of other people are doing it, and I know that already from a lifetime of seeing the same shit play out again and again.

How I feel about those things are the sorts of things I discuss with friends and family, not internet strangers. That may seem callous, but I'm more interested, on here, in the debates and the moves, than what Dumbo thinks of me. Sorry if that bothers you.
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The pager/walkie-talkie explosions are not only an escalation, they're a humiliation - I suppose they are intended to be provocative, and that can only be because Israel believes that they can prevail in any sort of conflict if Hezobollah/Iran retaliate. I suppose that makes sense given they have blanket diplomatic immunity and full military support from the US where the worst consequence is a strongly worded tweet to accompany their next shipment of arms, ammo, and other war machines.

But that begs the question - does Hezbollah have the ability to truly retaliate? What would be a good resource to understand their idelogical beliefs and their organizational, military, and geopolitical capabilities? Is Israeli confidence founded in their actual ability (can they persist with 3 active conflicts with Gaza, West Bank, Hezbollah at once) or is it erroneously motivated only by Netanyahu's selfish goals? Assuming that (1) Israel continues to escalate the conflict, (2) Hezbollah/Iran eventually are forced to rise to the bait of declaring 'open war' or the equivalent, (3) the US continues to be only passively involved, and (4) the other Middle Eastern states continue to be inert in this conflict - how does this pan out next?
Well I would suggest that israel,.rightly or wrongly, has interpreted Iran's lack of a response to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran as weakness and has decided to press its advantage. I assume Israel thinks Iran doesn't want to " rise to the bait". Risky and provocative for sure. Saudi Arabia won't be shedding a tear over any of this.
Well I would suggest that israel,.rightly or wrongly, has interpreted Iran's lack of a response to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran as weakness and has decided to press its advantage. I assume Israel thinks Iran doesn't want to " rise to the bait". Risky and provocative for sure.

Or rather, the Israelis aren’t waiting for the inevitable Iranian response, and are instead going on attack before an Iranian counter attack reaches Israel; an approach that is also politically advantageous for Netanyahu.
Or rather, the Israelis aren’t waiting for the inevitable Iranian response, and are instead going on attack before an Iranian counter attack reaches Israel; an approach that is also politically advantageous for Netanyahu.
Makes sense.
Lebanese women, my dear friends.

In confusion, in sorrow, hope is a rare commodity. In this confusion, in this sorrow, France stands by your side.

You are mistaken, I'm not trolling, I'm just disagreeing. In this case I am just staggered that people are almost sympathising with poor old Hezbollah and I find some of the overblown, in-group rhetoric that gets used exhausting. Read about how Hezbollah treated their captives in the past, it's nauseating.

But I don't typically come on here to post about how cruel and upsetting the world is, theres little point to it, plenty of other people are doing it, and I know that already from a lifetime of seeing the same shit play out again and again.

How I feel about those things are the sorts of things I discuss with friends and family, not internet strangers. That may seem callous, but I'm more interested, on here, in the debates and the moves, than what Dumbo thinks of me. Sorry if that bothers you.
The issue is that you are disingenuous and manipulative and behave that way in genuine and sincere discussions. Now and in the past.

My personal dislike of you is neither here nor there.
I don't see what Hezbollah are gaining from this conflict right now. A deal for peace with Israel would maybe be the rational decision at this point, for their own and the Lebanese people sake.
I don't see what Hezbollah are gaining from this conflict right now. A deal for peace with Israel would maybe be the rational decision at this point, for their own and the Lebanese people sake.
Its Israel who've been provoking them, and Netanyahu desperate for another front.
But did Hezbollah not Attack over the border since the Gaza war broke out, which caused a lot of residents having to flee?

There has been a lot of cross border activity since 10/7 and Israel's subsequent response. Had there not been, I doubt the Israelis would be wasting their time and resources on Hezbollah when they are otherwise tied up dealing with Gaza.
Genuine concern? It's a football forum. I come on here to shoot some shit, have an argument.

But I get that some people come here mainly to show off how much they care about things to a bunch of strangers.

You saying come here to have an argument is essentially saying you come here to purposely find things you disagree with just so you can argue back. Or also known as trolling. I'm surprised this didn't raise eyebrows from some of the mods.

It's quite amusing though as you coming in this forum for an argument is like me going to a clay pigeon shoot with a plastic spork.

To be honest I had thought about that, also in hospitals or ambulances too. The potential for things to go wrong is clearly very high as we have seen from some of the videos where people in close proximity are injured as well. Just think if a paramedic had one whilst treating a patient in the back of an ambulance, or the ambulance driver?

There are so many ways these attacks could go sideways, although as we have seen from the world's media and leaders and politicians, collateral damage seems to be acceptable because of the genius of this controlled and targeted explosives campaign. I've barely seen any mention of the poor 8 year old girl that died whilst revising and doing her school homework. Clearly at 8 she was without question a member of Hezbollah, probably even a top ranking soldier at that age :rolleyes:

Yet again the double standards applied to anything Israel does is there for all to see and they wear the badge with pride.
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There was a lot of cross border activity since 10/7 and Israel's subsequent response. Had there not been, I doubt the Israelis would be wasting their time and resources on Hezbollah when they are otherwise tied up dealing with Gaza.

That's what i'm thinking too. From what we hear, Israel want the north to be safe again so the people can move back there, but that obviously can't be the reality if Hezbollah continues it's attacks. I think Hezbollah can still get out of this before we reach invasion territory if they just agree to stop all aggression. As you said, i think Israel would prefer to have all it's attention on Gaza.
What the past two decades have shown us is that long protracted sieges always leads to huge civilian suffering.

Raqqa, Mosul, Gaza are all examples of this.

What didn't result in really high civilian casualties were high risk- high reward fast operations to seize a town as quickly as possible without it settling in to a long term siege.

The US takeover of Baghdad was an excellent example of this, as was the Battle of Basra. The counter-fact to this was the Siege of Fallujah which took 2 months and results in thousands of dead civilians.

Ukraine war is the same, Russian's taking Kherson was smooth whereas Mariupol was a complete shitshow.


I just find your whole schtick offensive coming here
Yes doesn't he know this internet territory is the property of one pile-on brigade only. How dare he disagree with you.

Anyone one who disagrees with the consensus here is labeled morally repugnant without any real logical reasoning or discourse.
On the Palestine thread they just ban you outright. Be grateful you get to say anything.

Are you...trying to conflate shitty memes by people who have no idea to dunk on actual published Military documents on how to avoid protracted sieges?

The Leningrad example is crazy, because that is what they absolutely should have done. Instead Army Group North got completely nerfed by mid July/August and Ritter Von Leeb specifically requested OKH (Von Brauchtisch) 13 times(!) over 25 days for an additional 13 divisions, which is what he stated would be the required strength in total to take Leningrad without a siege.

Given that the exact timeframe, was when the Loetzen decision was happening and additional units from Von Bock's Army Group Centre got diverted to Rundstedt, Army Group North was further overstretched and lacking in manpower, divisions and overall strength. Eventually by late August, OKH gave Leeb 4 of the 13 divisions he requested, leaving him 9 short.

What happened then was Army Group North comprised of Kuchler's XVIII Armee which was severely undermanned with only 5 infantry divisions, the 4th PanzerGruppe which had been campaigning hard for 3 months and in desperate need for resupply and rearmament, and XVI Armee which was stretched along a 600km frontline that needed manning.

The Germans simply did not allocate enough manpower to actually take Leningrad by storm, which is what they undoubtedly should have done.

On to Fallujah:

The 1st Marine Division and the 5th Marine Division did not have the shortages of power that the Germans had.

They spent 1 week setting up checkpoints around the city preventing anybody from leaving. Mistake number 1: It forced all the insurgents to dig the feck in as they were surrounded anyway.

They then spent another week, trying to precision bomb dug in troops in a city. It wasn't very fruitful as the insurgents just hid underground or in civilian housing or in rubble.

After a huge delay, the Marine Combat teams began to clear out the city house by house piece by piece, area by area. Slow, painful and high in casualties.

All documented retrospectives indicate this was the wrong move.


3rd Infantry Division took Baghdad international airport and rather than spend a week fortifying their position and trying to create a siege situation, they ran two armoured columns straight through the middle of Baghdad in 2 seperate days.
This caused absolute chaos and completely sliced command and control of the Iraqi forces.
Right After the 1st Marine Division cut through from the North forming isolated pockets of weak resistance.
Once the main administrative and command facilities fell the pockets of insurgents could be mopped up as they would have nowhere to hide or retreat to as they were in very small pockets trapped.

Now please, if you have something useful to contribute on this matter, please do but that shitty meme certainly wasn't it. all of the above were concluded by US military analysts conducting retrospectives, so it's not just me claiming this.

EDIT - Just saw the 2nd meme:

I refer to Field Marshall Von Kleist's comment around taking Stalingrad as referenced in Alan Clarke's Barbarossa, Chapter 11:

For the Don crossings were virtually undefended. Timoshenko’s troops had been hustled out of one position after another in the course of their retreat, and those who had not been trapped west of Rostov had already left the Don behind and were filtering up the valley of the Manych or making their way due east into the Kalmyk steppe, where the broken-up country and balkas of the Yergeni Hills would afford them some cover.

Kleist, who was particularly free with comment on how operations in other theatres should have been conducted, claimed after the war, “The 4th Panzer Army . . . could have taken Stalingrad without a fight at the end of July, but was diverted to help me in crossing the Don. I did not need its aid, and it simply got in the way and congested the roads that I was using.” A sergeant with the 14th Panzer Division has described how We got to the Don to find most of the bridges down, but very little sign of the enemy.

Now, German Field Marshall memoirs are always a fecking sketchy source, but Alan Clarke and David Glantz most summarily agreed with this assessment. The 4th Panzer Army at that point had 1 Russian Rifle division blocking it from Stalingrad but they were rerouted to help drive to the Caucasus.
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Yes doesn't he know this internet territory is the property of one pile-on brigade only. How dare he disagree with you.

On the Palestine thread they just ban you outright. Be grateful you get to say anything.
There is no "schtick" , just completely baffled by the double standards. If anyone has a "schtick" it's you by quoting a bunch of post without context for no other reason then to attempt to shame someone. This thread has become nothing more then endless virtual signaling and group think. Anyone one who disagrees with the consensus here is labeled morally repugnant without any real logical reasoning or discourse.

BoTh SiDeS.

Guys, why are we so biased?! Why does everyone only blame the Germans in WWII but nobody talks about the Allied atrocities! It's not fair and you're all biased!

Imagine 4,000 bombs going off across the country: at funerals, hospitals, grocery stores, barber shops and on the roads.Children, women, medics and innocent bystanders have been killed and maimed. Those who were not physically injured were left terrified and mentally scarred. I spoke to loved ones who were screaming and crying in fear after Wednesday's explosions.There is no explanation for the valorization of these terrorist attacks other than the now clear belief by many Western journalists and politicians that Arabs and Muslims are lesser humans.
This is a good tweet that could also apply to a few clowns here whose first thought was about how successful or brilliant this was and the movie that will be made about it.

This is a good tweet that could also apply to a few clowns here whose first thought was about how successful or brilliant this was and the movie that will be made about it.

They absolutely are creaming themselves.

If there ever was a better example of casual racism, and how dehumanization and ideological indoctrination work, that would be the poster boys rejoicing everytime a brown guy gets blown up. It's the same usual suspects, without fail. The ones who (rightly) get up in arms about Ukraine but will never find a word of sympathy for the Gazans.

They then proceed to the usual mental gymnastics to explain how great of a plan it was, how Israel is the misunderstood victim who had no choice but to slaughter them teRroRisTs, and why collateral damage simply was inevitable.

After all, it's rats Arabs we're talking about.
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I don't see what Hezbollah are gaining from this conflict right now. A deal for peace with Israel would maybe be the rational decision at this point, for their own and the Lebanese people sake.
Hezbollah couldnt care less about Lebanese people sake.
That's what i'm thinking too. From what we hear, Israel want the north to be safe again so the people can move back there, but that obviously can't be the reality if Hezbollah continues it's attacks. I think Hezbollah can still get out of this before we reach invasion territory if they just agree to stop all aggression. As you said, i think Israel would prefer to have all it's attention on Gaza.

Yes, one genocide at a time.
Are you...trying to conflate shitty memes by people who have no idea to dunk on actual published Military documents on how to avoid protracted sieges?

The Leningrad example is crazy, because that is what they absolutely should have done. Instead Army Group North got completely nerfed by mid July/August and Ritter Von Leeb specifically requested OKH (Von Brauchtisch) 13 times(!) over 25 days for an additional 13 divisions, which is what he stated would be the required strength in total to take Leningrad without a siege.

Given that the exact timeframe, was when the Loetzen decision was happening and additional units from Von Bock's Army Group Centre got diverted to Rundstedt, Army Group North was further overstretched and lacking in manpower, divisions and overall strength. Eventually by late August, OKH gave Leeb 4 of the 13 divisions he requested, leaving him 9 short.

What happened then was Army Group North comprised of Kuchler's XVIII Armee which was severely undermanned with only 5 infantry divisions, the 4th PanzerGruppe which had been campaigning hard for 3 months and in desperate need for resupply and rearmament, and XVI Armee which was stretched along a 600km frontline that needed manning.

The Germans simply did not allocate enough manpower to actually take Leningrad by storm, which is what they undoubtedly should have done.

On to Fallujah:

The 1st Marine Division and the 5th Marine Division did not have the shortages of power that the Germans had.

They spent 1 week setting up checkpoints around the city preventing anybody from leaving. Mistake number 1: It forced all the insurgents to dig the feck in as they were surrounded anyway.

They then spent another week, trying to precision bomb dug in troops in a city. It wasn't very fruitful as the insurgents just hid underground or in civilian housing or in rubble.

After a huge delay, the Marine Combat teams began to clear out the city house by house piece by piece, area by area. Slow, painful and high in casualties.

All documented retrospectives indicate this was the wrong move.


3rd Infantry Division took Baghdad international airport and rather than spend a week fortifying their position and trying to create a siege situation, they ran two armoured columns straight through the middle of Baghdad in 2 seperate days.
This caused absolute chaos and completely sliced command and control of the Iraqi forces.
Right After the 1st Marine Division cut through from the North forming isolated pockets of weak resistance.
Once the main administrative and command facilities fell the pockets of insurgents could be mopped up as they would have nowhere to hide or retreat to as they were in very small pockets trapped.

Now please, if you have something useful to contribute on this matter, please do but that shitty meme certainly wasn't it. all of the above were concluded by US military analysts conducting retrospectives, so it's not just me claiming this.

EDIT - Just saw the 2nd meme:

I refer to Field Marshall Von Kleist's comment around taking Stalingrad as referenced in Alan Clarke's Barbarossa, Chapter 11:

Now, German Field Marshall memoirs are always a fecking sketchy source, but Alan Clarke and David Glantz most summarily agreed with this assessment. The 4th Panzer Army at that point had 1 Russian Rifle division blocking it from Stalingrad but they were rerouted to help drive to the Caucasus.

Fallujah was a hornets nest whatever tactics they used. The Marines couldn't press in more than a block before they were getting torn to bits. ROE were virtually removed. Think JDAMs into the middle of the city, Abrams tanks firing the main gun down streets. If it moved you could shoot it. Unheard of anywhere else.

For various reasons by the time we got to Baghdad all the resistance had fecked off elsewhere. They were not interchangeable battles whose different outcomes were determined only by tactics.