I just watched a film I haven't seen for years

Man Utd Mrs

We all love our MUM
Oct 12, 2004
M.U.M. knows best.
..The Lovers starring Richard Beckinsale.
Geoffrey Bobbles Bonbon :lol:

I really enjoyed it !

"The Lovers film catches the special blend of down-to-earth common sense, humour and natural warmth of the Manchester people. Apart from showing the character of the city, it also uses well-known places like Manchester United Football Ground and the George Best boutique. The theme of the film is, however, applicable to and place in the country - indeed, to any country in the world. "

Makes you realise just how much Old Trafford has grown in size when you see the ending...


(I don't know who he is, but I'll take your word for it)

godber from porridge and alan from rising damp.

and her dad