Hot Chip

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
One Life Stand - Could well be the most annoying song I have heard since Doctor Dwayne introduced me to Party in the USA. I want to fecking strangle the vocalist on it

Trust me, it's not even nearly in the same vein as Miley Cyrus. I can see how some people can respect Hot Chip with their electronic approach, but it's still really really irritating
It really is piss poor. I never listen to the radio but since moving into the new job it's on all the time. It just reminds me why I never got into listening to the radio because they're not churning out quality music. Radio stations are in bed with the labels.

Nuff said

Mind you, I also understand that stations can't be churning out zillions of different songs from different bands because it would cost them an arm and a leg in copywrite fees to PRS. I'm sure if said radio station promises to play Kids in Glass Houses 4 times a day for 4 weeks they get cheaper rates, and their choices are middle of the road enough for the vast majority of people to listen to.
wow both boring and lame. I can't believe this made it onto the radio, how awful!