

Huseyin 10
May 9, 2004
Inspired by Hectic's thread, I realised some of the best music out there, is without anyone singing, just pure instrumentals. As a result, I've decided to make a CD, but need a few more suggestions. Instrumentals such as these:

Job done

Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky is by far my favorite

Like this one too

You've heard this before in one form or another:

I'd also recommend OC Remix as a good source. Very high quality remixes of your old favorite video game songs. Most of these would qualify as instrumentals.
Mason Williams - Classical Gas (Later cover by Eric Clapton)

instrumentals are one to me amazing, i dont start liking a song straight off the bat because of a melody from the vocals but more from the music.

And some of the best rock out bits ever have never had vocals and sometimes some music calls for vocals to not be there at all let the music breathe
Mason Williams - Classical Gas (Later cover by Eric Clapton)

I posted a version of this in the 3rd or 4th post check it out. It's by a guy called Willie Byrne he plays in a bar near me in Belfast every Friday, he's fecking excellent.

EDIT: Please try and ignore some of the horrible Belfast accents you here at times:lol: