Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

According to Avi Shlaim (Iraqi Jew historian) - there was Zionist meddling in Middle Eastern countries to hasten the migration of Sephardic Jews to Israel. His claim is on the Baghdad bombings specifically -

Avi Shlaim says he has 'proof of Zionist involvement' in 1950s attack on Iraqi Jews | Middle East Eye

but given Israel's method of behaviour since their inception, I wouldn't be surprised the level of meddling in other instances.

These incidents are well known for decades. By the time they happened Jewish flight from Iraq was already underway, discriminatory laws had been gradually introduced since the mid-30s, and most notoriously the Farhud had happened in 1941.
Oh sorry I thought you agreed with my point about pre-48 migration but disagreed with the intent after 48.

Well, the thing is, I thought the same as you regarding ideological movers, but then someone in the Israel gaza thread corrected me and pointed out most of them were very poor people who escaped from Europe which had huge levels of anti-semitism and were actually paid to do so by charities.

That was me!
Sorry, I’m not sure where the confusion lies.

I'm not saying that their mutually exclusive by any means, but ultimately poor Jews escaping abuse in Europe don't have ideological reasoning at their forefront no?
I'm not saying that their mutually exclusive by any means, but ultimately poor Jews escaping abuse in Europe don't have ideological reasoning at their forefront no?

No, but the Zionist agencies awaiting them on arrival in Jaffa - who processed them, found them work and a place to live, and ultimately provided them with protection and arms in the face of the inevitable Arab opposition to them - certainly did. And from 1917 to 1939 they pursued that ideological agenda more or less with the support, or at least facilitation, of the ruling imperial power. That makes the situation as a whole very different to the phenomenon of today’s migration.
It is impossible to blame one side.

The British are at fault along with the UN for the way Israel was set up in the first place.
Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon are at fault for declaring war on Israel the second it was founded.
Israel were at fault for the Nakba and grabbing land in the most violent and fear inducing way possible
The US are at fault along with UK for destroying Iraq and wrecking the Iran/Iraq power balance in the Middle East
Israel are at fault for the way they have subjugated the Palestinian population for almost a century
The UK and US were at fault in backing the Shah and orchestrating a coup in Iran
The Palestinians were at fault in backing Arafat for too long and then backing Hamas while allowing Israel to play Hamas and Fatah off against each other.

This list could go on and on, but just a random selection of mistakes hopefully shows, that the strategy of multiple nations in the Middle East has failed and all countries involved have only contributed to making it worse. People picking a side and arguing vociferously for that side will never achieve anything either in this thread or on a geopolitical stage. All sides have fecked up in this and until people are honest about that, speak openly about it and realise that neither side can win outright, nothing will change and innocent people will continue to lose their lives.

What a good post. And you have rightly pointed out some of the causes of the ongoing problems.
No, but the Zionist agencies awaiting them on arrival in Jaffa - who processed them, found them work and a place to live, and ultimately provided them with protection and arms in the face of the inevitable Arab opposition to them - certainly did. And from 1917 to 1939 they pursued that ideological agenda more or less with the support, or at least facilitation, of the ruling imperial power. That makes the situation as a whole very different to the phenomenon of today’s migration.

Didn't Britain begin to really curtail Jewish immigration after '36 revolt?
I don't think it's a complex issue at all.

There's no indigenous population that will just lie down and let their land, livelihood, civil rights, and lives be taken without resistance.

If you're a Palestinian in Gaza, you're bottom of the rung. A life with little hope and confined to what is essentially an open air prison where every facet of your life is controlled by your oppressor and occupier.
If you're a Palestinian in the West Bank, whilst you have a modicum of more rights than Gazans, you're lands, livelihoods and houses are atomised by brutal murderous settlers hell bent on making your life so intolerable that they force you to leave (if they don't kill you).
If you're an Israeli Arab (a weird term in itself), you're essentially a 3rd class citizen in your own country, where you're dehumanised in public spaces and on the fringes of society.

I don't see anything complex about that situation that Israel (with the backing of the US / the West) have created.

I have tried to be conciliatory, which seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Yet again you are just looking at everything from the Gaza/Palestinian position.

If you don't think that the problems affecting this region, to which this thread is about, not just Gaza/Palestine, are complex, then that says it all.
That's not fair either, because a huge chunk of the post 48 migrants were a result of various Arab countries ethnically cleansing Jews outright or making policy so that it became utterly untenable for Jews to reside there. For example, in 1962 Algeria stripped all Jews of Citizenship. In 61 in Libya Jews were stripped of their rights to vote, own business, trade or to own property. Iraq participated in asset stripping, you had massacres in Morocco and Egypt engaged in mass asset seizures.
2cents was referring specifically to pre 48 migration because as you know after 48 the reasons for emigration became alot different.
I have tried to be conciliatory, which seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Yet again you are just looking at everything from the Gaza/Palestinian position.

If you don't think that the problems affecting this region, to which this thread is about, not just Gaza/Palestine, are complex, then that says it all.
Your post specifically mentioned Arab - Israeli - Palestine.
Didn't Britain begin to really curtail Jewish immigration after '36 revolt?

Yes. In 1939 the British issued a White Paper limiting Jewish immigration to 15,000 a year for five years (or 75,000 over the five years, I’m not 100% sure), after which the Arabs would decide on any further immigration. It also severely curbed further Jewish land purchases. The partition proposed in the 1937 Peel Commission findings was abandoned, and the British agreed that Palestine as a whole would become an independent state with a large Arab majority by 1948/49. The change in British policy was driven by the perceived need to win general Arab opinion to their side as the war approached. It was obviously rejected by the Jews (some of them violently so), and perhaps more surprisingly by the Palestinian leadership, although not the Palestinian community as a whole.
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That is not true though.

Yes I know. They have merely taken the case. Genocide is now a devalued word that's been put into the social media bullshit machine and spat out out by russian bot farms as part of the hypernormalisation program.
I tried to raise that point and was summarily ignored. Israel have been accused of genocide at the ICJ, and will be tried at some point in the future.

But it is guaranteed that someone in the next 5 pages will still claim that Israel was found guilty for genocide in some international court which has never happened.

But it is guaranteed that someone in the next 5 pages will still claim that Israel was found guilty for genocide in some international court which has never happened.

But the poster you quoted wasn't even saying that?
MSC Aries: India may soon meet its crew on ship seized by Iran

Officials from India may soon be able to meet crew from the country who are on a ship seized by Iranian troops. Seventeen of the 25 crew members on the MSC Aries, a commercial ship with links to Israel, are Indian.

Iran's foreign ministry issued a statement after a phone call between top officials of the two countries. Iranian special forces captured the ship on Saturday off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, hours before Tehran launched an attack on Tel Aviv.
I'm pro-reality. When the international court says Israel are committing genocide then get back to me and we can discuss whether it's true. But they haven't (yet) so you're just making stuff up. I doubt they will either but let's see. I have an open mind on this. You clearly do not.

Were you brushing off the Bosnian genocide all the way up to 2007? The Rohingya case is still undecided. Canada and the Netherlands have started a case against Syria, but along with it being undecided it's for torture and inhumane treatment, not the ethnic cleansing you talked about earlier.
If you can't see any complexity in this then you don't see anything except what you want to see.

I'm pro-reality. When the international court says Israel are committing genocide then get back to me and we can discuss whether it's true. But they haven't (yet) so you're just making stuff up. I doubt they will either but let's see. I have an open mind on this. You clearly do not.
I suggest you also open your eyes, not just your mind.

Your position makes no sense, these crimes always happen and only later are formally addressed as such.

But I guess you would also argue people could only accuse nazi germany of genocide in 1945 because that's when a court accused them. You would be telling someone in 1944 of making stuff up and waiting for an international court. Makes no sense at all.
Were you brushing off the Bosnian genocide all the way up to 2007? The Rohingya case is still undecided. Canada and the Netherlands have started a case against Syria, but along with it being undecided it's for torture and inhumane treatment, not the ethnic cleansing you talked about earlier.

Just because the human bot farm of tankies and islamists screams genocide on the internet a million times a day doesn't make it so. I do see ethnic cleansing being attempted (clumsily so far but it may yet work.) I certainly see a casual disregard for human life. I don't see an intention to kill an entire population or a huge chunk of it. The problem you have is that by calling it the worst thing you can think of, you will lose credibility.

But I guess you would also argue people could only accuse nazi germany of genocide in 1945 because that's when a court accused them. You would be telling someone in 1944 of making stuff up and waiting for an international court. Makes no sense at all.

Because that was a genocide and this might not be. We can see perfectly well what is happening in Gaza. We couldn't see what was happening in Dachau. It's not a genocide just because you don't like it. That's not what the word means.
If you can't see any complexity in this then you don't see anything except what you want to see.

I'm pro-reality. When the international court says Israel are committing genocide then get back to me and we can discuss whether it's true. But they haven't (yet) so you're just making stuff up. I doubt they will either but let's see. I have an open mind on this. You clearly do not.

Funny, when the court doesnt say is genocide. You dont want to discuss it... is not genocide

But if they rule that is genocide then kt can be discussed.not accepted but needs to be dicussed

The state of your arguments
Funny, when the court doesnt say is genocide. You dont want to discuss it... is not genocide

But if they rule that is genocide then kt can be discussed.not accepted but needs to be dicussed

The state of your arguments

At least my arguments are coherent and not just random words. LIke if a first generation A.I was put through google translate.
At least my arguments are coherent and not just random words. LIke if a first generation A.I was put through google translate.
Very coherent. I don't care what I see with my eyes, until a court says it's genocide, it's not genocide. Oh and OJ was of course innocent.
Can everyone stop being so toxic?
There are some really good posters here but some are being really obtuse and aggressive for little reason and I’m relatively new here but this is off putting for a new member of the community
Just because the human bot farm of tankies and islamists screams genocide on the internet a million times a day doesn't make it so. I do see ethnic cleansing being attempted (clumsily so far but it may yet work.) I certainly see a casual disregard for human life. I don't see an intention to kill an entire population or a huge chunk of it. The problem you have is that by calling it the worst thing you can think of, you will lose credibility.

Ok, but that has nothing to do with what I asked. You said you'd only be willing to talk of the possibility of a genocide happening after it has been legally judged to be one. If that's a standard you hold consistently, then you were openly denying the Bosnian genocide all the way up to 2007. After 2007, you'd be starting a discussion on the Bosnian genocide, to decide whether or not you agree with the ICJ.

What I'm saying is that you're using the fact that Israel hasn't been convicted as a way to brush off the charges, even though it would be impossible for any conviction to happen yet because even if the charges are true this takes time to deal with legally. You're doing this as a tactic.
Can everyone stop being so toxic?
There are some really good posters here but some are being really obtuse and aggressive for little reason and I’m relatively new here but this is off putting for a new member of the community

I wish I could say that this is not typical.
But it is.
Can everyone stop being so toxic?
There are some really good posters here but some are being really obtuse and aggressive for little reason and I’m relatively new here but this is off putting for a new member of the community
If you do not want toxicity, you are not in the right place. Unfortunately, it rarely happens nowadays in Caf.
Can everyone stop being so toxic?
There are some really good posters here but some are being really obtuse and aggressive for little reason and I’m relatively new here but this is off putting for a new member of the community
I'm not entirely sure how you walk into a thread about such toxic events and relationships and expect the discussion to be much different. For what it's worth, this is a far less toxic environment than you'll find in most parts of the internet discussing this topic, even if I feel this thread has been coopted by Israel apologists since the Iran retaliation.
You're doing this as a tactic.

No. I looked at the definition of genocide the ICC uses.

...the crime of genocide is characterised by the specific intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group by killing its members or by other means: causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; or forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The first problem is that Gazans are not "a national, ethnic, racial or religious group." They are a subset of Palestinians. Palestinians are not an ethnic, racial or religious group either. Whether they are a national group is arguable. Palestine is not a recognised country.

The second problem is showing intent. The Israelis clearly don't care if Gazans die as a by-product of their attack on Hamas, but they can accurately state that Hamas are using those Gazans as a human shield. No intent, no genocide.

The other definitions are so vague as to be meaningless. Causing mental harm to members of the group? You could accuse Liz Truss of genocide on that basis.

Honestly, ethnic cleansing is hardly better than genocide. If the bot farm repeated that accusation on a loop they would have credibility.
No. I looked at the definition of genocide the ICC uses.

...the crime of genocide is characterised by the specific intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group by killing its members or by other means: causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; or forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The first problem is that Gazans are not "a national, ethnic, racial or religious group." They are a subset of Palestinians. Palestinians are not an ethnic, racial or religious group either. Whether they are a national group is arguable. Palestine is not a recognised country.

The second problem is showing intent. The Israelis clearly don't care if Gazans die as a by-product of their attack on Hamas, but they can accurately state that Hamas are using those Gazans as a human shield. No intent, no genocide.

The other definitions are so vague as to be meaningless. Causing mental harm to members of the group? You could accuse Liz Truss of genocide on that basis.

Honestly, ethnic cleansing is hardly better than genocide. If the bot farm repeated that accusation on a loop they would have credibility.

Ok, this is extremely dodgy. The Bosnian genocide is considered so in large part because of the Srebrenica massacre, and the "Srebrenicans" were a subset of Bosnians, or Bosniak Muslims.

Twice in a row now the way you argue to dismiss genocide accusations clearly lead to genocide denial in other established cases.
You're welcome to explain why you disagree rather than call me a liar. Or is your presumption of moral superiority sufficient argument by itself?
You keep talking about bot farms when you come across as if you're some kind of IDF AI designed to spread misinformation and provoke people.

Other than that, calling a group that's been forcibly shut off from the rest of the world for the last 20 years anything but it's own distinct group is pretty mental. Your description of genocide, as you've quoted from the ICC applies almost exactly to the situation is Gaza. Now you question whether the Palestinians (not even just Gazans) are even national or ethnic group?
Can everyone stop being so toxic?
There are some really good posters here but some are being really obtuse and aggressive for little reason and I’m relatively new here but this is off putting for a new member of the community

Youre seeing how the red in redcafe isn't related to the colour of the football shirts. If you want to discuss politics on here you'd better pledge your allegiance to Joseph Stalin first or else.
Youre seeing how the red in redcafe isn't related to the colour of the football shirts. If you want to discuss politics on here you'd better pledge your allegiance to Joseph Stalin first or else.

Either that or just agree with everyone.
Really. Israel apologists?
Yes. Really. @Revan has stated that he believes Israel is possibly committing genocide but is on their side for feck sake. The less said about @glazed the better. You've also come in here pretty hot for Israel but I wouldn't necessarily call you an apologist.
Yes. Really. @Revan has stated that he believes Israel is possibly committing genocide but is on their side for feck sake. The less said about @glazed the better. You've also come in here pretty hot for Israel but I wouldn't necessarily call you an apologist.

Oh. I was trying to give some balance. And unlike some, I don't see the current situation as totally the fault of Israel.
Yes they have made unforgivable mistakes and caused totally unacceptable suffering as well as deaths.
But we should not gloss over the disgusting events of 10/7.

To expect them not to react with force would have been naive. But the level of force has been just plain excessive.
Oh. I was trying to give some balance. And unlike some, I don't see the current situation as totally the fault of Israel.
Yes they have made unforgivable mistakes and caused totally unacceptable suffering as well as deaths.
But we should not gloss over the disgusting events of 10/7.

To expect them not to react with force would have been naive. But the level of force has been just plain excessive.
10/7 was an uprising against an apartheid state.

Edit: I did expect Israel to respond, in fact I expected them to respond exactly as they have, because unlike a lot of people, I've followed this situation for the best part of a decade and I know what a disgusting and barbaric state Israel is.