If you're only going to watch one movie this year...

That bungie jump scene was immense.

On another note, Eric Roberts should get a new agent.

:lol: Have to agree on both accounts there! I wasn't expecting to see Eric Roberts in something like this, I’m not saying he's a highly credible actor, but from a short appearance in The Dark Knight to this... yep sack the agent! :nervous:

Plus, what was the guy on the boat with the rifle aiming at!? :lol:
It's like Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus bred to create the ultimate killing machine. If only Mega Piranha could get involved. Oh and here's a quote from Deborah Gibson on possible sequels:

"Because God knows what else is in the ocean", she said. "I thought maybe a seahorse? Maybe a 500-foot (150 m) lobster would be good."

Giant Seahorse vs Mega Lobster?




omfg :lol:

What is with these monster animals series? Are they actually making good money making these?

side note: the rationalist in me hates these sort of flicks that seem to impose an evil spirit or will over animals, like Snakes on a Plane, Anaconda, etc... feeding people's stupid irrationalities which equate what they fear with intentional evil... s'stupid...
This looks almost as good as Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. I must see this.
So what type of shark or Octopus can breathe out of water ?

Almost convinced until then.