Is CR7 - Superman??????


Holds even more bizarre beliefs than Kemo
Feb 25, 2004

I'm convinced that our fav son - Cristiano Ronaldo is none other than the indomitable and much loved superhero 'Superman' whom i have grown up reading in comics/ films.

Tall, slick, charming,courteous and handsome (i.e. an efit of Clark Kent) - but a red devil possessed in the beautiful red of manchester united!!

Then there is:

The physique of Adonis
Supersonic speed
Superconditioned athelete
Lightning feet
crazy unique moves and dance like moves
Can pass without looking
Impervious to pain, tackles, intimidation
Th laser guided freekicks/ shots / pens
34 goals/ 37 games - unreal and a superhuman return
AND on top he glides in the air!!!

All that is missing is the glasses!!! What a player!!!
Yes he is, I proved this the other day when I posted the picture below :D

excellent Solius, i have this pic as my original desktop pic - and to give credit to you - the leap in the air gave me the idea of him resembling Superman. Thanks for the edited pic! Lets hope the bad guys don't find out what the kryptonite is to CR7. Or is that Ashley Cole as the press/ deluded fans try to make out! LOL.

Yes he is, I proved this the other day when I posted the picture below :D

Ronaldo himself has endorsed 'CR7' as his own - and his family operate a business in Portugal under this Trademark.

Why do people seem to think thats a good way to refer to him? I dunno it just seems chavy.
This thread is a bit embarrassing really, isn't it?
Only a bit of light-hearted amusement. Makes a change from all the 'serious' and general foul-mouthed tirades in posts.

I'm convinced that our fav son - Cristiano Ronaldo is none other than the indomitable and much loved superhero 'Superman' whom i have grown up reading in comics/ films.

Tall, slick, charming,courteous and handsome (i.e. an efit of Clark Kent) - but a red devil possessed in the beautiful red of manchester united!!

Then there is:

The physique of Adonis
Supersonic speed
Superconditioned athelete
Lightning feet
crazy unique moves and dance like moves
Can pass without looking
Impervious to pain, tackles, intimidation
Th laser guided freekicks/ shots / pens
34 goals/ 37 games - unreal and a superhuman return
AND on top he glides in the air!!!

All that is missing is the glasses!!! What a player!!!

He must have done something right in a past life, that's for sure.

Absolute gift from god.
Anyone think he eerily resembles Clark Kent as portrayed by the late Christopher Reeves (God bless him) - all he needs is the dark gelled hair and black rimmed glasses?!

All is revealed....

Seems that we were right all along. CQ gives the game away

"With Ronaldo to the fore, of course (and maybe Nani and Anderson, two further Queiroz-influenced acquisitions from Portugal). "Cristiano is a player who constantly amazes you," said Queiroz. "He plays all year round for Manchester United and Portugal - and at such a level. Truly, he is a Superman."

There does indeed appear no limit to Ronaldo's capabilities. We had just got used to his dazzling wing play when it became evident that he could suddenly pop up as a centre-forward, lethal in the air. Then his goal-scoring rate from all angles began to quicken. He has casually broken a record set by George Best - with perhaps a dozen matches to spare. Oh, and developed a breathtaking state-of-the-art technique for free-kicks. And he is only 23.

"I have been privileged," responded Queiroz, "to work with some of the best players in the world on a daily basis." He threw in a few names from Real Madrid alone: "Zidane, Figo, Ronaldo, Raul, Roberto Carlos, David Beckham. And I think Cristiano is the finest and most complete football player. You think about Figo the winger, Ronaldo the forward, Zidane the playmaker - and you add the strength of Fernando Morientes in the air! Then you have Cristiano Ronaldo. I have never seen such a creation."

That's quite an endorsement for CR.
Incredible, I think you managed to offend or alienate just about the entire population of the world with that opening introduction! Let me explain myself:

Mithun said:
Is CR7 - Superman??????

People can't stand Ronaldo being referred to in this way. It's a marketing slogan. It's his capitalist identity. It's not the players name

Mithun said:

You just assumed all folk on footy forums are male. That's half the worlds population offended right there

Mithun said:
I'm convinced that our fav son

Use of text speak, everyone hates that

You then went on to offend homophobes with talk of a gay nature, sensible people with your talk of bollocks, and fans of Superman, because when Superman was displaying his 'super' powers, he wasn't wearing glasses; they were his normal disguise. You claim Ronaldo misses them while displaying his 'super' powers, a clear innacuracy

So, to summarise, you have failed

But I do agree Ronaldo is great! :)
Meanwhile back with Superman. Here's Valter di Salvo talking about Ron last March on an Italian radio show - incidentally he also said that Ron wouldn't be leaving United (it was pre the contract renewal) because Ron didn't want to go and United didn't want to sell, and that Ron wouldn't like it at a club like Real - much better off playing for United. Which of course we already knew.

«Tra i giocatori che ho avuto è quello che si avvicina di più all'atleta perfetto. La combinazione tra l'aspetto fisico e quello anagrafico è sorprendente. Ha soli 21 anni e fibre muscolari velocissime, esplosive, specifiche per il gioco del calcio. Un giocatore quasi unico.

"Of all the players I've had, he's the perfect athlete. The combination of physical makeup and age is amazing. He has just 22 years and muscle fibers fast, explosive - specific for the game of football. A player almost unique. As far as I am concerned is certainly the best athlete I have ever trained."
easy, i note and accept your points. No bad will intended only some light hearted fun for all.

The glasses reference was he does not need them in his normal state - hence the reference the only thing missing is the glasses.

And yes 'Superman' is the most apt comparison to Ronaldo at the moment. His entire make up and game is incredible.

Incredible, I think you managed to offend or alienate just about the entire population of the world with that opening introduction! Let me explain myself:

People can't stand Ronaldo being referred to in this way. It's a marketing slogan. It's his capitalist identity. It's not the players name

You just assumed all folk on footy forums are male. That's half the worlds population offended right there

Use of text speak, everyone hates that

You then went on to offend homophobes with talk of a gay nature, sensible people with your talk of bollocks, and fans of Superman, because when Superman was displaying his 'super' powers, he wasn't wearing glasses; they were his normal disguise. You claim Ronaldo misses them while displaying his 'super' powers, a clear innacuracy

So, to summarise, you have failed

But I do agree Ronaldo is great! :)
didn't he do a bit of a superman pose after his goal against the scousers as well?

Stood there for a bit, chest up, and hands on his hips..