Music Horsegirl

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000

19 year old kids out of Chicago. Stumbled across them the other day. If this is the direction music is heading we are in for an absolute treat in my opinion.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days.
There's clearly a big 90s grunge revival thing going on amongst younger people these days. It's quite interesting.

Band sounds good too. Anything that avoids synth - given how overused that's become - gets an up-vote from me (sorry synth heads)
There's clearly a big 90s grunge revival thing going on amongst younger people these days. It's quite interesting.

Band sounds good too. Anything that avoids synth - given how overused that's become - gets an up-vote from me (sorry synth heads)

Agreed. Thing with Horsegirl though is that they appear to have more to offer than just another 90's revival band. There is some really unique and original elements to their music. Actually even in Anti-Glory when they sing "Dance," it wasn't something I was expecting. I thought the song was taking a different journey and then it sort of knocks you out of that groove. Of course they head right back into the shoe-gaze vibe again. I've been very impressed. I have yet to hear a live performance of the song where the sound-tech has worked out how to manage the lead singers voice though. She sings right at the base of her range and so it's very difficult to belt out notes when you're choosing those notes.
Agreed. Thing with Horsegirl though is that they appear to have more to offer than just another 90's revival band. There is some really unique and original elements to their music. Actually even in Anti-Glory when they sing "Dance," it wasn't something I was expecting. I thought the song was taking a different journey and then it sort of knocks you out of that groove. Of course they head right back into the shoe-gaze vibe again. I've been very impressed. I have yet to hear a live performance of the song where the sound-tech has worked out how to manage the lead singers voice though. She sings right at the base of her range and so it's very difficult to belt out notes when you're choosing those notes.

You've clearly put more thought into it. I just find this kind of style timeless, like they're just three people with guitars, bass and drums having a bit of fun.
You've clearly put more thought into it. I just find this kind of style timeless, like they're just three people with guitars, bass and drums having a bit of fun.

Sorry. Just a bit excited but yeah totally agree

19 year old kids out of Chicago. Stumbled across them the other day. If this is the direction music is heading we are in for an absolute treat in my opinion.

I like this song and it's my kind of style.

But I have to say the local alt music scene here and in cities across America is full of bands performing songs like this. So if you are saying mainstream music is headed in that direction it's probably not but there is still a great alternate music scene we can all enjoy
I like this song and it's my kind of style.

But I have to say the local alt music scene here and in cities across America is full of bands performing songs like this. So if you are saying mainstream music is headed in that direction it's probably not but there is still a great alternate music scene we can all enjoy

That's a shame then. I guess we shall see. Also, I'm not saying anything. I'm hoping. Two entirely different things.
That's a shame then. I guess we shall see. Also, I'm not saying anything. I'm hoping. Two entirely different things.

As a fan of such music myself, I think its unrealistic in the near future to wait for a wave of it going mainstream. However, with the internet there are so many bands like that we can support with their own pockets of following. I enjoy a variety of music but this is the sort of music I love listening to live the most (along with some skate punk)
It really brings me back. Nirvana supported by Teenage Fanclub was my first gig aged 14 and I've always followed in that base vein whilst of course branching out into different genres. I do listen to as much indie underground as I can but felt Horsegirl are quite outstanding. There is just something different about them.

19 year old kids out of Chicago. Stumbled across them the other day. If this is the direction music is heading we are in for an absolute treat in my opinion.

Reminds me of early Snail Mail. Checkout the Habit EP if you haven't already.
I mean it's not bad but nothing groundbreaking either .
Just indie rock.
Assumed this would be about Owen’s daughter after seeing my Twitter feed this morning.

19 year old kids out of Chicago. Stumbled across them the other day. If this is the direction music is heading we are in for an absolute treat in my opinion.

I like.

Hints of Joy Division, grunge and 90's indie on first listen.