Is true blood gay and stuff?


Magic Meat
Mar 14, 2006
Viva La Soviet Union
I was talking to a friend about it the other day and she assured me it isn't a film version of twilight, I am however sceptical and would like the opinion of the cafe lumberjackfolk.
It's a great show. I'll concede that the premise of it is similar to Twilight but it's really well explored. It's really dark and, especially during the latter episodes of a season, it is unbelievably good.
gay maybe if you are a lady and like looking at knockers..
It's written by Alan Ball.....who well wrote American Beauty and Six Feet Under, figure it out.

Still great though, since he's a terrific writer.
Hot ladies who get their kit off quite often and lots of gore. I would not go as far to say it is unbelievably good because its hardly original and at times a bit silly.

But it is enjoyable. Its basically an adult version of Buffy
It has gay scenes in it. More gay man scenes then gay woman, so it makes me uneasy, but i still enjoy the rest of the show.
There's definitely too much romantic bullshit in it and there's a few gay scenes here and there but it's well worth a watch anyway.
There's definitely too much romantic bullshit in it and there's a few gay scenes here and there but it's well worth a watch anyway.

Nail and head. It got so tiresome during the third season it was almost unbearable.
1. season was great. 2. season was very good. A bit down hill now I think. Still gonna watch it.

Some bits are gay I guess. Like the gay bloke. He's gay.

There's a lot of romantic stuff yeah but it's a show that's spot on for couples to watch. Lot of the romantic stuff and lot of gory vampire killing stuff.