Hitler's Children

Not seen it, but in Norway we have the term "Tyskerunger", or at least had... Those who were descended of relations between Germans and Norwegians during the occupation were visciously bullied during the post-war years.

It certainly is one of the angles you rarely consider, when tallying the amount of bother the actions of the Nazi government caused.
Not seen it, but in Norway we have the term "Tyskerunger", or at least had... Those who were descended of relations between Germans and Norwegians during the occupation were visciously bullied during the post-war years.

It certainly is one of the angles you rarely consider, when tallying the amount of bother the actions of the Nazi government caused.

I felt quite sad for them to be honest. The grandchildren that were completely innocent, yet still feel guilty for the actions of their grandparents, and in some cases, the views of their parents!
Well it's not their fault, and must be pretty shit for them but if Germany had won the war I bet they'd be pretty happy right about now.