Horrible Bosses


Ripped :'(
Apr 22, 2008
Has anyone seen it? I thought it would be really bad but it was a decent movie to pass the time with some funny moments. Not too bad at all.
Jennifer Aniston gave me many a bad thought in that film, it actually being slightly funny was just a bonus for me.
The name puts me off. It sounds like a working title they couldn't be arsed changing. Most artless title ever given to a film?
I thought virtually the opposite. That for the cast and premise they had, they bottled making a really good dark comedy. It was alright, but it could've been much better, especially with Bateman, Day & Spacey on board, and a remit to be as dark as possible.

They also committed the cardinal sin of casting Jason Sudiekis.
I thought virtually the opposite. That for the cast and premise they had, they bottled making a really good dark comedy. It was alright, but it could've been much better, especially with Bateman, Day & Spacey on board, and a remit to be as dark as possible.

They also committed the cardinal sin of casting Jason Sudiekis.

I didn't really know anything much about the movie or cast beforehand so I was expecting a shocker but it was actually more entertaining than a lot of movies that have come out of Hollywood this past year.
I watched it because I read that Aniston played a total slag in it. Which she did. No nakedness, though. Get the hell outta here.
I didn't really know anything much about the movie or cast beforehand so I was expecting a shocker but it was actually more entertaining than a lot of movies that have come out of Hollywood this past year.

Ah ye see, I saw all the omnipresent advertising of Bateman, Day, Spacey, Farrell & Aniston (and that other one) on buses and what not, plus a lot of paper pics of Aniston felating a banana. I was expecting better.
I thought virtually the opposite. That for the cast and premise they had, they bottled making a really good dark comedy. It was alright, but it could've been much better, especially with Bateman, Day & Spacey on board, and a remit to be as dark as possible.

They also committed the cardinal sin of casting Jason Sudiekis.

Hate that prick. He shouldn't be cast as the funny man. He should be cast as the asshole like Bradley Cooper before The Hangover. A character you're supposed to hate.
The idea that having Jennifer Aniston as a filthy nympho boss would be a nightmare seemed a bit odd.

Enjoyed the film though. Not spectacular but made me laugh a few times.
The idea that having Jennifer Aniston as a filthy nympho boss would be a nightmare seemed a bit odd.

Enjoyed the film though. Not spectacular but made me laugh a few times.

To be fair they did play on that quite a bit, the 2 constantly took the piss of him for moaning about it.

I agree with a lot of people when they say it was funnier than expected, with the 3 main characters I didn't really know anything about them pre-this movie so I wouldn't be able to know if it could of been darker like Mockney says as I don't really know much about their previous roles. I was quite surprised with it being decent.
The idea that having Jennifer Aniston as a filthy nympho boss would be a nightmare seemed a bit odd.

Enjoyed the film though. Not spectacular but made me laugh a few times.

Yeah but if they cast someone ugly it wouldn't make as much money.
Has anyone seen it? I thought it would be really bad but it was a decent movie to pass the time with some funny moments. Not too bad at all.

Basically this.

Went in with no expectations thinking it would be a naff actor vehicle, was actually reasonably... well not impressed. Entertained? I laughed and it was better than I expected.

Although I agree with Mockney, if they'd gone darker with the script and made it a proper black comedy it could have been a classic. As it stands it was a reasonably entertaining film that most will quickly forget.
I saw it as a freebie preview and I thought it was ok. A few chucklesome moments and I enjoyed Spacey and Farrell revelling in the roles of despicable pricks.

Mockney is right about Sudekis, completely unbelievable as a ladies man. The film could have been a lot better with a darker/sharper script but it is still worth a couple of hours of your life.
Although I agree with Mockney, if they'd gone darker with the script and made it a proper black comedy it could have been a classic. As it stands it was a reasonably entertaining film that most will quickly forget.

See this is what I was thinking. Go the Bad Santa route (or even the Always Sunny Route, you've got Charlie Day) and it could've been a classic. It also would've worked better with Sudiekis' talent for being an unlikeable cnut.
I've never seen Sudiekis in anything but 30 Rock. Why is he so hated?
Charlie Day being Charlie but as a dentist was just as bad as Sudiekis really......I don't think that guy works outside of Sunny.

I barely found it funny at all, mostly down to a hugely lazy script really, although Jamie Foxx was the man.
The stills of aniston with the banana were a bit of a cock tease, that scene was barely viewable and last 2 seconds, ironically the amount of time id last with her