Is it safe to defrag an external HDD?

Unless weaste cares to correct me, I'm guessing it's the exact same process as on an internal hardrive, ie, just moving the files about into a more efficient system/order.

(that is of course after microsoft's wonderful system just threw everything about randomly to begin with...)
Unless weaste cares to correct me, I'm guessing it's the exact same process as on an internal hardrive, ie, just moving the files about into a more efficient system/order.

(that is of course after microsoft's wonderful system just threw everything about randomly to begin with...)

You telling me Ubuntu arranges them with some sort of logic?
You telling me Ubuntu arranges them with some sort of logic?
Yes! Thankfully.

Why doesn't Linux need defragmenting?

Basically, ext3/ext4, the filesystems used by Linux, give space around files when assigning places on the disk. So there is no need to split up a file to fit small areas. As long as you have tons of free space, an ext3/ext4 drive will never be badly fragmented.
back to the original question: Is it safe to defrag an external HDD?

Yes its relatively safe. For extra piece of mind I would place the HD in a bowl of tepid water whilst defragmenting is in progress.

Hope this helps.
Eventually yes, but ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems don't need as frequent defragmenting as FAT32/NTFS. I can't remember the lower-bound at which you may need to start considering defragmenting on Linux, though, something like 30-40% usage.

I think ext3 fragments quite badly if you do things like torrent large files (i.e. slow writes), unless space is preallocated - although I'd imagine FAT32/NTFS would also have the same problem, possibly worse.