IRC Chatroom


Zingle balls
Oct 19, 2005
I posted about this in the newbies when I had first joined and I was told that it'd already been tried.

I'm assuming that one of you guys has an idea about IRC, so I won't go into details. Why don't we have a chatroom for the world cup?
We had a chatroom

There were some incidents. I got blamed. It was deleted

That's all you need to know
noodlehair said:
We had a chatroom

There were some incidents. I got blamed. It was deleted

That's all you need to know
Did you get blamed? I bet you was bitching about people in there wasn't you?
Someone kept signing in as people already in there, so they'd get booted.
Also no one was really who they were anyway.
There was also something or another about people making racist remarks

I did manage to convince Yaps I was Plech
noodlehair said:
Someone kept signing in as people already in there, so they'd get booted.
Also no one was really who they were anyway.
There was also something or another about people making racist remarks

I did manage to convince Yaps I was Plech
I think the racism was against Saha i believe, i was who i said i was. i remeber someone pretending to be flashwok and GG.
I think people wouldn't be that immature when the world cup's going on. More important things to focus on.

We don't really have to care who is impersonating who, do we? Just ban them if they're trolling.

It'd be nice during the worldcup. I'm always on IRC.

What say you?
Chatrooms are crap, they remove posts from the forum, and the content is not logged in the forum database. If you want to chat, there are many IRC channels you can go to for synchronous conversation regarding United and football in general.
Most of them are idiots, though. I find that the redcafe members [sometimes] are intelligent.

They might remove posts from the forum, but the point of the forum is to discuss football, isn't it? Atleast that's why I come here. You'd basically do the same on an IRC chatroom. I don't think anyone will come here and read back on the hundreds of posts about each match.

This could be just for the world cup.
As far as I know, there is no way of making the chat exclusive to Caf members and making sure that you know who you are speaking to. With IRC anyone can logon as anyone.

Unless there is a speciall vBulletin plugin that allows for these resrictions.

The people with mode +o(ops) can set a key to the channel. Post the key on the website.

You don't have to use java clients to connect to IRC. Use mIRC.
zing said:

The people with mode +o(ops) can set a key to the channel. Post the key on the website.

You don't have to use java clients to connect to IRC. Use mIRC.

How do you stop you logging in as me?
There are ways.

It depends on the network that you go to.

Undernet is the one that I frequent, I'll explain the method they work in:
You go to their website and register a login ID.
Like WeasteDevil with password "iluvronaldo" or whatever you'd like

Use mIRC[I'm not specifically saying that you have to use mIRC, but it is very user friendly; once I tell you what to do, you'll catch on you very quickly] and connect to undernet.

Log in to their identification bot[bot = 'internet robot' in layman's terms] by typing this:
/msg login weastedevil iluvronaldo

This will have you logged in and will be sufficient to identify whether you are actually weastedevil. Once you do a WHOIS on a person(a whois is a command to check a person's IP, what rooms they're in and other useless rubbish like that), it'll say "User is logged in as WeasteDevil'

To make it easier, if you just type //mode $me +x upon connecting, this will hide your IP and display your IP as

Then join the room made for redcafe by typing /join #roomname

All you need to do is just inform people on here what your login is.
The 'login' is independent of the actual nickname. The nickname can be anything.
It's all a bit complex, and anyway how can these conversations be logged?

These are the three reasons it was removed in the first place.

To get it back, and that would need discussion, the following would be required:

1. Nobody outside RedCafe membership could access it.
2. Members could not log in as other members.
3. The conversation is logged.

If you know a solution to these points as a whole, I'll gladly bring up the topic of reinstating it.

It actually might not actually be possible to do it anyway for logistical reasons.
1. Nobody outside RedCafe membership could access it.

Create a channel and I will have a friend put a bot in there. This bot will be connected 24/7 so that you won't lose control of the channel. By control, I mean that you will be able to kick, ban anyone who joins the channel; set the channel to invite only[you type a command to invite people], set a key[this is what you're looking for]

Imagine that you create a channel named #cafworldcup; you can set the key to that channel by typing one line in mIRC and you give out the key on the WC forum or as a general announcement on the forum.

The only downside that I can think of is people will have to download a software[mIRC] to connect to it. The software is ~1MB and it should be no problem. I can write up a simple guide for you to connect to Undernet and join the channel.

Java chat can be arranged but that'd be too much work and I can't be bothered.

To make sure that members of the caf are not trolling in that channel, the admins or whoever you hand select can have control of the channel. I don't think any problem will arise. As you cannot be on the channel around the clock, I can ask some friends of mine[who are football fans I met on IRC] to join the channel and make sure no one's being an idiot.

2. Members could not log in as other members.

I have already explained this. Register a login ID for yourself on the IRC network's site and log in to it each time so that others will be able to identify that you are in fact who you say you are.

3. The conversation is logged.

mIRC provides an option to log chats.
It's not.

When you enter the channel, this is shown on the client

nicknamebeingused ( has joined the channel

the WeasteDevil part is a constant, that's what we're using to identify here.

Bloody hell, leave it actually =/
zing said:
It's not.

When you enter the channel, this is shown on the client

nicknamebeingused ( has joined the channel

the WeasteDevil part is a constant, that's what we're using to identify here.

Bloody hell, leave it actually =/

Ok, so how the hell are we supposed to make sure that every user on here gets logged on using their correct identity?

I'm not talking about me per se, but everyone. It's too open to a wind up!
retirantmobs said:
I think the racism was against Saha i believe, i was who i said i was. i remeber someone pretending to be flashwok and GG.
There were people pretending to be the mods and such. It caused some tension on the forum too.

Overall, it proved to be a bad idea.
That part wasn't actually me

I only pretended to be three or four different people
noodlehair said:
That part wasn't actually me

I only pretended to be three or four different people
Somone pretending to be me bought a sandwich off you without paying.
I'm afraid I can't agree with such a ridiculous accusation.
Parts of this incident actually occured outside of the chatroom

You should have paid me off before you got yourself sacked.
20 years old and already in debt
noodlehair said:
Parts of this incident actually occured outside of the chatroom

You should have paid me off before you got yourself sacked.
20 years old and already in debt