For the hundreth times 1:
Europeans deciding in 1948 to give land that is not theirs ( in the private sense) to europeans jews that never lived there. Giving 55% of the land to 30% the jew population which were 90% europeans. Try that to any country and see if there is no war. Of course the jews were elated, why start a war?
For the hundreth times 2:
Despite if they were a state (definitely they were/are a country), it has nothing to fo with the nakba and its genocide and ethnic cleansing. Killing and stealing their land as private citizens and not allowing to return to their land while allowing any jew in the world to arrive in israel and become a citizen. A clear point of appartheid
Try to do this in any modern country. Try in europe to kill and kick out non christian citizens and not allowing to return just because
For a billionth times
The war from october 7th didnt start that day, the war had been sustained for decades killing hundreds if not thousands of palestinians a year, keeping stealing their land, kiddnapping thousands even kids without trial and torturing and raping. This had been done before the ayatollahs in iran, before hezbollah and before hamas, which the latest had been a symptom that israel and netanyahu allowed to fester and fed because they wanted a 10/7 to be able to have and excuse for what is happening now
People, Just-fecking-learn-a-thing of what had happening in this conflict. Is nothing that had explained hundreds of times