I am tamping with microsoft


Redcafe Yahoo Pool champion 2007
Mar 16, 2006
ive had an xbox ever since its come out, i have over 200 games between this xbox and 360, xbox live account, thousends of money put in.
anyway 2006 i purchesd an xbox 360, everything was great i loved it.
one month after the warranty run out i had the ring of death, this is a known and common fault and due to overheating?
so anyway i rung up microsoft they simply said it was a manufactual fault and they will send a bag to place the xbox in and send it to them for repair
so i did that and recieved in a week later working and great. they assured me it would never happen again and have updated the xbox or somthing ?
Fantastic customer service, i love microsoft!

now 2 weeks ago i had the ring of death again. i was expecting a similar service, i dont think having this ring of death was anything that i do wrong?
it is kept perfectly ventilated. even near a window for fresh air, i dont play on it for longer than and hour an a half usually.

i rang them up spoke to some "agent"
he said nothing they could do, its out of warranty and you can either buy a new xbox or pay a £98 repair, will you please do a survey on our customer service.
when i heard this news i wasnt pleased, poor agent i gave him a mouthful.

Toyota made a manufacter mistake, they recalled and repaired ever car that was sent around the world.
Xbox made a mistake they offer to fix it for you for a bomb!
great marketing ploy!

am i right to be angry ?
Truth hurts, but you should've bought a Toyota
Keep on at them as it is a manufacturing fault and as such it is their responsibilty to replace the unit. I have heard on other forums of people getting replacement after replacement even when out of warranty so dont let them try to con you or fob you off.
You should make the point that you are sick of having issues with their hardware and that you are not willing to part cash repairing or replacing it. Tell them you are going to replace your broken console with a playstation, and that by not replacing your faulty hardware they are losing a loyal customer and the associated revenue through software purchases, which is where they make there profit.
You should make the point that you are sick of having issues with their hardware and that you are not willing to part cash repairing or replacing it. Tell them you are going to replace your broken console with a playstation, and that by not replacing your faulty hardware they are losing a loyal customer and the associated revenue through software purchases, which is where they make there profit.

that sounds effective, thanks. i might hasstle their email help service first then get cracking on the phone I will probably just read what you wrote, and i will read it very loudly and indignant.

Do they deliberatly make a console which will brake down after the warranty runs out and then charge them a crazy amount!
Why don't you ring them up again and speak to someone else, explain that it's not the first time its happened, and that it shouldn't keep happening... if he says the same thing against, then ask to speak to someone higher up, and either negotiate down the cost of the repair, or manage to persuade that persoon into giving you it for free.
Ring them up again, and demand to speak to the manager. The managers always cave and usually offer you shit like free repairs and stuff. I worked in a call-centre once, only for 6months, but in that time I was promoted to 'product specialist' and even I could hand out free crap. Managers never want to speak to customers, so usually just end up agreeing to do something for free or offering compensation
Do they deliberatly make a console which will brake down after the warranty runs out and then charge them a crazy amount!

Nope, the amount of money they have lost through this is quite vast I imagine.

Mine got the RROD once and like your first experience I was very impressed by their service. I think the whole process took about 10 days. Hope it doesnt happen again judging by your more recent issue