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So you object to Israel's very existence, that's another conversation all together.
Just for the sake of precision, there was no Palestinian state before 1948, there was a British mandate, and before that there was a Othman rule. You can perhaps claim that every inch of land within those borders belonged to the Arabs who populated it, but that was not the territories legal status.
Wars have happened all across the globe and populations moved as a result of it, most moved on to create a better lives for themselves, while Palestinian leaders have chosen to persue terror instead and doomed their population to life long suffering because of that.
BTW, the West Bank was under Jordanian rule from 1948-1967, why was no Palestinian state established than?
BTW 2, Gaza has a border with Egypt, a border which Israel currently holds no control on, and yet the Egyptians keep it sealed shut, why do you not complain about the siege the Egyptians are enforcing on the Gazans?
whataboutery and selective facts.
I will deal with each of your points in turn:
1. should Israel have been established on Palestinian land? No. Should it now exist? Yes, as I don’t believe in now displacing a whole other population of people as well. A two state solution is the only realistic solution. But Israel should not continue in its current form with its current leadership, which has a genocidal agenda aimed at wiping out a whole population.
2. There was no Palestinian state before 1948: according to whom? The West? The UN? Who gets to say whether a people are a people or nation? It was under Ottoman rule and then British administration before 1948. So what? India was under British rule until 1947, does that not make India a nation?
if we are talking about who has a claim to that land, and if Zionists want to make it a biblical conversation about the land of Canaan, then we should look at what made up Canaan and who made up Canaan. It was on what we now call Palestine/Israel, Jordan and Lebanon. Therefore, the people of all those places could stake a claim to that land. It was not however, solely a Jewish land. Israeli Zionists say that they are the only real democracy and secular country in the Middle East, yet they also believe in Israel being a country only for Jews. So which is it, are you a secular democracy or a theocracy?
3. wars have happened all over the world and populations have moved. What is your point? That the Palestinians should just accept what’s happened to them? Would you? Would for example, Italy accept seizure of their land and just ‘move on?’ Of course not. They would fight, as the Palestinians are doing. It’s absurd to suggest they do anything else.
BTW 1: why would Jordan have anything to do with this conversation? Are they the mouthpiece or representation of Palestine? Stop bundling all Muslim or Arab people and countries into the same basket as if they all speak and act in unison. The fact it didn’t happen under Jordanian administration is a completely different question as to why Israel has acted the way it has and continues to do so.
BTW 2:
Do I have a problem with how Egypt have conducted themselves? Of course. They are not blameless and their submission to Israel’s wishes and the mess along the Philidelphi border is a massive problem. But last time I checked it wasn’t Egyptian bombs blowing up Palestinians and orphaning almost 20,000 children, leaving thousands more missing limbs, living in a tent in the cold and without food or water.