

The People's President
Oct 27, 2001
Free Palestine.
Who's getting Super Street Fighter 4 then? well?

It's basically SF4 with extra fighters that no one will use.
DLC? stop fecking with my head Weaste or else I'll start replying in binary. And no I haven't but I love the 360 controller. The PS3 one's a tad too small.
I'm more hide in corner and hope you miss or don't notice me, style. It works well.
Your fighter?

To be honest, nothing beats SF in two player. Nothing. It's so like the greatest beat'em ever!!
If I can actually get online once I have Super (which looks unlikely at the minute) I'll you all a game on PS3. I play Cammy.
My goal in life is to be Sagat

You'll be able to get Super SFIV on Friday for about twice that. I'd just get Super.
I thought this was about the band when I entered. And assuming Biscuit was referring to them with his "They're shit" comment, I'd agree.

As I've never owned a Street Fighter game I can't really add much else.
Apparently this version has better graphics on the 360 as well.

Conclusion: In our original Head2Head for Street Fighter IV, we gave the win to Xbox 360 for better graphics and better load times. But at the time we gave controls to PlayStation 3, and performance was tied. Since then, we removed “controller” as a category. In Super Street Fighter IV, we still give graphics to Xbox 360, even though it’s slight, and we still tied performance. However, now with PlayStation 3 having better load times, each console gets a separate win, and a tie, making this Head2Head a tie! We’re happy to see that Capcom went back and fixed PlayStation 3’s load times. In our Head2Head with Street Fighter IV, we were very displeased with Capcom for creating a poor port, and we outright blasted them for their laziness. Although we’re still disappointed that over a year later, a boat in the background still can’t get it’s own shadow, we’d like to congratulate Capcom for stepping up to the plate to fix PlayStation 3’s more obvious load time issue. Of course, we still look at Super Street Fighter IV and believe it could have honestly been DLC, but then our Head2Head is reserved more for the analysis, not reviewing.
I got Super but unfortunately can't play online so I'm stuck fighting the computer and doing trials and training mode. Sticking with Cammy again but I think I might try and learn Makoto as well.
I always end up being Ryu. But I do like that Dudley character. Love his punch combo.

LK-MK-MP-HP? Yeah, that's very tasty.

I've noticed a lot of people favouring him online too. I still have my best success with Ken. Which is to say, not very much.

Great game though. Can't stop playing it.