I need to write a complaint letter to my ISP

Stanley Road

Renaissance Man
Feb 19, 2001
Wrong Unstable Leadership
And i need one of you cnuts to do it

Topics to be included are.......

Line rental appearing from no where

Paying for them to transfer my phone and internet from previous provider which went horribly wrong and cost e time and money and i had to do it myself

Half the line speed i'm paying for

The constant murderous thoughts i'm having because of them
Darling fascist bully boy,

Give me some more money and better internet speeds, you bastard. May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman.

If I were you I'd wait til strong wind gets up outside, then go piss in it.... thats likely to be far more effective.
I got my BT idiocy dealt with without letters. ISPs in this country usually have High-Level Complaints departments which is for cases where things just go stupidly wrong after standard complaints (i.e. for my landline, we just wanted it to be reconnected. Some idiot from BT then came round and disconnected the whole damn thing and charged us for it). If that does not work, threaten to go to Otelo/CISAS (depending on which scheme they adhere to), then Ofcom if that fails. Keep records of all calls and emails (times, addresses, numbers, contacts, etc.). If they stop corresponding at all then you may even want to email the CEO of the company - which I ended up doing - and eventually that got done properly.

TelecomsAdvice - Ofcom telecommunications and Internet complaints, Ombudsman (Otelo) or (CISAS) Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
CEO e-mail addresses - CEO email address - chief executive officer - managing director - UK GB england
You know too much x42bn6.