I'm With You


Paz's ion
Oct 26, 2001
Walking in a whisky wonderland.
New RHCP album. Anyone else a tad disappointed? They can't replace John Frusciante obviously, but the great, complex, interlayered riffs that made their last few albums so good are now gone.

Having said that, Brendan's Death Song is pretty good. A guilty pleasure for a rainy day.
Didn't like it at first, a bit reminiscent of how I felt about Stadium Arcadium when it was first released. A few listens in I started to fall in love with some of the songs, Brendan's Death Song was always a stand out, but Look Around, Did I Let You Know & Police Station are among the best on the album.

I think the influence of Flea's 'Musical Theory' knowledge have a lot to do with this new album and has definitely sent the RHCP's music in another direction. It's a shame about Frusciante though, I loved his past work with the RHCP and some of his solo stuff. He was going to be a major loss to the band and towards this album... but Klinghoffer has done well to come in and add his own style and new ideas to the group. I'm just intrigued to know what he'll sound like on some of the older tracks on the tour :nervous:

The album is nowhere near the best by the RHCP, but after a few good long listens it's definitely a grower!
Not disappointed, because I expected not to like it at all....as it happens, I kinda enjoy Look Around and Brendans Death Song.
Once you get past the lack of Frusciante input, you realise it's actually a very good album far better than 99% of the dross released every year.

Even You, Brutus is superb.
It's uneven in places. I get the feeling that the whole album is the Chilis sharing little in-jokes and stories with each other, with the general audience not getting in on the sub-text. Who's Rain Dance Maggie anyway?

I felt like this about By The Way too, when it was first released, then eventually realised it was probably John Frusciante's finest work with the Chilis.

Brendan's Death Song is ace.
Klinghoffer's guitar is very quiet and elusive. There's a stillness to his playing that sort of clashes with how I always perceived the Chilis - high energy, head bopping, funky and subversive. Frusciante could do stillness, but his sounded more controlled, like he was bottling up all this sound for the song.
I came across the video for their latest single while channel-hopping in a hotel recently. The one where they rip off the U2 idea of playing a one-off "gig" on top of a building?

Christ it was dire. Painfully bland and self-indulgent AOR. The sort of shit you could imagine Jeremy Clarkson being into. Hard to imagine they were actually once kind of edgy and interesting.
I came across the video for their latest single while channel-hopping in a hotel recently. The one where they rip off the U2 idea of playing a one-off "gig" on top of a building?

Christ it was dire. Painfully bland and self-indulgent AOR. The sort of shit you could imagine Jeremy Clarkson being into. Hard to imagine they were actually once kind of edgy and interesting.

The U2 idea? Oh dear.
I thought it was pretty drab, but I admire spinoza's attempts to see how many entries he can get into Pseud's Corner this month.
I think there was probably an element of irony in the Chili's doing it also. Of course however I'm extremely biased towards RHCP and my opinion on them should be taken with that in mind.
I actually wasn't being ironic. Just never had any interest in The Beatles. They probably belong in a "Guilty Dislikes" thread. Bands you're supposed to like but don't. I don't dislike ALL their music but never got into them. Couldn't even tell you which video involved them playing on a roof-top. Mea culpa.
It was in Beatles documentary wasn't it? Let It Be? Which I don't think is available any more.
Pogue I usually love you....but for calling it the U2 idea makes me want to slap you. Gently.
Although I dare say some despicable sites like thepiratebay have illegal (and despicable) copies available available for free download.
Giving U2 credit for anything, never mind credit they don't deserve, doesn't sit comfortably with me either fwiw.

Oh and I have seen the Beatles vid. Just remembered. Didn't another band recently dub their own song over the footage? Or something similar? Like I keep saying, my memory's fecked.
Giving U2 credit for anything, never mind credit they don't deserve, doesn't sit comfortably with me either fwiw.

Oh and I have seen the Beatles vid. Just remembered. Didn't another band recently dub their own song over the footage? Or something similar? Like I keep saying, my memory's fecked.

Anyone gonna help me with this? It's starting to do my head in and google's no help.
I've no idea what you're talking about. But was it as pretentious as this?

Klinghoffer's guitar is very quiet and elusive. There's a stillness to his playing that sort of clashes with how I always perceived the Chilis - high energy, head bopping, funky and subversive. Frusciante could do stillness, but his sounded more controlled, like he was bottling up all this sound for the song.

Cos if not, I'm not interested.
I was disappointed. Couldn't get into the album at all, but then when I think about it, apart from Californication and Stadium Arcadium, I haven't really liked any of their albums.