Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

The same folks taunting with the whole 'Arabs lost the war and hence Palestinians lost their land, get over it!' rhetoric - I wonder if they'd extend the same logic if Putin was successful in completely annexing Ukraine. Would we accept it as Russian territory because Ukraine lost the war and we simply need to get over it? Or do we isolate Russia as a rogue, occupying belligerent? And before anyone chimes in with the retort that Ukraine didn't start the war - well neither did the Palestinians, who's territorial claims to the land were simply cast aside by colonial powers, and were then used as pawns by Arab States who've long since abandoned them.
This is used again and again as an excuse for Palestinian land being absorbed by Israel. But the people of Palestine did not declare war on Israel.

You are perfectly right about this. The people of Palestine were not really a political entity capable of declaring war on anybody, though I think it's safe to say whose side the local Arabs were on. It's an interesting moral and debating point but in the real world completely irrelevant. There was a war and that was the outcome. The world is full of such stories. Nobody has to accept it but you can't change it either.
The same folks taunting with the whole 'Arabs lost the war and hence Palestinians lost their land, get over it!' rhetoric - I wonder if they'd extend the same logic if Putin was successful in completely annexing Ukraine. Would we accept it as Russian territory because Ukraine lost the war and we simply need to get over it? Or do we isolate Russia as a rogue, occupying belligerent? And before anyone chimes in with the retort that Ukraine didn't start the war - well neither did the Palestinians, who's territorial claims to the land were simply cast aside by colonial powers, and were then used as pawns by Arab States who've long since abandoned them.

That is not the same at all.
The state of Israel was the result of a UN resolution and Israel was recognised as an independent democratic state.
I hardly think that would apply to Ukraine in the (increasingly) likelihood of annexation by Russia.
That is not the same at all.
The state of Israel was the result of a UN resolution and Israel was recognised as an independent democratic state.
I hardly think that would apply to Ukraine in the (increasingly) likelihood of annexation by Russia.
Recognised within very specified borders, the Israelis have which since ignored and expanded well beyond, to the extent that the same UN that granted them a state has described their ongoing presence in said territory as an occupation. So the parallels do exist in the sense that both are annexing and occupying territory deemed not to be theirs by international law, and continue to convey ambitions to expand their occupation.
I don't buy that Israel is committing genocide. If they are then they are really bad at it. Hamas OTOH have it written into their charter.
I do buy that Israel is pursuing ethnic cleansing in Gaza though.
This isn't the first time you've said it, and it isn't the first time I've had to respond to the nonsensical take.

You should read up on South Africa's case that they took to the ICJ, which they ruled it was a plausible genocide.

We've not only had Knesset members literally come out with genocidal rhetoric, but we've seen first hand the wanton destruction and indiscriminate killings and murders of unarmed civilians, aid workers, medical staff, journalists etc etc. The list goes on.

There's no excuse for ignorance on this topic anymore.
Well why would there be hard evidence? The Republican Guard don't do freedom of information requests. I suppose you think Israel didn't blow up the Iranian consulate either? That's not how this game works.

If it suits your politics to say Iran isn't orchestrating regional proxies like Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah, then you believe what you want to believe. But don't expect to be taken seriously.

Please don't be patronising about 'how this game works', I'm well aware that there won't be some 'smoking gun' dossier, but if they've looked at evidence of signals, imagery, human intel etc and still failed to find evidence of Iran's involvement then is it so difficult to conceive of the possibility that it simply wasn't involved? It seems that contrary to the fact every actor involved has concluded or stated that Iran was not involved, you maintain that it still just must have been, despite the lack of evidence for it.

I don't mind if you don't take my view seriously, I know that the view that these actors are not proxies is taken pretty seriously among security experts, it's only really in media opinion and in politically-motivated spheres where 'Iranian proxy' is peddled and applied to distinct and autonomous actors without being meaningfully challenged.

Here's what the International Institute for Strategic Studies had to say about the misuse of 'proxy' when describing Iran's nonstate partners and the suggestion of orchestration.

"The term ‘proxy’ also implies a directive relationship, which allows Iran to direct while the proxy obeys. If applied across the influence network, it would imply in turn a uniform level of control and orchestration of the groups by Iran, which IISS research has not found to be the case."

Its report on Iran's networks in the region is long but can be useful as a reference.

What we are really discussing is whether they approved the scale of the attack, not the fact of it.

Not really, we're discussing the claim that the 7 October attack was started by Iran.
On Iranian influence, the US said "we haven’t seen hard, tangible evidence that Iran was directly involved," similarly Israel said "we have no evidence, no intelligence proof of Iranian involvement in this situation." Netanyahu was also asked about it and couldn't say that Iran was involved in the operation, and we know how he'd be happy to peddle that theory.

Meanwhile Iran said it wasn't involved (and was reportedly angered that the attack took place without warning in the first place) and Hamas said the same.

Not sure how many more adversarial actors would be required to say the exact same thing for it to not be considered the consensus. And if the types of people who are pre-empting responses to their argument of Iranian involvement start their opinion pieces with: "the sympathisers and the sceptics will immediately cry, “There’s no evidence” –conveniently pointing to the Biden administration’s insistence on this," then I don't think their argument is a compelling one.

Never mind the Hamas fighters training in Iran in the weeks before October 7th or the IRGC commanders present in Gaza. Iran has made sure its involved in virtually every anti Western action in the Middle East since the 80s.
It's an interesting moral and debating point but in the real world completely irrelevant. There was a war and that was the outcome. The world is full of such stories. Nobody has to accept it but you can't change it either.

How anyone can in good faith call the Nakba “completely irrelevant” is astounding regardless of your background or beliefs.

It is not just an interesting moral and debating point. It’s a core part of modern Palestinian culture and the source of so many of today’s issues.
Never mind the Hamas fighters training in Iran in the weeks before October 7th or the IRGC commanders present in Gaza. Iran has made sure its involved in virtually every anti Western action in the Middle East since the 80s.
I mean its hardly surprising. Iran of course has its talons over places like Lebanon, Iraq and Syria, likewise with the US with its talons with their own (equally unpleasant) factions in Syria and others parts of the Middle East, as do the Turks who found themselves abetting ISIS in Northern Syria against the Kurds, likewise the Russians with the Syrian regime. Its hardly unique nor particularly outstanding to see Iranian meddling within Hamas elements.
What an absolutely brutal and inhumane thing to say. Imagine that being the official line in IHL. How can you even back that statement up? We're fast approaching 20 years since the last official election, where Hamas didnt even get the majority of the votes. Oh, and approximately half the current population in Gaza weren't even born when that election took place.

There's no backing up, because @B. Munich isn't coming to his conclusions based of any principled stance.

This is a grown man, in his 50s or 60s. German guy who grew up abroad, and vividly remembers people being mean to him as a child because of what the Nazis did. He's still lashing out, 50 years later, and because he sees sympathy towards the slaughtered civilian population in Gaza they become his targets.

Let me explain the reason for my post.

I grew up as a German in Luxemburg, Belgium, Netherlands and France in the 70's. In every country I was frequently confronted with the our past. Whatever I replied, I got to hear Germans are guilty because we supported an evil regime. Without the huge support within the population Hitler and all the atrocities weren't possible.
In a nutshell, WW2 and all the suffering was the fault of the German population.

Wrong or right, this time shaped me and therefore if you willingly support terrorists you aren't innocent.
There's no backing up, because @B. Munich isn't coming to his conclusions based of any principled stance.

This is a grown man, in his 50s or 60s. German guy who grew up abroad, and vividly remembers people being mean to him as a child because of what the Nazis did. He's still lashing out, 50 years later, and because he sees sympathy towards the slaughtered civilian population in Gaza they become his targets.
He's just a microcosm of the absolutely pathetic stance Germany has taken from this conflict. Learning all of the wrong lessons and being on the wrong side of history again.
Please don't be patronising about 'how this game works', I'm well aware that there won't be some 'smoking gun' dossier, but if they've looked at evidence of signals, imagery, human intel etc and still failed to find evidence of Iran's involvement then is it so difficult to conceive of the possibility that it simply wasn't involved?

We can agree that the operation was most likely conceived at ground level by Hamas. We can agree that the political leaderships in Qatar, Beirut and Tehran were most likely consulted prior to the operation. All those things are extremely likely. Had either raised strong objections it would not have gone ahead - that seems a reasonable conclusion. The nuances though, we cannot know much about that. Deniability is a thing. You wouldn't expect hard evidence to exist or be in the public domain if it did.

And then again they may not have realised that the operation was going to be so violent, or that the Israeli reaction would go beyond reprisal to full scale annihilation of Hamas. Or maybe they did. Again, we don't know. We do know they left Hamas in the lurch, but there is a long tradition of that.

How anyone can in good faith call the Nakba “completely irrelevant” is astounding regardless of your background or beliefs.
It is not just an interesting moral and debating point. It’s a core part of modern Palestinian culture and the source of so many of today’s issues.

You are taking my words out of context. What is irrelevant (to the Israelis) is whether it was the Arabs of Palestine or the Arabs of other countries that started hostilities in 1948. They were all on the same page that Israel needed wiping out and that is why Israel always prioritised defensible borders after that. They were at war with the whole Arab world for a long time, and still are (technically) with much of it. Ironically it is the greater threat of Iran that is beginning to change that.
There’s a reason the other German posters stopped defending it months ago. Except him.
You should read up on South Africa's case that they took to the ICJ, which they ruled it was a plausible genocide.
If we're going to be pendantic, my understanding is that the accusations are considered plausible, and the actual ruling will be done at a (much later) date. (also that the ICJ is in fact able to hear the case).

I feel like phrasing it as essentially the ICJ ruling that Israel's actions in Gaza are in fact genocide (which would be a big deal as to my knowledge it has happened exactly once in history) is pretty wide of the reality of the situation.

It reads to me far more like when a judge agrees to hear a case, as the accusations are plausible, than any kind of verdict on said case.
Penny for the thoughts of the people of those Arab countries regarding their leaders lending a helping hand to the Israelis during an ongoing massacre in Gaza. Can't exactly be good optics.
Don't think the average Arab is well disposed to Israel at the best of times! But optics aside, the politics of this developing Israel - Arab "alliance" is interesting, especially as the Israel - Saudi accord was supposedly a reason for the timing of the October attacks in the first place.
Yeah not gonna jump in here and defend Iran ever. Despise their government and what it stands for

Same can be said for the Israeli government and the IDF plus anyone still defending their actions. All cnuts of the highest order.

If it wasn’t for innocents dying on each side I’d just have said let them bomb the shit out of each other
Of course there is a lot of truth in what you say. Everything you say happened did indeed happen, more or less. But it is only one side of the story. The British had control of that territory because the Ottoman Empire declared war, joined the side of the Germans in World War I, and then lost. Arabs had already lost sovereignty of what became the Palestine protectorate in 1918 through their own military failure. Much of that land was then purchased legally by Jews, albeit that would not have been allowed under Ottoman rule because it oversaw a highly xenophobic society, as it remains today. In 1948 the Arabs started another war and lost again. In the real world that has consequences. That's what happens when you lose a war.

Very many of the Jews who subsequently went to Israel were expelled from other Arab countries where they were third class citizens. And of course they want both a Jewish state and a democracy, so allowing Palestinians to return en masse is never going to happen. The first thing a Palestinian majority would do would be to change the name of the country to Palestine and do the same kind of ethnic cleansing Israel is obviously wanting to do in Gaza.

They are where they are. Israel is not going anywhere. It's not going to destroy itself to please Jeremy Corbyn, the Redcafe head bangers or some Tehran Ayatollah. The best Palestinians can ever hope for is a two state solution and the worst is ethnic cleansing. The Palestinians also have the capacity to make political choices, and now is the time to encourage good ones, not get swept away in a frenzy of jew hatred and another war they can't win. Israel has shown it doesn't give a toss about the lives of Palestinians who are now seen as a collective enemy. Is it really smart to provoke them and entrench that view further?

I agree that israel is there and it will stay and i am fine with it, but i dont agree that they have a historical reason and also that because a UN resolution decide it. Is was not a fair resolution and israel never accepted any resolution that didnt favour it also

But again, israel exist, fine. Lets center to the present. Israel is fecking shit is a terrorist state comitting genocide. And not only is not punished but protected and supplied to keep comitting it.

My stance is criticizing the legitimacy that some people vests in israel to have the right to behave how they do in the present
Was it the Europeans who decided or was it not the UN Partition Plan for Palestine who decided....
The land which was partioned by UN Mandate had historical links to both Palestinian and Jewish people over thousands of years.

The establishment of the State of Israel is highly complex and highly contentious.
And let's remember the events of WW2 that resulted in a large number of Jewish people being displaced across Europe with no homeland.
What was supposed to happen to them.

But to suggest that it was simply a land grab by the Europeans is not strictly accurate.

Was the UN in post WWII mostly dominated by europeans, USSR (half europe) the US and china and being UK protectorate probsbly had the most to say

It was a land the end of the XIX century they were 5% jews with 2% were born and raised there and 3% born in europe. By the 20-30s they bought land because the plans of having a israel country started to form and it increase to +30% which 90% were from europe-US. So all this people had 0 connection with the land, and it is fine, you buy as private citizen, form a state, and vote consequently. But not go around burn and kill people and because you are not from that religion, you cant go back and they size your land and give it to foreigners.

It is baffling that you are telling me because the jews were persecute and killed they had the right to persecute and kill arabs.

If the holocaust happened in germany, give them german land, not palestinian people that were not involved in politics and minding their lifes
Where did I say this?
In redcafe the overwhelming majority consider the civilian casualties in Gaza as totally innocent. I just tried to highlight that they aren't as long a significant part still actively supports Hamas.

I'm no military expert but it's common knowledge that urban warfare comes with high casualties including many civilians. Especially, if one party is hiding behind and amongst them.
I'm open for your suggestions what the IDF could have done better to protect the general population and still achieve their goal to destroy Hamas.

I'm also no military expert but it's common knowledge that when you subject a population to every kind of oppression, violence and dehumanization for decades, that population is likely to exhibit resistance. Therefore, my suggestion to the IDF would be stop creating conditions that will necessarily lead to a violent response.

If support of Hamas (by an election 18 years ago for what it's worth) is so incriminatory as to render civilians in Gaza not innocent, are those victims on October 7th who voted for the current Israeli regime similarly not innocent, having voted for a regime that the ICJ has ruled is plausibly committing the worst crime known to humanity?
But again, israel exist, fine. Lets center to the present. Israel is fecking shit is a terrorist state comitting genocide. And not only is not punished but protected and supplied to keep comitting it.

These are words that have meaning that are being misused and devalued for hyperbole by political actors. A terrorist is someone who uses violence to create fear, or uses hit and run tactics rather than open warfare. Israel does neither. Neither are they trying to kill Palestinians for the sake of it, they just don't care too much how many of their sworn enemy die in the process of what they are doing. Actual genocides like Rwanda or the Holocaust are very obvious.

The real question is what is their actual objective in Gaza? Some say it's to wipe out Hamas - which is legitimate but almost unachievable. Others say it's ethnic cleansing of Gaza - they want to make it uninhabitable. The latter is a war crime and one they are quite possibly guilty of. Or maybe they have no objective and just want to punish the Gazans. Take your pick.
These are words that have meaning that are being misused and devalued for hyperbole by political actors. A terrorist is someone who uses violence to create fear, or uses hit and run tactics rather than open warfare. Israel does neither. Neither are they trying to kill Palestinians for the sake of it, they just don't care too much how many of their sworn enemy die in the process of what they are doing. Actual genocides like Rwanda or the Holocaust are very obvious.

The real question is what is their actual objective in Gaza? Some say it's to wipe out Hamas - which is legitimate but almost unachievable. Others say it's ethnic cleansing of Gaza - they want to make it uninhabitable. The latter is a war crime and one they are quite possibly guilty of. Or maybe they have no objective and just want to punish the Gazans. Take your pick.

There are many 'actual genocides' and they don't have to be as stark or drastic as holocaust or Rwanda to be counted as such.

In the same way that lynching black people while wearing white hoods is very obvious racism but you can have racism without it hitting you over the head so obviously.
These are words that have meaning that are being misused and devalued for hyperbole by political actors.

There are plenty of people who study these things for a living and they've raised concerns about genocide. See here for instance. The case may not be ironclad but it is far more than "misuse from political actors."
These are words that have meaning that are being misused and devalued for hyperbole by political actors. A terrorist is someone who uses violence to create fear, or uses hit and run tactics rather than open warfare. Israel does neither. Neither are they trying to kill Palestinians for the sake of it, they just don't care too much how many of their sworn enemy die in the process of what they are doing. Actual genocides like Rwanda or the Holocaust are very obvious.

The real question is what is their actual objective in Gaza? Some say it's to wipe out Hamas - which is legitimate but almost unachievable. Others say it's ethnic cleansing of Gaza - they want to make it uninhabitable. The latter is a war crime and one they are quite possibly guilty of. Or maybe they have no objective and just want to punish the Gazans. Take your pick.

Difinition of Terrorism: "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims"

Tell me were it doesnt fit in gaza?
Is not hiperbole is a perfect use of the word

Is unlawful to torture, is unlawful to starve people, is unlawful to snipe kids, ia unlawful to summary execute people, etc... the rest is self explanatory

Is lawful what israel ia doing in the west bank? Is lawful accompaning settlers with the military while they are killing people (kids also)and burn cars, olives trees and using terror against civilians?

You have a problems with words because it hurts your narrative, but the reality is that israel state should appear in the picture of rhe state terrorist definition

You have problems with the words genocide when it is blatantly happening.

Well used words hurts your feelings ans your narrative? Sorry not sorry
Difinition of Terrorism: "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims"

Tell me were it doesnt fit in gaza?

Israel would argue that their actions are lawful self defence. GIven October 7, they would say attacking Gaza is legal. The question then is whether it is proportionate.
They argue that their violence is targeting Hamas who are using civilians as human shields. They argue that Hamas are the terrorists and it is Hamas that has a declared objective of genocide.

Ultimately these words have been degraded of their original meaning in the propaganda battle, along with words like anti-semitism and islamophobia. I'm inclined to treat them as noise. It's much easier to say that the intention is ethnic cleansing, another war crime, because it is a more meaningful accusation and one that is likely true. If i had a narrative in the way you claim I would hardly say that, would I?
Unbelievable we're still discussing if this is a genocide or not.

If there's a madman on a killing spree in the region right now, that's Netanyahu.

The principle of deterrence shouldn't be reserved to one side. Iran kept quiet, the bombing of their embassy was the straw that broke the camel's back, and expecting them or any country for that matter to let it slide was completely delusional.

Israel, the US and the Arab countries in the region were briefed in advance about when and where the retaliatory attack would occur. Useful informations about how the Israeli air-defense systems react have been gathered, the cheap drones and cruise missiles were sacrificial pawns and some the ballistic missiles went through. Four of them hit the Nevatim Airbase, one of the most protected on Israeli territory, and where its F-35s are stationed. This happened despite the additional support from France, the UK and the US. And I highly doubt that it was Iran's best stuff.

Israel also spent more than $1 billion (some estimation point to 2 Billions) in one night for what essentially was a lightshow, which gives you an idea of how costly the whole thing would become, should it come to a full-scale war. But hey, they still can boast about shooting down 99% of the missiles.

Not implying that Iran would win a direct confrontation with US/Israel, it doesn't stand a chance and doesn't want it anyway. But they drew a clear red line and will act accordingly. So either the US holds back an "ally" completely out of control or the whole region blows up.

In short, I'd think twice about whom the madman theory should be applied to.
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If there's a madman on a killing spree in the region right now, that's Netanyahu.

The principle of deterrence shouldn't be reserved to one side. Iran kept quiet, the bombing of their embassy was the straw that broke the camel's back and expecting them or any country for that matter to let it slide, was completely delusional.

Israel, the US and the Arab countries in the region were briefed in advance about when and where the retaliatory attack would occur. Useful informations about how the Israeli air-defense systems react have been gathered, the cheap drones and cruise missiles were sacrificial pawns and some the ballistic missiles went through, despite the additional support from France, the UK and the US. And I highly doubt that it was their best stuff. Israel also spent more than $1 billion in one night for what essentially was a lightshow, which gives you an idea of how costly the whole thing would become, should it come to a full-scale war. But hey, they still can boast about shooting down 99% of the missiles.

Not implying that Iran would win a direct confrontation with US/Israel, it doesn't stand a chance and doesn't want it anyway. But they drew a clear red line and will act accordingly. So either the US holds back an "ally" completely out of control or the whole region blows up.

In short, I'd think twice about whom the madman theory should be applied to.
Aye, we had a good discussion about 'rational actors' not long ago. Would be nice to actually consider who those are.
Do you think if the Palestinian issue was resolved tomorrow, Iran would stop threatening Israel? I don't.

A goid chance, yes. The organisation of Islamic cooperation (which Iran is part of) said there would be peace but only if Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders.
As @B20 posted earlier, Suez 1956, the Six-Day War, and Lebanon 1982 are clear cut cases of Israel initiating the conflict. Of course in each case Israel had a casus belli, and 1967 may have been the most legitimate although it’s not an established “fact” that Egypt was going to go to war, we can’t know for certain. In any case almost every act of war is preceded by some sort of justification, and this is no less true for those wars initiated by the Arab powers.

In addition to the above, Israel has bombed Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, and Tunisia outside of direct hostilities, and engaged in numerous other clandestine operations around the world whose legality is, let’s say, doubtful. Again you can argue whether or not each case is justified on its own merits, but the broader pattern is one of Israel taking the initiative.

(edit): I would add that, in the context of this thread, it is certainly Iran that went looking for a conflict with Israel after 1979. But even then the growth and apparent intractability of the confrontation between the two cannot be understood without reference to the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon.

Abdul-Naser told his war cabinet I am never going to start the war to give the Americans an excuse to participate. He said starting the war is a major political failure and we should prepare ourselves to take the first hit. Charles de Gaulle told Naser 5 days before the Israeli attack the same thing.
That's not the consensus. That's what they claimed afterwards when they left Hamas in the lurch and left the Gazans to get obliterated by a vengeful Israel.

For the Western/Israeli perspective there are many people that argue the opposite. For example:

My own view is that Iran did know and sanction October 7 but were not expecting the scale and brutality of what happened. As with 9/11 and al-Qaeda, Hamas were the victims of their own success.

I've read this 3 times now and am unclear if I'm being an idiot but cannot see a single shred of evidence there for their claim that Iran knew about and sanctioned October 7th?

As for your post slightly further down, nobody is claiming that Iran does not fund, train and at times direct its proxies. They'd be pretty shite proxies if they didn't. Where the disagreement comes is that some have this cartoonish view that the proxies exist purely and solely to do Iran's bidding. Iran says jump and they say how high. As opposed to groups who are funded and armed by Iran (again nobody disputes this) but who also have their own agency, their own agendas and their own decision making processes.
This was a statement of the rather august sounding Coalition Council of Islamic Revolution Forces as recounted on

Could well be bluster, but certain folks on the Iranian side do seem to be making the claim.

That's fair and I don't think anybody on here or that I know in real life in any way supports the Ayotollahs.

The dispute that I personally (can't speak for others) have brought up repeatedly is the targeting of a consulate. There either is international law, which we apparently try to uphold, or there isn't. Nobody on here would have said an Iraqi blowing up an American consulate in Costa Rica because there was a general in there at the time was reasonable or 'part of the game'. It would have rightly been condemened.
Aye, we had a good discussion about 'rational actors' not long ago. Would be nice to actually consider who those are.
I have absolutely no love for Iran's theocratic regime and think that the Iranians deserve much better, but that is up to them to deal with it and no one else.

Israel and Iran have been trading dirty blows and fighting a shadow war by proxy for decades in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, especially since 2006 once Iraq was effectively wiped out. The Mossad most likely assassinated top nuclear Iranian scientists directly on Iranian soil between 2007 and 2020.

Still both carefully avoided a direct confrontation... Until Netanyahu decided that it would be a great idea to blow up an Iranian consulate in the middle of a failed genocidal campaign on Gaza, with the firm intention of dragging the US into a regional war to get rid of its archnemesis and more importantly, save his sorry ass.

Under article 51 of the UN Charter, Iran had every right to retaliate after the bombing of its consulate, which was a flagrant violation of the Vienna Convention, no matter how much spin the Western media and some posters here want to put on it. The retaliation was carried out in a manner that wouldn't give any excuse to the US or its allies to launch a strike against Iran.

Despite the official condemnations which are just for show, the Western governments are now panicking and urging Israel to not escalate and it shows how much of a loose cannon Israel has become. We'll see what happens next.
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I've read this 3 times now and am unclear if I'm being an idiot but cannot see a single shred of evidence there for their claim that Iran knew about and sanctioned October 7th?

It is my view based on the nature of their relationship. If you want evidence you're not going to get it. But Hamas doesn't exist without Iran so do the maths.
It is my view based on the nature of their relationship. If you want evidence you're not going to get it. But Hamas doesn't exist without Iran so do the maths.

Israel doesn't exist (both historically and currently) without the USA. And yet the 56 Suez crisis happened without the knowledge of the USA.

I don't 'want' evidence but if you're going to be making such definitive statements, and linking articles claiming they provide the contrary argument, which turns out to just be some Joe Bloggs talking about how x and y show how Iran was behind it, while listing objectively completely irrelevant facts, then people are going to comment.
I’m able to criticise netenyahu and think he must go. But at the same time I can appreciate the wider implications and involvement of Iran‘a regime in Hezbollah and Hamas. In fact, in hindsight, Israel’s response of taking out the IRGC people who enable and support Hamas and Hezbollah is the right step vs the approach that has happened in Gaza.

but having said all that, those who seem to support Iran’s regime and actions are not people I’ll engage with. Both the current Israeli and Iranian governments can be criticised without having to cheer on one of them.

The issue is that there are basically no posters on here who support Iran or its idiotic leaders.

The fact that people point out the rife hypocrisy or denounce an attack on a consulate does not mean they support the Iranian regime at all.