

New Member
Sep 17, 2009
Is this arguably the worst kids show ever created?

I had my nephews and nieces over for a few days and they would watch this show religiously. In case you don't know what it is, it's about a girl who runs a web-site (which really doesn't do anything except air her meaningless jokes). She has a few friends who are as untalented as she is, and an older brother who provides what can graciously be referred to as "the bulk of the comedy experience that is iCarly."

Even Sponnge Bob,which comes right after it, fairs better.

I just don't understand what amounts to entertainment these days.
I've actually seen some of this by accident. I can confirm that it is retarded.

But this programme certainly isn't alone. I can think of at least 2 or 3 other childrens t.v shows on at the moment that are equally poor.

Whatever happened to Keenan and Kel?!
I've actually seen some of this by accident. I can confirm that it is retarded.

But this programme certainly isn't alone. I can think of at least 2 or 3 other childrens t.v shows on at the moment that are equally poor.

Whatever happened to Keenan and Kel?!

Never heard of it (thank God, I guess) but have you seen how to be Indie?

It's insulting to both Indians and people with a disposition towards humor.
Never heard of it (thank God, I guess) but have you seen how to be Indie?

It's insulting to both Indians and people with a disposition towards humor.

I haven't seen it but I can imagine.

I blame the BBC Kids channel for this in particular Dick and Dom. They shouldn't be allowed on t.v.
Its for kids.

While some kids shows do have genuine quality when you look back at them, you have to take off the nostalgia goggles and admit that most of them are actually shit. Certainly thats the case for Kenan and Kel.
Who loves orange soda?
I remember the days when nickelodeon was better then disney. Somewhere during the late 90's early 00's, the quality rapidly decreased, and now you only see shit like this or drake and josh.

Thats not to say disney is a shitload better, but some of their shows/movies are/were decent enough.

Nothing comes close to keenan and kel though, nothing :(
I remember the days when nickelodeon was better then disney. Somewhere during the late 90's early 00's, the quality rapidly decreased, and now you only see shit like this or drake and josh.

Thats not to say disney is a shitload better, but some of their shows/movies are/were decent enough.

Nothing comes close to keenan and kel though, nothing :(

I'd rate several cartoons of the 90's up there with it.
X men, recess, dragonball Z, malcom in the middle etc all great shows, that the kids growing up in the 00's will most likely miss out on in favour of, icarly, a singing teenager who wears a wig and jonas :(
Recess was amazing, I think I saw every episode.
My 11 hyear old will just about watch it if it happens to be on. I think you need to be under 14 to enjoy it at all.
I remember the days when nickelodeon was better then disney. Somewhere during the late 90's early 00's, the quality rapidly decreased, and now you only see shit like this or drake and josh.

Thats not to say disney is a shitload better, but some of their shows/movies are/were decent enough.

Nothing comes close to keenan and kel though, nothing :(

I've downloaded and/or purchased all the best kids shows of my childhood for my son to watch as, I agree - moden stuff is awful - no wonder the average child is a thick, self-obsessed anti-social twat nowadays.

Also... "I...Put the screw...In the tuna!"
I've downloaded and/or purchased all the best kids shows of my childhood for my son to watch as, I agree - moden stuff is awful - no wonder the average child is a thick, self-obsessed anti-social twat nowadays.

Also... "I...Put the screw...In the tuna!"
