

"It's like..."
Apr 1, 2004
What's the opinion on this mob.

I was never really that into them at first, I liked "Pardon Me", and a couple of other tunes, but overall found them a bit weird.

Then I tagged along to see them live, and thought they were brilliant. Every song's just got so much thought put into it. They even managed to make a 10 minute drumathon sound good (well, almost, after the THIRD time they pretended to have finished only to carry on, it began to wear a bit thin).

I don't know though. I can't decide whether I really like them as a band, or not. I find myself playing along to them often, but also, there's still quite a few of their songs that seem like the musical equivalent of watching Wayne Rooney playing tennis against an octopus, using a golf club.

Good Incubus;

Bad Incubus

Their early stuff is still brilliant. I still listen to Fungus Amongus through to most of Make Yourself now, after that it becomes clear they thought feck it and went after the money (which is fair enough I suppose).
Good band although they haven't ever recaptured the excellence of Morning View which is in my opinion their best Album. They still continue to make good music although can be quite patchy and their certainly more alternative nowaday that rock.

I'd still go and buy one of their albums if they released one tommorow as it'd be better than alot of the shit that fills the market today and there bound to be something I like on it.

In short still a good band although most of what they release today isn't a patch on Morning view.
Talk shows on Mute a really great song. S.C.I.E.N.C.E is one of all time favourite drunk/stoned albums, all in all awesome prog/alt rock band.
See, not only can nobody decide whether they like them or not, but nobody can even agree on what songs/albums are and aren't shite. Usually there's at least a general consensus as to when a band did their best stuff.

See, not only can nobody decide whether they like them or not, but nobody can even agree on what songs/albums are and aren't shite. Usually there's at least a general consensus as to when a band did their best stuff.


I think they're really good...I'm more than decided!
See, not only can nobody decide whether they like them or not, but nobody can even agree on what songs/albums are and aren't shite. Usually there's at least a general consensus as to when a band did their best stuff.


I've said i think their a great band. I think the differences over what their best work is falls down to the fact that their style has changed so much over the years. Not a bad thing for a band going for nearly 20yrs to change its style every now and then. In fact its pretty essential(see Oasis).

The disagrements are down to personal preference.
Talk shows on Mute a really great song. S.C.I.E.N.C.E is one of all time favourite drunk/stoned albums, all in all awesome prog/alt rock band.

Yeah S.C.I.E.N.C.E. is probably their peak. Just a great album from start to finish.
They really are a band you have to be stoned or drunk to really appreciate.
Their early stuff is still brilliant. I still listen to Fungus Amongus through to most of Make Yourself now, after that it becomes clear they thought feck it and went after the money (which is fair enough I suppose).

Is pretty much right,

See, not only can nobody decide whether they like them or not, but nobody can even agree on what songs/albums are and aren't shite. Usually there's at least a general consensus as to when a band did their best stuff.


I'm fairly sure that I liked them in my college/stoned/absolutely fecked years, then I realised that they were putting less effort in and actually just making more palatable songs fopr a larger audience.
Incubus are my favourite band.

Fungus is a quality like funky album full of crazy stoner tunes

S.C.I.E.N.C.E is dirk lance going fecking mental with bass lines, brilliant album

Make Yourself is more typical american maintstreamish rock, still quality though with privelage, nowhere fast and out from under being immense songs

Morning View is a wonderful album. Just a phase is a fecking masterpiece and Aqueous Transmission is the ultimate song to fall asleep to.

A Crow Left of The Murder is a bit meh, i blame this on Ben Kenney. mainly because he is a twat.

Light Grenades is much better, with good songs like pendulous threads and rogues. still quite laid out, but im not a fan of mikes sound on it.

they are the best band ive seen live, mainly becasue brandons voice is fecking incredible, he sings in perfect e. he sounds better live than on the albums, you have to witness it.

fecking amazing band, i love the changes they make every album, so they all feel and sound vastly different.
Mike has a tendency to lead the band on a different course based on the music he's listening to during the writing/recording period. A Crow Left Of The Murder is by far their worst I think, but it's still a half decent album. Light Grenades grew on me after a few months, Rogues and Dig being my favorites.
Crow Left Of The Murder is a great album.

Personally im not a fan of Science

I know that is blasphemy to most Incubus fans but they get better with each album.

They are a band who have really matured into their sound.
I disliked morning view, but apart from that this is a feckin great band, first album was outstanding, they did change over the years but were still mint.
Morning View is easily their best album. FACHT.

goddamn it balsoma, dont you dare "FACHT" me, ill kill you, do you hear

in hindsight, its the only album i actually bought using money

i do like: Nice to know you, circles, wish you were here, blood on the ground, warning, under my umbrella

wow, thats like over half the album, i totally retract my statement sir
goddamn it balsoma, dont you dare "FACHT" me, ill kill you, do you hear

in hindsight, its the only album i actually bought using money

i do like: Nice to know you, circles, wish you were here, blood on the ground, warning, under my umbrella

wow, thats like over half the album, i totally retract my statement sir

Glad you agree:lol:, for me its their most complete album as its Half way between Make Yourself and Science. Some of their more recent stuff Light Grenedes etc has been mostly pitched at a more indie sound and with less from DJ Kilmore's decks in the background.

Shame if you ask me as one of their best aspects is the fact that they have an sound thats sort of NU metal without being actual NU metal, which suits me fine. Hopefully they go back to that sound on their next album.