Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

Indulging my inner conspiracy theorist for a moment - if what Hezbollah say is true, namely denying their involvement in this attack, then that leaves two possibilities.

The first is that it was a misled missile, which could have been fired by anyone, though I heard reports it was possibly an iron dome interception gone wrong.

The second is that its a false flag attack, which from an Israeli perspective they couldn't have picked a better location. Kill off a few Druze Arabs (dispensable for Israel), and blame it on Hezbollah, justifying a military incursion into Southern Lebanon.

Not one to entertain conspiracy theories, but I wouldn't put it past the realm of possibility, especially when its the unhinged Israelis involved.
This is exactly what I was thinking. The Israelis don’t care about the Druze community. They are easily dispensable in their minds. Gives them an excuse to invade Lebanon
The Gleiwitz or Mukden incidents immediately come to mind.

Zero chance the Hezbollah would intentionally strike the Druze.
Isn't there an Israeli military base around there that Hizbollah briefly admitted to targeting before changing their minds?
Conveniently hitting in the process a civilian zone populated by Druze (in a Syrian territory illegally occupied and annexed by Israel) with whom Hezbolllah has much better relations than with Israel, to say the least. There's zero Israeli casualty in this attack.

This at a time where Israel is showing every intention to escalate, attack Hezbollah and invade South Lebanon and just searching for a casus belli. And also right after Netanyahu's speech at the House of Shame Congress.

What does exactly Hezbollah gain here? Do you really believe this pile of crap?
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Hezbollah deny it was them, and I believe them every day of the week over the consistently lying Israeli genocide commiting cnuts
Rather than whacky conspiracy theories, with things like "But why would they target them?",

the most obvious (and numerically most common answer in the past decades across most warzones) is, 'Our shitty inaccurate solid-fuel propellant rocket didn't go where we intended it to go.'
Rather than whacky conspiracy theories, with things like "But why would they target them?",

the most obvious (and numerically most common answer in the past decades across most warzones) is, 'Our shitty inaccurate solid-fuel propellant rocket didn't go where we intended it to go.'
Ah yes, the "old shitty rockets" which conveniently allow Israel to amp up the strikes on Lebanon.
I certainly wouldn't call it a wacky conspiracy theory. Why wouldn't they drop a bomb on people they don't give a shit about to allow them the reason for going all in on Lebanon? It's a perfect excuse. This is a Government that has already committed countless war crimes. Why not throw one more on the pile?
I certainly wouldn't call it a wacky conspiracy theory. Why wouldn't they drop a bomb on people they don't give a shit about to allow them the reason for going all in on Lebanon? It's a perfect excuse. This is a Government that has already committed countless war crimes. Why not throw one more on the pile?
I can't find the tweets anymore but allegedly Hezbollah was proudly claiming that they hit a target and then backtracked when it turned out that children were hit.
The Syrian Golan Heights are occupied since 1967 by Israel and have been annexed in 1981, which is of course illegal under international law, but who cares about such petty things. Furthermore, it is forbidden for Israel to exploit its resources or establish any kind of settlement. Another UN resolution the only democracy in the region royally took a dump on. Again, small details, but worth their weight of gold for those who actually care about law and facts.

In consequence, Israel has absolutely no legal right to defend itself retaliate, even if Hezbollah indeed intentionally struck Majdal Shams (which I personally do not believe). Syria would be the only country to actually have a say in the matter.

Watching the western mainstream media lose their head about the strike and talk about it as an attack on Israel is absolutely hilarious, especially when the very same media (rightly) consider Crimea as part of current Ukraine and are pushing so hard for the latter to reclaim it.

In short, wacky conspiracy theory or not, the olympic mental gymnasts, double standard experts, and other self-righteous apologists can go suck a lemon.
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Ah yes, the "old shitty rockets" which conveniently allow Israel to amp up the strikes on Lebanon.

Hezbollah has been firing them into golan for years, with multiple misfires that resulted in random arid trees being blown up. It’s not a stretch at all to suggest this was the most likely case.

The Syrian Golan Heights are occupied since 1967 by Israel and have been annexed in 1981, which is of course illegal under international law, but who cares about such petty things. Furthermore, it is forbidden for Israel to exploit its resources or establish any kind of settlement. Another UN resolution the only democracy in the region royally took a dump on. Again, small details, but worth their weight of gold for those who actually care about law and facts.

In consequence, Israel has absolutely no legal right to defend itself retaliate, even if Hezbollah indeed intentionally struck Majdal Shams (which I personally do not believe). Syria would be the only country to actually have a say in the matter.

Watching the western mainstream media losing their head about the strike and talking about it as an attack on Israel is absolutely hilarious, especially when the very same media (rightly) consider Crimea as part of current Ukraine and are pushing so hard for the latter to reclaim it.

In short, wacky conspiracy theory or not, the olympic mental gymnasts, double standard experts, and other self-righteous apologists can go suck a lemon.

I mean, I don’t disagree with any of this on a high overview level but you can still blame Israel for the entire situation without trying to find explanations for how it could be a false flag etc or that hezbollah just simply fecked up.
Rather than whacky conspiracy theories, with things like "But why would they target them?",

the most obvious (and numerically most common answer in the past decades across most warzones) is, 'Our shitty inaccurate solid-fuel propellant rocket didn't go where we intended it to go.'

So, not different than Israel after all?
So, not different than Israel after all?

Err it’s very different.

Hezbollah have genuinely a huge arsenal of shitty early Cold War munitions much have awful accuracy rates.

Israel have laser guided or gps guided munitions which has a far far far lower failure rate. Israel doing this constantly shows far more malicious intent

Jumblatt interestingly coming out and saying it wasn't Hezbollah.

Shame the USA are so sure this time about the providence of the attack. Perhaps we should let Hezbollah conduct an internal investigation to assess what happened?

A lot of civilians dead according to some reports and news of the assassination of Fuad Shukr, Nasrallah's military adviser and one of the closest to him.
feckers bombed Beirut. I now have to get food supplies to last for many months if it goes any further. God how I hate this cnut genocidal occupying regime along with its US puppet.
feckers bombed Beirut. I now have to get food supplies to last for many months if it goes any further. God how I hate this cnut genocidal occupying regime along with its US puppet.
You shouldn't have allowed hamas to build a tunnel under your home, mate...
feckers bombed Beirut. I now have to get food supplies to last for many months if it goes any further. God how I hate this cnut genocidal occupying regime along with its US puppet.

Sorry to hear you are close to all this shit going on. Stay safe and hopefully someone wipes out that Netanyahu before he starts a bigger conflict

Iran can’t allow this to go unanswered, right? Israel is acting like a drunk frat boy who is confident his brothers will back him up. They are going to drag the world into a war and they don’t give a shit.
Iran can’t allow this to go unanswered, right? Israel is acting like a drunk frat boy who is confident his brothers will back him up. They are going to drag the world into a war and they don’t give a shit.

The Iranians have been taking plenty of shots at Israel by way of their proxies over the past year. All of three of them (Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis) have been active against Israel. In terms of a direct Iranian strike on Israel, that's not something Khamenei wants to get involved in since the last round resulted in an Israeli retaliation on Iranian defense infrastructure.