How much...(ebay question)


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
Could I feasibly accept to receive if I flogged about 16-18 360 games on ebay, all in one lot? Was thinking of asking for about £120-£140, does that seem reasonable to you spackers? I have never sold anything on ebay before in my life so have no idea the kind of price range I should be looking at.

Games are.

COD3 Gold Edition
Vegas 1
Veags 2
Tony Hawks Project 8
Enchanted Arms
Fifa 08
Flatout Ultimate Carnage
Assassins Creed
Lost Odyssey
Ninety Nine Nights
Splinter Cell
C&C 3 Kanes Wrath
Quake Wars

Some truly shit games in there, I know. I also get that my chances of selling them all in one go are slim, but can't be fecked to sell them individually. Also half debating putting Fable 2 and Gears 1 (even possible 2 as well) in there. (Yes I am skint and need food more than games unfortunately, so I'm being ruthless). I also can;t be arsed putting them on ebay if I'm not going to receive anything around £120, so what do you reckon caftards?
What you can do is go to and see how much you'd get for them at Computer Exchange and how much they'd sell for. Then you can get an idea of how much you might want to earn for your lot.

£28 for world at war according to that site. Not bad

I'll give you a tin of beans and a box of cereal.

Sold. But I will only deal for pokemon cereal, with the mashmallowy bits.
£28 for world at war according to that site. Not bad
Then what you can do is figure out what the combined price of all your games would be and set a slightly lower amount as your Buy It Now price (because people would then rather get it from you then CEX if you're doing it cheaper). Alternatively you can set a much lower price and set it to auction and see who bids highest - this might even get you more than you hoped for.
Do a bit of marketing and check the going rate of them on ebay already.

CEX. I'd go instore if you want money. Have heard cheques bounce from them sometimes ordering off the net. They are okay in store, have traded a few things with them. Then again they sometimes tell you they have no cash left, to try and get you to take their credit vouchers. Rumours were around they were about to go out of business but nothing came of it.

Some views on them -

BTW is C&C3 any good? I was thinking of getting it for the PC.
Mate, you should unbundle and sell them one by one.

Few people have this kind of money to spend on video games, plus the heavy players who could pay this amount probably have most of the games you're selling.