Fending off the urge
I remember watching the original a few years ago, heard how controversial it is when I was a child, being banned across several countries and stuff. I have to admit the controversial and the ruckus people have over it made me very curious, and when i finally got my hands on one copy i feel like i'm trippin into pirate's treasure (Mind you i was 15 at the time I watch the old one)
Now 15 years onwards we're seing the remake. I sense a renaisance of the exploitation genre on the door.
I Spit on Your Grave (2010) - IMDb
Now 15 years onwards we're seing the remake. I sense a renaisance of the exploitation genre on the door.
I Spit on Your Grave (2010) - IMDb
The chick reminds me of Lindsay Lohan with a smaller tits, overall pity enducing performance. It was quite nicely done in terms of camera works, lightning, it doesn't feel cheap. At times I feel for the female protagonist, but the older version delivers a more gut wrenching sick feeling witht he rough and very....very graphic description on the rape and how crude and violent it was. I can't believe they give this movie PG-13