Indiana Jones (may contain spoilers)

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likes to use pantyhose
Jan 23, 2008
The Colonies
The rest of the movie aside does anyone think its even remotely possible for him to survive that atomic bomb?

I have been having an argument since seeing the movie with a friend of mine about it

he says its possible

I saw its bloody fecking impossible in the circumstances of the movie

also does anyone know exactly what happens in an atomic blast I think its

1. radiation wave
2. heat wave
3. concussive blast wave
Well I guess if he can survive what comes out of the Ark at the end of Raiders, then he can survive anything, all he had to do in Raiders to block it was close his eyes.

Totally impossible though, cept for Indiana Jones world
Well I guess if he can survive what comes out of the Ark at the end of Raiders, then he can survive anything, all he had to do in Raiders to block it was close his eyes.

Totally impossible though, cept for Indiana Jones world

well we discussed that too and I came to the conclusion that, that instance involves magic and maybe closing your eyes is enough to counteract that
atomic bombs are science though and the effects are pretty definite
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