How far do you sit away from your tv when gaming?

Plan M

New Member
Aug 6, 2008
★ ★ ★
I bought a new 42" 1080p plasma for my gaming room on Friday and I am worried that I am sitting too close to the tv now as everything seems "much bigger".

I sit around 5ft away from the screen and fear that I am going to damage my eyes. The issue is, IF I am sitting too close then it's tough luck because my chair is the furthest away it can possibly go.

Do you guys use big tvs when gaming? Do you sit quite close?
I have a 50" 1080p plasma. I sit around 9 feet away.
I sit between probably 3 or 6 feet away from mine, it's a 37" never had any problems, it's probably more enjoyable the close you sit.
I use a 24" monitor for all my gaming needs, whether they be console or PC. So naturally I'm up close.
I have a 50" 1080p plasma. I sit around 9 feet away.

Cool, so I'm being paranoid?

This is my first plasma I've owned - always had LCDs before. I've been reading some horror stories on the net since buying it like screen burn, heat issues, using loads of electricity etc.
I think that is more of a problem with older models.
I've a 40" and I'm about 7ft away
I use a 24" monitor for all my gaming needs, whether they be console or PC. So naturally I'm up close.

How did you go about linking your consoles up to it? I got a new 27" monitor coming which i'd prefer to use for both tbh. I don't use TV itself in my room so that's a non-issue.
Well that was embarrassing. Never thought anyone would be silly enough to assault my Cafe account. Serves my right for leaving myself logged on at work.
How did you go about linking your consoles up to it? I got a new 27" monitor coming which i'd prefer to use for both tbh. I don't use TV itself in my room so that's a non-issue.

360 and PS3 via HDMI, and I get sound by audio out input through speakers.
I sit quite up close to my 32" LCD . Had to buy it really. I endured 6 months of PS3 on an SDTV and it was damn near impossible to make out any kind of lettering or annotation on the games.
Probably about 7-8 feet from my 40" in my room. I could get closer if I used my computer chair, but I always play when I'm on my bed.

If you sit too close, it'll mess up your eyes. That's what my parents always told me as a kid. :lol:
I stay away like this.

360 and PS3 via HDMI, and I get sound by audio out input through speakers.

Does the sound not go through the HDMI also then?

I don't have an Elite Xbox so can't use that, but I can always set my PS3 up to the monitor and use my Xbox on the large TV downstairs.

What's the quality like? For example, if I use the PS3 through the monitor for Blu-Ray on the PS3, considering the my monitor is full HD, so I expect it to make full use of the monitors capabilities?
Does the sound not go through the HDMI also then?

I don't have an Elite Xbox, but I can also set my PS3 up to the monitor and use my Xbox on the large TV downstairs.

Well it depends, my monitor doesn't have speakers, hence the audio out.
The closer the better. Before I moved I had a 37" TV and sat about 3" away.
Now I have a 46" and sit about 7 feet away. I prefer it to be 5 though but that's comfortably not possible atm.
Depends what I'm playing and what kind of mood I'm in. Messing about on a FPS or GTA or something I'll lay back in bed probably 10 or so feet away. Trying to put in a fast lap on GT5 I'll sit on the edge of the bed so a lot closer.
32" & about 2-3 feet. The whole "Don't sit to close or you'll ruin your eye-sight" thing became redundant when they applied shielding to CRT TV's, which was enforced by law.
About 4ft to 5ft, and it's a 42-inch plasma as well.