

Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Is it any cop? I downloaded it on a whim but don't want to waste time on a crappy horror.

Opinions (and spoilers) please.
Scared shits out of me so if you are the type to frighten quite easily then i won't recommend it..

Apart from that quite a good storyline too.
For a horror movie, it received very good reviews. Everyone I spoke to said it was pretty scary. I think it will be worth it.
starts off good.
But it goes down hill very fast , when you get to the part when Dumber and Dumber come in to it and the crazy old women and if you dont laugh when she puts on the gas mask , well , you just will.
downxandxout sums it up well , there are parts that are scary , jumpy ad creepy , but the daft parts and there are many spoil the film for me.
For the first half an hour it is pretty creepy. I'm into my horror films and can't say that about many of them. It does go down hill fast and by the end you'll be wondering how they managed to feck up a film so badly after it started off so well.
Scary as hell in bits but the daftness at the end spoils it a bit.
Fecking awful movie and not scary at all.

Enjoyed the 1st 20 mins. Piss poor after that.
this was my post in the movie thread.


Watched this expecting good things , the opening titles were good very atmospheric, gave a sense of impending horror and to be honest it was going OK , a bit slow but building up to a good film.
Them in come Dumber and Dumber, never has a film crashed so far so fast and to make it worse you get the crazy old women , just what was all that with the gas mask all about.
About half way though I got bored , but stuck with it.
The ending was just rubbish when is somebody going to make a horror film that is really scary.
