"Homebrewing for all"


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.

This Phil Harrison guy is to games like Uwe Boll is to game films. A suit who just isn't in sync with what people want.

I like the idea of LittleBigPlanet, but ffs does he really think gamers will sit there wanting to create their own game environments all the time? Level building, in the truest form is difficult and time extensive, that's why 90% of all levels created for PC game are shit with a few diamonds in the rough.

Multiplayer will hit it's peak and people just will not ever have no desire to play normal single-player games.

Any opinions on this from our resident gamers?
I like the concept of it and I think I'll enjoy it. And from what I have seen creating and designing levels in LBP is anything but difficult.
Oh yeah in most games it looks like a laborious chore, but this looks fun, innovative and different. Like something Nintendo would produce!
I think that most people don't actually understand or "get" it.

Yep, which is further proof that the man is wrong. MMORPG's were the last wave of the future but are now dying down.

Little Big Planet is an excellent looking game and one I'm really looking forward to, but anything after is going to be old hat. I don't see this idea of user created content being king over actual proper design ever being anything other than it is now, a cool addition for people who really want to do it.