Homeless man sings Creep- Radiohead

Its a good song for an acoustic. The guy did OK but his voice is a bit shite TBH.
It's fecking good. He sang it with meaning and intensity. A song like that is made for treatments like this.
You have missed the point it had nothing to do with his singing, I really liked it because the lyrics suited his situation perfectly. And for what it's worth he can clearly sing and quite well.

Well, to be fair you don't know if he's infatuated with a certain woman or not, just that he's a hobo.
Brilliant. For all you fecktards claiming he can't sing, maybe technically he's not up to scratch, but technical skill is not the be all and end all of musical performance. Look at Ian Brown, he can't sing for shit live, yet I'd go to see him again and again, for the aura he commands and the electric atmosphere. The homeless man's lyrical emotion far and away compensates for his lack of technical ability, and refines the performance.
I found that quite beautiful in all honesty, i love the subtle changes he makes to the song along with the passion/intensity his voice brings.
Emotion and honesty is what i feel a lot of modern music lacks. Amateur/unsigned acts can bring a raw element that does compensate for any technical/experience they may be lacking.
that was excellent, he really put a lot of soul into singing that song and boy can he sing
He didn't go out of tune at any point, theres another video of him singing in (I think) central park, he's just a homeless dude, stood around singing his heart out. Except he's singing better than most retards in the industry.

You get feckin' noobs like Taylor Swift running around with acoustic guitars unable to sing but funded by Disney or whoever while guys like this, real musicians, sit on the street.

The music industry is so corrupt in essence it's screwed.
I enjoyed that. I think the people criticising him for not having the best voice technically are missing the point really.