I cant view the mosh pit

The problem is that I am a newbie. So not being able to see the only forum that I can post in is a tad problematic. :)
Surely no one could have any objections then, should you say, kick them out of the newbies
“If you're not on the list, you're not getting in.”

That was the only rule I saw.

Evidently, you musn't be on the list but don't let that deter you.
alonso767 said:
I was lobbying for you to have full posting rights, Wibs.

Unfortunately, my stock on there is about as high as it is here...

The voice(s) of "Reason" (aka Murt, Welsh Red and Kofi) are no doubt in my corner as well. ;)
I assume that Welsh Red has not accepted my offer of a return to this place in return for a minor apology to the mods by pm?

Or has his head exploded because I said Baaaah to him?
He acts very Welsh though.

He is probably trying to set fire to a holiday home as we speak. Sadly the wave of phlem caused by him saying "I don't understand" in Welsh is making the matches too damp to use.
