Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

As the Syrians found out repeatedly. But lucky is a bit of a stretch. The Palestinians are even more unlucky in their allies and leaders than in their enemies. Iran led them up the garden path to start a war on October 7 and then left them in the lurch to be ethnically cleansed by a vengeful Israel. Just like in 1948.

At some point the Corbynista tankies and Islamist apologists that fester in the dark corners of the internet or hide in the anonymity of mass demonstrations, they will have to publicly pick a side in this global war and take the consequences for their jobs and for their lives. Russia, Iran and China are patriarchal dictatorships - the very opposite of what we should stand for. The world is polarising before our eyes. To quote Yeats, the centre cannot hold.
What a train wreck of a post.

Ok, now read the post again and try to see if it is about Israel-Hamas or Israel-Iran.

I mean, let's be real here. Iran has been arming every group that tries to harm Israel, some of which are under their direct control (Hezbollah). They are the puppet masters of all anti-Israel militias. This is what I have been saying in the post you quoted. I was not talking about Israel-Hamas war there, only in the context that Iran sponsored the terrorism of Hamas there.

And now Iran attacked itself Israel. But now we should obviously ask to not escalate further. While when Israel gets attacked, it is ok, I guess.
Ok, now read the post again and try to see if it is about Israel-Hamas or Israel-Iran.

I mean, let's be real here. Iran has been arming every group that tries to harm Israel, some of which are under their direct control (Hezbollah). They are the puppet masters of all anti-Israel militias. This is what I have been saying in the post you quoted.

And now Iran attacked itself Israel. But now we should obviously ask to not escalate further. While when Israel gets attacked, it is ok, I guess.
Yes, exactly how the US and UK have, who are also regional players. I mean, Israel, Iran, Hamas, the UK and the US are all regional players so it's fair game to talk about all of them in this thread. The forum has mods for a reason and doesn't really need you acting like one as well.
I know this is off topic but I nearly had a brain aneurysm trying to figure out what was happening here until I doubled checked the usernames.
Yep same here! I didn't realise there were two posters on here with such similar usernames
Yes, exactly how the US and UK have, who are also regional players. I mean, Israel, Iran, Hamas, the UK and the US are all regional players so it's fair game to talk about all of them in this thread. The forum has mods for a reason and doesn't really need you acting like one as well.
Sure, I am just refusing to debate for something that belongs to another thread though, in a direct question that was addressed to me. Which is I guess, none of your business.
Sure, I am just refusing to debate for something that belongs to another thread though, in a direct question that was addressed to me. Which is I guess, none of your business.
As I've just shown, any talk of regional players belongs in this thread.
back on topic, surely talk about israel-palestine-hamas etc will also find its way to this thread... little one can do about it.
As I've just shown, any talk of regional players belongs in this thread.
And as I shown, I disagree with that. I think a thread about Israel-Iran conflict should be about the Israel-Iran conflict, not about Israel-Hamas conflict.

And unlike you, I am not getting between a debate between two different posters telling them what to talk. I had a conversation with @Dr. StrangeHate, he made me a question that I think derails the thread, I refused to answer here. I would be happy to answer in the other thread.

Again, it is not your business. As you said yourself, you're not a mod.
Plot twist: they're the same person :wenger:

I think one of them needs to take the sacrifice and change their username. Like me and @shamans. Just don't change it into rearman or a terrible username liked i pick which makes me hate that decision everytime i log into the caf.
Agreed, I'm glad I'm not on the side of those despotic belligerents. Happy to be part of a democracy that champions the virtues of human rights, personal freedoms, freedom of speech, apartheid and genocide.

I don't buy that Israel is committing genocide. If they are then they are really bad at it. Hamas OTOH have it written into their charter.
I do buy that Israel is pursuing ethnic cleansing in Gaza though.
And as I shown, I disagree with that. I think a thread about Israel-Iran conflict should be about the Israel-Iran conflict, not about Israel-Hamas conflict.

And unlike you, I am not getting between a debate between two different posters telling them what to talk. I had a conversation with @Dr. StrangeHate, he made me a question that I think derails the thread, I refused to answer here. I would be happy to answer in the other thread.

Again, it is not your business. As you said yourself, you're not a mod.
Except you didn't quote @Dr. StrangeHate, you quoted @Giggsyking. According to you Hamas are an Iranian proxy, so surely anything involving Hamas is, by definition, appropriate for this thread.
When you believe even Saddam Hussein was nothing more than a useful idiot, you might want to start thinking about your worldview.
The key is OR he was used by the US and he used the US. My point is that the US was involveda and without it saddam would had been less deadly and less emboldened. He fecked around less than a decade. From iran to kwait. Israel is 80 years and is commiting as we speak genocide, as attacking lebannon syria and iran
My post:
Yeah, but that should be ignored. Iran arming Hamas who then killed 1300 Jews in Israel also should be ignored. Iran arming and controlling Hezbollah who fires every day at Israel should be ignored. Iran declaring that they want the total destruction of Israel should be ignored. And when they try the most massive attack they ever did, it should also be ignored.

But if Israel counter-strikes, that is the time to call for de-escalation, and to blame Israel for starting this.

The reply to my post:
Is the UK and the US fair game because they are arming Israel to kill 15000 child in Gaza?

My reply to that post:
There is another thread about the Israel-Hamas war on Gaza.

You being the police:
You were posting about the Israel-Hamas conflict in this thread on this exact page, why are you trying to shut people down?
Except you didn't quote @Dr. StrangeHate, you quoted @Giggsyking. According to you Hamas are an Iranian proxy, so surely anything involving Hamas is, by definition, appropriate for this thread.
Hamas is not exactly an Iran proxy, but are heavily backed and sponsored by Iran. Hezbollah are as much an Iranian proxy as a proxy can be. Syria, who is also hostile to Israel is an Iranian proxy. So are the Houthi's. All groups who want to destroy Israel. All, except Syria, who routinely fire at Israel, and have been doing so for a very long time. And now Iran fires itself at Israel.

When were the voices of restraint before? Why now when Israel will fire back?
I asked why you're trying to shut people down. You tried shutting someone down. I'm the police though, sure.
I am not shutting down anyone. Just refusing to engage on something that is not about the topic of the thread.

Again, it was a question addressed to me. Unlike you, I did not enter in a back-and-forth between two other users telling them what to do.
I am not shutting down anyone. Just refusing to engage on something that is not about the topic of the thread.

Again, it was a question addressed to me. Unlike you, I did not enter in a back-and-forth between two other users telling them what to do.
No, you just told them where to post, completely missing the point that this thread is about Israel and Iran and other regional players, which the UK, the US and Hamas all are.

Were you wrong or were you trying to shut down debate?
No, you just told them where to post, completely missing the point that this thread is about Israel and Iran and other regional players, which the UK, the US and Hamas all are.

Were you wrong or were you trying to shut down debate?
In a post directly addressed to me. Which then later the same poster asked me in the Palestine thread. Where I happily answered.

Carry on, Don Quixote!
In a post directly addressed to me. Which then later the same poster asked me in the Palestine thread. Where I happily answered.

Carry on, Don Quixote!
Ahh, so you were just wrong then, good to hear.
mods need to step in on this raven revan thing
And….the rest of the thread.

It must be a CE pattern - thread starts out good, then we get into an argument that’s been done to death in loads of other threads, everyone but the belligerents gets bored and stops posting anything of value, thread becomes a shitshow
Let me ask you - if the Islamic Republic ceased to exist overnight, you think the Israelis will have a eureka moment and proceed to operate fairly and peacefully?
Of course the situation won't just change over night, if the Iranian theocracy finally is replaced. I never said they are the only problem but they are the biggest. Since mullahs took over there key foreign policy is destroy Israel.

If regime in Iran is gone, there is real chance for lasting peace for the first time in decades. As long as the religious fanatics still rule the country I don't see any change for peace in the foreseeable future.
Of course the situation won't just change over night, if the Iranian theocracy finally is replaced. I never said they are the only problem but they are the biggest. Since mullahs took over there key foreign policy is destroy Israel.

If regime in Iran is gone, there is real chance for lasting peace for the first time in decades. As long as the religious fanatics still rule the country I don't see any change for peace in the foreseeable future.
Then you are naïve to think that the Israelis will seek peace if Iran disappears from the equation. Has Iran forced them to carry on building settlements? Has Iran forced them continue occupying their territory and kill scores of them? And why would they stop these crimes if they're given carte blanche by the US and countries such as yours who believe that they can do no wrong?

The only way peace will exist is if either Israel stops the occupation and the Palestinians are given their land, independence and dignity, or if the Palestinians are completely cleansed from the land. Iran is irrelevant. The question is which solution do you find more palatable?
Ehud Barak: Israel stronger than Iran but would have a hard time winning drawn-out war

Former prime minister Ehud Barak says Israel is stronger militarily than Iran, but would have a difficult time defeating the Islamic Republic in a drawn-out war.

Barak tells Channel 12 that Israel’s first prime minister David “Ben-Gurion set clear rules: Israel must not enter all-out war without a superpower at its side; Israel must always seek shorter wars [because] we don’t have the luxury of long wars; Israel must always hold the moral high ground. Those three lessons apply to this day. Netanyahu is ignoring all of them.”
When and where did that happened?

If true that Israeli had total control, please explain how Hamas could stockpile ten thousand of rockets and weapons and built a sophisticated tunnel system of hundreds of kilometers length?

Do you really believe Hamas ever wanted peace? Peace would be the end to their existence.
Do you really believe Hamas cares more about the civilians in Gaza than Netanjahu? Their leaders sit in Qatar and live the comfortable life of millionaires while their people are starving and dying.

Are you serious with your first question? When and where did the murders and rapes happen?

Have you been living under a rock or just not following news from the region prior to recent events? Before Oct 7th last year there were 248 Palestinian deaths in the West Bank alone. That's just the West Bank. Thousands of Palestinians have been killed, tortured or held indefinitely without charge. That's not even up for debate.


And that's only from 2008. I'm seriously not going to bother if you are going to deny actual facts that have been well reported for years by numerous respectable parties.

As for your second question. No, I don't think Hamas wanted peace, I never said they did. They are an evil terrorist regime and their actions are indefensible. I never said otherwise. However, as I did say, they were formed for a reason. Two wrongs dont make a right and this constant whatsboutism and blame shifting and denial doesn't help anyone at all. At the same time you can't opress a population and not expect them to find a way to fight back either. Again, two wrongs don't make a right.

And finally, Hamas made makeshift rockets out of anything they could use. It's hardly top grade weapons they are using, although they can be effective though, as can any weapon.
This thread has turned into a shitshow and away from meaningful discussion and into ridiculous strawman's, points devolved from facts that don't exist in reality and toxic aggression.

Peace out :)
Then you are naïve to think that the Israelis will seek peace if Iran disappears from the equation. Has Iran forced them to carry on building settlements? Has Iran forced them continue occupying their territory and kill scores of them? And why would they stop these crimes if they're given carte blanche by the US and countries such as yours who believe that they can do no wrong?

The only way peace will exist is if either Israel stops the occupation and the Palestinians are given their land, independence and dignity, or if the Palestinians are completely cleansed from the land. Iran is irrelevant. The question is which solution do you find more palatable?

You conveniently forget to mention that Israel never started a war, it's always been the other side.
Had the Palestinians followed the 1948 UN compromise (resolution 181) the problem would have been solved longtime. But no they decided to reject resolution 181 and go to war with Israel.
But yeah it's all Israel's fault