Improving Lap Top Performance


has permanently erect nipples
Mar 6, 2008
My Laptop's about 12 months old. It's not running slowly but I have noticed it is definitely running slower than it used to. It's taking longer to boot up etc.

Any suggestions on how I can improve performance?
I don't really want to wipe everything and start again. I expect that would be a right pain in the arse.
check your virtual memory settings and your harddrive capacity, defrag your drive, remove temp files, check for memory resident programs you dont need etc
Remove stuff that you have no use for. DL CC cleaner and get it into action.
So starting with a simple "disk cleanup" is the way to go then?
Back up important files, and restore back to factory settings. 15 mins
Or use advanced systemcare 4 from 10 mins, should fix minor problems and delete unnecessary temp files and do basic reg repair.

Driverfinder, is useful as it makes updating all drivers quick and easy.
To be honest, nothing really beats a clean install. It can be a pain (though Win 7 makes things easier now) but just make sure to back up all you want to keep and it'll be fine.