I Spit on Your Grave (2010)


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
I remember watching the original a few years ago, heard how controversial it is when I was a child, being banned across several countries and stuff. I have to admit the controversial and the ruckus people have over it made me very curious, and when i finally got my hands on one copy i feel like i'm trippin into pirate's treasure (Mind you i was 15 at the time I watch the old one)

Now 15 years onwards we're seing the remake. I sense a renaisance of the exploitation genre on the door.

I Spit on Your Grave (2010) - IMDb

The chick reminds me of Lindsay Lohan with a smaller tits, overall pity enducing performance. It was quite nicely done in terms of camera works, lightning, it doesn't feel cheap. At times I feel for the female protagonist, but the older version delivers a more gut wrenching sick feeling witht he rough and very....very graphic description on the rape and how crude and violent it was. I can't believe they give this movie PG-13
Huh? This movie most certainly did not get PG-13, what are you on about?

Rated R for pervasive strong sadistic brutal violence, rape and torture, nudity and language. (R rated version)

Haven't seen it, mind
fecking hell, I remember the original of this......
I felt sick watching it, don't get me wrong, i love tits and stuffs, and abit of rough play is a valid fantasy for everyone.

But at the context of rape, humiliation and abuse, I really wonder what makes man kind capable of such monstrous atrocities, we're not talking about brainwashed freedom fighters from the third world, but this happens a lot even a more cultured environment.
Hmm. Just got this, should I watch it? I hate rape stories, but realize the worse the abuse for the main character, the more satisfying the revenge on the bad guys.
Hmm. Just got this, should I watch it? I hate rape stories, but realize the worse the abuse for the main character, the more satisfying the revenge on the bad guys.

That depends on why you would wanna watch it, i've seen both, and I can say the original was far more disturbing on the first part (rape) and less on the revenge part. The newer one seems to be abit balance on both (when I say balance expect some innovative torture revenge instead of the usual come feck me and slice him up)

Either way, it's pretty disturbing