How on Earth...

Scoreboard Red

New Member
May 29, 2009
In bed with Berbatov's dad
...have Benicio Del Toro and Nicolas Cage both won Oscars?
Cage is a much discussed matter, with winning the gong for Leaving Las Vegas then pulling in incredibly bizarre performances in numerous efforts like The Wicker Man, Bad Lieutenant and Snake Eyes to name but a small few.
But what about Benicio? From his stellar performance in Traffic, he has resulted in The Wolfman, which I am currently about halfway through (I'll watch the rest later on). His acting is pathetically bad; OK, I know it's a horror movie and a bit of fun but come on, he's no Johnny Depp who can do thriller/horror with a degree of campness and get away with it, Del Toro just seems confused and careless. Is he going for casual-cool or is he genuinely not bothered?
And why is he doing the Magnum Gold adverts?
Del Toro>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gary Neville>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hell>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Richter>>>>>>>>>>>>Graham Norton>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nicolas Cage
Cage I have no idea, the fact he's got one kinda singlehandly ruins the credibility of the whole award just like how he tends to singlehandly ruin the movies he stars in.

If Halle Berry can win an oscar, I have no problem with Benico or Cage winning one either. They have become meaningless awards anyway. Half the time it seems the studios just decide it's time to give out an award to someone and then you never heard from them again.
Del Toro was great in Fear and Loating, Traffic, 21 grams, Che ,Usual Suspects. Don't think his acting credentials can be questioned.
Havent seen Wolfman, though I heard that the movie as a whole was quite gash.
...have Benicio Del Toro and Nicolas Cage both won Oscars?
Cage is a much discussed matter, with winning the gong for Leaving Las Vegas then pulling in incredibly bizarre performances in numerous efforts like The Wicker Man, Bad Lieutenant and Snake Eyes to name but a small few.
But what about Benicio? From his stellar performance in Traffic, he has resulted in The Wolfman, which I am currently about halfway through (I'll watch the rest later on). His acting is pathetically bad; OK, I know it's a horror movie and a bit of fun but come on, he's no Johnny Depp who can do thriller/horror with a degree of campness and get away with it, Del Toro just seems confused and careless. Is he going for casual-cool or is he genuinely not bothered?
And why is he doing the Magnum Gold adverts?

Simple - You only have to be good in one film to win an Oscar.

Even so, Del Torro is a great actor. Have you not seen the Usual Suspects or Che?

Cage does too many shit movies. Hes a decent actor though.