Ideal - Best UK Program?

Deleted 20801

Ideal for me is one of the best UK programs I've ever seen.

If you haven't yet visited Moz's flat, where each episode takes place for 4 seasons, then you are seriously missing out. Johnny Vegas is outstanding, and every character on there has their own brilliant bits.

It's just overtaken Peep Show for me.

Anyone who has watched it through will get this:

You alright Taaaannyaaaaaaaaaaa....
You alright Psychoooooo Paaaauullllllllllll......

Ideal is fecking brilliant - hardly anyone I know watches it though

Red Cafe Poker Tourney then MOTD2 and then back to back Ideal episodes - Sunday nights are quality nowadays ...

But Peep Show is still better ...
Ideal - Most underrated show I've ever seen.

Every episode is pure gold.
Love every episode. Cartoon head - What a Legend.

Cartoonhead is one of my favorites, but it has to be Stevel Kinevil!
When is season 5 scheduled to be screened? I have been watching sereis 4 on BBC3. I think they have 2 further episodes to run. Last night was the one about Nicki's birthday, cracking episode... "Alrite Moz, I'm on probation"
When is season 5 scheduled to be screened? I have been watching sereis 4 on BBC3. I think they have 2 further episodes to run. Last night was the one about Nicki's birthday, cracking episode... "Alrite Moz, I'm on probation"

I am also just watching Series 4 (although on BBC2 on Sunday nights) - i always get a bit confused about which series is which when they start switching from BB3 to BBC2 and all that

anyway according to Wiki, Series 5 has been commisioned and due to be broadcast soon (perhaps as soon as Series 4 finishes on BBC2 they will start Series 5 on BBC 3?)
The name of the show is actually a play on words for those who haven't worked it out yet.

Great show though and Johnny Vegas is perfectly cast.
ye it is quality!
didnt even realise that the new series had started as they hardly ever advertise it - was randomly flicking channels and just saw the first episode
It's back on again - caught the first of new series last night

Always suprised that more people don't rate it !
Yep, watched it last night too. Good episode and great show.