I'm angry. I'm really angry


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
Listen cocktards i just lost a whole post. A WHOLE POST! And it wasn't your usual gaytard post either it was a fecking quality one, 3 paragraphs long. 3 PARAGRAPHS. And it was beautiful. I was explaining to the newbies what football is all about. I talked about passion and heartache and used loads of big words. I was on fire and everyone would have said 'what a fantastic post' 'well said' 'a-feckin-greed' etc etc.

Then i get this cnuting database error and lose the whole thing. And if you knew how many database errors its taken me to get here....THis type of thing never happened when noodle wasn't mod.



From redcafe
marcosdeto said:
look at the bright side, you pesimist, miracously, your avatar/tagline keeps working perfectly ...

unthankfull bastard

Yeah whats all that about?

I think my avatar is single handedly making the caf lag. Its about time we got rid me thinks.

Heres a few suggestions off the top of me head:-

Better than noodle
Superstar, stud, surveyor
Geeb's number one poster

SmashedHombre said:
Yeah whats all that about?

I think my avatar is single handedly making the caf lag. Its about time we got rid me thinks.

Heres a few suggestions off the top of me head:-

Better than noodle
Superstar, stud, surveyor
Geeb's number one poster

Don´t worry, i know that there are plenty of caf members and visitors willing to sacrifice themselves in order to save your avatar.
whats worse than transfer muppets???

Lurking transfer muppets.

feck OFF you Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime!!! :angry:
marcosdeto said:
Don´t worry, i know that there are plenty of caf members and visitors willing to sacrifice themselves in order to save your avatar.

I know but seriously, i couldn't ask you to do that just for my sake. Its not right.

I'm willing to sacrifice it for the good of the caf, and the mental sanity of caf posters. No need to thank me, its just the kind of guy i am- a hero.
SmashedHombre said:
I know but seriously, i couldn't ask you to do that just for my sake. Its not right.

I'm willing to sacrifice it for the good of the caf, and the mental sanity of caf posters. No need to thank me, its just the kind of guy i am- a hero.
indeed you are a hero.
and thank you
SmashedHombre said:
Yeah whats all that about?

I think my avatar is single handedly making the caf lag. Its about time we got rid me thinks.

Heres a few suggestions off the top of me head:-

Better than noodle
Superstar, stud, surveyor
Geeb's number one poster


great suggestions there smashed - in fact they are taglines fit for a future mod and a class poster - only minor addition to the above would be IMO

Welsh and better than noodle
Welsh superstar, stud, surveyor
Geeb's number one Welsh poster

suits you sir
I agree with that firs sentence, whole-heartedly.

One minor problem though topper my good man...

suresh said:
Smashed's Welshness and avatar is what makes this site so unique. It should be maintained at all costs.

I might strike
suresh said:
Smashed's Welshness and avatar is what makes this site so unique. It should be maintained at all costs.

smashed has been recognised by all those in the know as having all the chareteristics of a Welshman - love of sheep, verboseness and love of poetry - so if it looks like a sheep smells like a sheep tastes like mutton then its Welsh smashed

in spite of this major flaw in his character he will be - to me at least - leader of the revolution and a mod in all but power :D
Then again, we should be wary of any potential abuse of power here. Imagine this scenario- 90% of the caf members behave like sheep, the other 10% sheepishly point this out every now and again. Would it be a good idea then to introduce a Welshman with a self-confessed penchant for shagging sheep as a mod?
suresh said:
Then again, we should be wary of any potential abuse of power here. Imagine this scenario- 90% of the caf members behave like sheep, the other 10% sheepishly point this out every now and again. Would it be a good idea then to introduce a Welshman with a self-confessed penchant for shagging sheep as a mod?

sheep like yeh

er you do have a point suresh - but lets hope Smashed doesn't see your comments because he might get upset - he's very sensitive you know - as a true leader should be of course