Is my Wii fried?


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
I accidentally plugged my American Wii into a UK socket using the wrong adaptor. There was a shit loud popping sound and a strange smell. My Wii does not come on any more. I think its fried.

Does this mean its damaged beyond repair? :nervous:
Did you plug the power brick straight into a UK socket? If so, chance are it's just that which is damaged. Probably needs a few resisters replaced (maplins is your friend here), or if you aren't up to much with a soldering iron, I suggest replacing the brick.

I've done the same with both an American Gamecube and a mate even once wrecked a $10k Gamecube dev kit the same way. Both were just power supplies blown and I fixed both with a few inexpensive parts.
I've dabbled with American consoles before and my guess would be that it is the external power adapter that took the brunt rather than the console itself.

For instance I have used my British purchased laptop in both Britain and the US with British and American power sockets in the respective countries because a computer will have a universal power standard that will convert whatever the local wattage is to what the computer was built for. Therefore I wouldn't be surprised if you could buy a British lead and fix it to your American Wii but I would confirm that with someone else before you start experimenting.
Thanks that gives me some hope. 80 odd stars into Mario, I'd hate to lose that progress.

Well actually I plugged the power brick into an adaptor which was only supposed to take Asian plugs. I basically have a shit load of adaptors and mixed them up.

I'm not handy enough to try fixing it on my own. How much do you think a Game/Comet will charge for something like this?
So if I were to get a new power brick with the UK voltage and were to plug that into my American Wii, that would be fine correct?
So if I were to get a new power brick with the UK voltage and were to plug that into my American Wii, that would be fine correct?

I imagine if you type that into google someone somewhere will probably have an definative answer on that but I'd be surprised if you couldn't.

The official wii cable I imagine would cost £15 or so.