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I don't entirely disagree with the notion, but I feel there are a few outliers to this. Namely the era of Islamic prosperity and innovation during the European dark ages, and the fact that nations like the US and Israel still have religious dogma heavily embedded into their political institutions. The GOP are pretty much the caucasian equivalent of the Taliban, and much of Israeli society is pretty much spurned on by some dogmatic allusion to the land being promised to them as god's chosen people. Its pretty much the crutch they use to justify their settlement colonisation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.I have a controversial take on this;
The Western World became superior the moment they took religious dogma out of its governance and geopolitical aims and the "Third world" has yet to do the same.
It took quite possibly the most brutal war in history relative to its time for the Western countries to realize this however.
In regards to quality of life, some would argue that despotic states like the Emirates and Saudi are more desirable places to live than much of Europe and North America when it comes to safety and personal prosperity. I'm not of that opinion personally, but many Westerners are.