Syrian Golan Heights are occupied since 1967 by Israel and have been annexed in 1981,
which is of course illegal under international law, but who cares about such petty things. Furthermore,
it is forbidden for Israel to exploit its resources or establish any kind of settlement. Another UN resolution the only democracy in the region royally took a dump on. Again, small details, but worth their weight of gold for those who actually care about law and facts.
In consequence, Israel has absolutely no legal right to defend itself retaliate, even if Hezbollah indeed intentionally struck Majdal Shams (which I personally do not believe). Syria would be the only country to actually have a say in the matter.
Watching the western mainstream media losing their head about the strike and talking about it as an attack on Israel is absolutely hilarious, especially when the very same media (rightly) consider Crimea as part of current Ukraine and are pushing so hard for the latter to reclaim it.
In short, wacky conspiracy theory or not, the olympic mental gymnasts, double standard experts, and other self-righteous apologists can go suck a lemon.