iPhone HD/4g.

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First Team Serb
Nov 27, 2006
Северна Страна
When do you guys think that this will be released in the UK?

I'm stuck with a fecked up C902 and am due an upgrade already. Carphone Warehouse ring me yesterday saying I can get a new phone, I say I want to wait for the new iPhone. The guy responds by saying its not going to be released in the UK till next year. To me its obvious he just wants to sell me a phone, but was wondering if he may have a point.

On the subject of phones, its beyond gay that you can't upgrade to another phone within your contract period i.e 18/24 months.

I'm gonna wait to the Steve Jobs talk on the iPhone next week, but I am tempted to just buy a 32GB 3G/S phone this week and be done with it. I just don't want it to backfire on me where the iPhone gets released in the UK in August/September or something like this.

What do you guys think?
Mine's up for renewal in September and I was thinking of getting one of these depending when it was released. If it's next year though I may just get a 3GS.
It's annoying me now, I wanted to get a HTC Desire but I think the apps on the iPhone are what makes it the best. As a phone HTC >>> 3Gs.
when the announcement is made next week you will probably see phones being shipped within 2 or 3 weeks

I would hold on if I was you, or you will be lumbered with an older model for 18/24 months while everyone else gets a shiny new one

If you go to the CPW website you can pick up a cheap PAYG phone to cover you for the next few weeks

It will be worth the wait.

Either that or sign up on the iphone, keep it really really clean, when the new one is announced, buy it on PAYG and sell the one you have just signed up for to go towards it
its widely expected to be announced on the 7th at Apple's WWDC so we will probably know more then and if past releases are anything to go by you can expect a release sometime in july.
maybe but im thinking beginning of july this time, dont ask me why and im probably hopelessly wide of the mark though
when the announcement is made next week you will probably see phones being shipped within 2 or 3 weeks

I would hold on if I was you, or you will be lumbered with an older model for 18/24 months while everyone else gets a shiny new one

If you go to the CPW website you can pick up a cheap PAYG phone to cover you for the next few weeks

It will be worth the wait.

Either that or sign up on the iphone, keep it really really clean, when the new one is announced, buy it on PAYG and sell the one you have just signed up for to go towards it

Thanks for that advice mate, I will wait for a bit longer and hopefully it won't come that much longer after it is released in the US.
Aye my iPhone 3GS can be upgraded in a months time, hopefully the new iPhone will be out by then :)
Last year the 3GS was announced on Monday 8th June and was released on Friday 19th June. So when the new one is announced this Monday, I think we can expect a similar release date or even sooner.
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